A Reasonable Question The Post & Email is reporting that Lou Dobbs countered the extreme criticism he has received for merely asking to see documentary evidence as to where the man who goes by the name Barack Hussein Obama II was born. His comments appear in yesterday’s edition of Esquire Magazine, in an interview he granted that publication.
Politco.com reported the news under the infantile category title: "Birther News."
Former CNN host Lou Dobbs is standing by his questioning of Barack Obama’s birthplace.
Dobbs told Esquire in an interview posted on the magazine’s website in Jan. 13, 2010, that questioning whether Obama was born in Hawaii -- as a certificate of live birth and state officials confirm -- is "common sense."
"I ask a question, and I am attacked from the extreme left as a quote-unquote birther," Dobbs told the magazine. "I mean, what the hell is that? When you can create a controversy by asking what seems to me still a perfectly common sense question?"
"It has been used in the extreme left to create a toxicity that is just unbelievable," he added.Seeing that there are numerous facts which support a reasonable basis of doubt about Obama’s place of birth, the virulence of the attack waged upon Lou Dobbs is just another nail in the coffin of Obama’s credibility.
Mr. "whatever you name is", if you were born in Hawaii, then show your original vital record! If you have been caught in a big lie, come clean and resign! For goodness sake.
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The only conspiracy is the media and the obots who suppress the revelation of AKA Obama's history
Obama “I have nothing to hide but I’m hiding it.”
20 hours ago
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