Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Glen Beck's attack on the constitution - Responses

from Stephen Pidgeon

Dear Mr. Beck:

You are ill-informed on the "birther" issue. Barack Obama, by his own admission, was a British subject at birth. He has never denied having a Kenyan father, who himself was a British subject as a Kenyan native. This is easly established under the British Nationality Act of 1948. He is therefore disqualified to run for the office of the President, because the office is not available to subjects of other governments. The issue is very simple, and very obvious. Obama himself admitted that he wasn't a natural born citizen when he debated Alan Keyes in 2004.

Let's see you deal with this one. There is nothing "nutty" about it, and it doesn't depend on whether his maternal grandmother tried to cover up a foreign birth in Hawaii by placing newspaper notices. It is as plain as your face. BHO is a foreign national first, and an American secondarily, if at all. That is why he thinks there are 57 states; why he doesn't understand the constitution; why he wants to give us Britain's health care system (it's all in the teeth, don't you know); why he thinks Interpol should have greater authority in the US than US law enforcement; etc. He is a British subject and has no business holding the office of POTUS.

If you think you can overlook this constitutional crisis as not part of the Rubicon, you are mistaken. One constitutional overlook breeds another and the next thing you know, the financial industry is nationalized, the auto industry is nationalized, the health care industry is about to be nationalized, and the energy industry will soon be nationalized.

Ultimately, it is all going to be okay, because socialism only lasts until other people's money (OPM) runs out, and binge spender BHO has spent all the money we have and all the money we will ever have for the next several generations. He spent all of this before he got his socialist healthcare on the table. He and his wife have partied like Eddie Murphy in The Distinguished Gentleman (1992) since taking office, while he has busied himself with overthrowing the constitutional republic, establishing a new Islamic empire worldwide, disarming and crippling America, and unilaterally dividing Israel and Jerusalem. The only budget constraint for Obama is ink and paper (and he is working his way around that) and his foreign policy advisor appears to be "mirror, mirror on the wall". He has bankrupted the nation, which the sleeping Oprah watchers are now discovering for the very first time. The reality of the bankruptcy will hit home with gusto in 2010. Not only will we suffer with 30% unemployment, a complete collapse of real estate, and a complete collapse of the dollar, we will also suffer the slings and arrows of dramatic military defeats, as we let this foreigner steer the ship of state. Most Americans have no idea how bad it is going to get.

As for Obama: he will be one of history's most reviled figures - on a par with Nero - as a fool who couldn't even understand that when he denigrated the United States, he was destroying the very state upon which his safety and his legacy depended. He will suffer dramatic defeat in Afghanistan and Iraq - it will not be like Viet Nam, and his name will be tarred with it. It will be more like the disastrous defeat of Xerxes at Salamis, or the Ottomans at Sisek, or the Moors at Tours; a game changing defeat that will forever cement the destiny of the republic known as the United States of America. Obama will join the other names in history who suffered cataclysmic losses in the lands of Magog.

His legacy? A communist, collectivist fool, brainwashed by red diaper doper babies haunting the halls of ivy league academia whose agenda was to bring back the failed Bolshevik revolution worldwide, who brought his fully bloomed ignorance to power illegally in the US because of the needs of his narcissistic ego, whose illegitimacy caused the US to go bankrupt and to suffer its worst military setbacks in the history of the nation in just a few short months. History will marvel at the foolishness of Americans, and historians will wonder how we as a people could have allowed this to happen. Then, of course, historians will ultimately conclude that the demise of the greatest nation the world had ever known happened because the watchdogs whose duty it was to warn Americans of such possibilities - the so-called news media - conspired with foreign powers and global financial criminals to destroy America from the inside, as a result of their cowardice, malevolence and silence.

Glen Beck: a media persona who simply could not bring himself to utter the truth about Obama - that he is a usurper, holding the presidency illegally and unconstitutionally, because he is without a legal birthright. Let us never forget who shirked their duty to tell the truth in these last hours, and let us not allow history to forget.


Update by Alan Keyes Glenn Beck helps to destroy US Constitution’s authority?

I know that by now some of you have seen or heard about Glenn Beck’s deceptive tirade on the issue of Obama’s constitutional eligibility for the office of President of the United States. I will respond in my appearance tonight on Stan Solomon’s show (cpnlive.com at 7:30 PM EST.) Join us.END Update

For some time, I have wondered about the staff of assistants and researchers for people such as Glenn Beck. For some reason early on, Glenn Beck avoided Obama’s eligibility. There were various theories floating around about Fox putting pressure on it’s show hosts to not touch the issue. Of course the Orwellian efforts of the Obama camp to form public opinion about where Obama was born, evidence supplied and rewriting the Constitution on Natural born citizen, could have swayed Beck for a while. I wondered many times about the motivation of Beck’s so called researchers.

Yesterday the Citizen Wells blog presented the following after Glenn Beck made some non factual statements about Obama’s eligibilty, embraced the far left demeaning definition of “birthers” and insulted millions of concerned Americans.

“Glenn Beck, I believe this quote came from your newsletter:

“Just like the notorious ’seminar callers’ Rush talks about, there is a new type of seminar caller out there trying to get on talk radio: the birther. Sure, there are plenty of idiots out there who actually think Barack Obama was not born in the United States and this is a way to get him impeached. But most reasonable people don’t believe that. It’s so ridiculous that it’s actually a good distraction for Obama, because it’s an easy win for him and distracts from the real issues. Is that why so many birthers seem to be on different talk shows lately?””

“While I might agree that there are other priorities to focus on, insulting hard working, concerned Americans, Americans who believe that the US Constitution is still relevant and still the law of the land, is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.”Citizen Wells and concerned Americans demand apology from Glenn Beck

Today Zach of the ZachJonesIsHome blog, veteran, well educated patriot, did some research. From his comment on this blog.

“2010/01/05 at 10:50amUpdate on Glenn Beck’s deriding us.

Yesterday someone suggested that I should go to the 9/12 Project tab on this site to make sure Glenn Beck is aware of all of this. There’s a place on the page that says: Talk to Us!

I sent an email followed by Discussion text and the following in the subject line:Please! I just want to make sure Glenn reads this: GlennBeck’s Radio – I heard that he angered a lot of people today
This is the response I received from the webmaster:
webmaster@theglennbeck912project.com to meshow details 7:12 PM (14 hours ago)
And your point?
We agree with Glenn – the birther nonsense is a massive waste of time. We will not answer future emails about this foolishness.
——– Original Message ——–Subject: Please! I just want to make sure Glenn reads this: GlennBeck’s Radio – I heard that he angered a lot of people today
And this was my reply:
My point is: How are Mr. Beck and yourself different from the far left who choose to name call instead of addressing the issue? Have a nice day. Sincerely disappointed, Zach Jones”
Zach’s bloghttp://zachjonesishome.wordpress.com/

Glenn Beck, are you paying attention?Do you know your employees?Do you know who your staff is working for?Glenn Beck, you still owe the American public an apology.WellsI will not back down
Many thanks to Zach.
Dear Glenn Beck,

I realize you’re enjoying great ratings, all things considered, but what you don’t say is infuriating those, like me, who have spent one heck of a lot of time doing what you won’t.., telling the people the truth and truth is ever so simple.., BHO is not now nor has he ever been qualified to be POTUS by virtue of the FACT that his father was British and never an American citizen (Article II Section I Paragraph V). Just look to your archives of the 2004 senate campaign and he himself acknowledges this fact.

I do find it rather interesting that you spend time showing Americans that he has a Marxist background.., Duh, but what you refuse to tell the American public is that anything he has or will sign is null and void simply and positively because he is and was ineligible to run for the highest office in the land.

Those of us who have paid attention will remember forever your refusal to reveal the facts in this Constitutional crisis and all your buddies in the MSM will have their day of reckoning regardless of what you now choose to do. The usurper is my sworn enemy and will be brought to justice by virtue of the Hatch Act and the Smith Act which, by the way, have never been overturned. You, my media minion are subject to those very same laws as are all who are complicit in this, the greatest crime of the century.

Count your days and continue to spew the pabulum you think your audience will buy but you , the criminals and their co-conspirators will see who has the last laugh.

The Bastille can be swarmed in many different ways.

Carl Swensson
MarieG21 writes:
I must tell you, Glen Beck, that you are a PATHETIC MORON. I listened to some of your radio show as you and some others laughed and ridiculed what you call BIRTHERS!

Well I am beginning to think that all of your exposures on your Glen Beck Show on Fox is all about the GOOD COP BAD COP routine. You may want to appear as if you are digging deep into corruption, but when you can carry on and condescendingly laugh at Americans who want to see the Constitution upheld, you are a sad and pathetic excuse for a news commentator just like all the rest.

Obama's father was a Kenyan under British rule which gave him British citizenship which he conferred on to the other MORON in the oval office. Obama also had Indonesian citizenship, which means he not only still has British citizenship which would make him a dual citizen, but probably also holds Indonesian citizenship. Under our Constitution you must be A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN to be President, which means even if you are born on US soil you must be the child of TWO AMERICAN CITIZENS - GET IT - JERK.

We had another person who held office years ago, Chester Arthur, who also hid all of his documents, which were discovered much later proving he also was INELLIGIBLE. So, HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF, DOESN'T IT!

Well you can continue to laugh all you want, but you know what they say, THE ONE WHO LAUGHS LAST LAUGHS THE LOUDEST! In the end I guess you will be EATING ALOT OF THAT CROW that you have been throwing around with the rest of your media pals.

Have the GUTS TO RESPOND TO ME. Marie, Brooklyn, New York
Aristotle the Hun Says:
Obama is keeping the best available evidence secret. That is established fact, not theory. Let's just add suppression of evidence to the other charges of election fraud, campaign finance violations and filing fraudulent documents in all 50 states.

No matter what you might think there is no escaping that AKA Obama is not practicing the virtue of full disclosure.

In 1961, the Public Health Services, U. S Department of Health, Education and Welfare, National Center for Health Statistics, National Vital Statistics Division published the "Vital Statistics of the United States

Here is a blank copy of the Standard Certificate of Live Birth. This is the information being hidden by Obama.


Plus read the article that is included with the blank copy.

If you are not suspicious of a man who hides his history I have a bridge in the desert I want to sell you.

If you are unwilling to call for an investigation of a man who attempts to sell you a bridge in the desert I have some beach front property in Florida at the intersection of I75 and Florida # 29 that I want you to buy.

If you place a down payment on a contract for the bridge in the desert and the beach front property in the swamp I would conclude that you voted for Obama

Do you really think AKA Obama would have won the election if all the things he is hiding were made known?

Do you really think AKA Obama will be able to finish his first term if all the things he is hiding are made known?

The only conspiracy is the media and the obots who suppress the revelation of AKA Obama's history

Obama “I have nothing to hide but I’m hiding it.”

Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.

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