Poll summary below
Based on a recent update to News.TheRightSideOfLife.com, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Indiana have joined Arizona in producing eligibility bills regarding the presidency (and, in some, the vice presidency). In fact, Indiana’s SB82 is all about “standing,” the ability for a certain class of citizens to rightfully petition the Judiciary with respect to a candidate.
Sample of various polls
AOL poll: 81% want Obama to release it
Say president should show American people birth certificate
Less Than Half Of Republicans Believe Obama Was Born In U.S.
Despite near media blackout on coverage, 49.3% 'troubled,' think he should release birth certificate
67% polled support Palin's remarks about Obama birth
Do You Believe the Obama Birth Certificate Issue Is Worth Pursuing? YES - 42.52%
Thirty- four percent of Tennesseans say it is either probably or definitely true that Obama was born in another country
If you think that only far right-wing nut cases believe these wild conspiracy theories, think again. Recent polls reveal some surprising results:
A September Public Policy poll indicated that only 59% of voters believe that President Obama was born in the United States, with 23% saying he was not, and 18% undecided. Among Republicans only, 64 percent were either not sure or disbelieved the president was born in this country.
An earlier poll in August on http://www.politico.com/ showed similar findings. In fact, when you took out minorities from that poll, 83 percent of southern whites said they doubted or were unsure about whether Obama was born in the U.S.
In mid-September, a Daily Kos poll in Arkansas asked the state’s residents if they believed Barack Obama was born in the U.S. Thirty-seven percent said “no” or were “unsure.”
Barely half of North Carolina voters believe that President Barack Obama was born in the U.S., according to an August poll by Public Policy Polling. Twenty-six percent of those surveyed said they don’t believe Obama was born in the U.S. and 20 percent said they were not sure.
Also in August, at least 10 Republicans Congressmen, led by Rep. John Campbell of California and Rep. Bob Goodlaite of Virginia, sponsored a bill that would require possible candidates for president to release their birth certificates before running, but most didn’t want to talk about the current president’s birthplace when approached (see a funny video posted on http://www.politico.com/blogs/bensmith/0709/Danger_of_the_birthers.html)
7 hours ago
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