America's Unspeakable Truth
Rob Cunningham
The children's fairytale, "The Emperor's New Clothes" powerfully reveals how societal groupthink and our natural human instincts combine to inhibit individuals from addressing uncomfortable topics. The moral of this children's fable is simple: Observing the obvious and then speaking the obvious, albeit simple in theory, oftentimes requires courage. Our default state of being is comfort or better yet, the avoidance of conflict.
In today's politically charged atmosphere, observing and speaking the obvious can be difficult and is often met with rage. Observations of truth are neither pro-Republican nor anti-Democrat. Truth is truth. No political party or politician is, has been or ever will be pure. America's national heritage and future greatness rests in truth, honesty, soundness of principles, and the recognition of inalienable, God given, individual liberties. These profound truths have and will define us like no other nation in history. Abandonment of these profound truths will lead to our demise.
Barrack Obama took office twenty months ago and today our country is raging. Youth unemployment is now 39%, home foreclosures, small businesses and personal bankruptcies rest at all time highs. Citizen hatred is being nationally stoked based on skin color, economic status, political ideology and religious beliefs. Government spending, political corruption, and unsustainable indebtedness are rising, and illegal immigrants are pouring into our society without restraint. Our Constitution is being perverted, twisted, gamed or ignored by those controlling the levers of federal power.
The very people responsible for speeding America to the brink of total collapse are proud, "on the record" America haters. They have published books, organized communities, overtaken mass media, infected classrooms, linked arms with international enemies of capitalism, bombed U.S. federal buildings, spewed hatred from church pulpits, funded terrorist flotillas and collectively plotted the overthrow of "Imperial America" in numerous published manuscripts. These very people are in our government today and actively advising President Obama. We are in the midst of the promised fundamental transformation. All societal ills are simply explained away as "failures of capitalism" and then exploited to rationalize the necessity to take further control over more personal freedoms.
To contrast America's Founding Fathers with Obama's Circle of Mentors could not possibly provide a more stark and frightening comparison of good vs. evil. Recognition of a loving God, individual liberty, personal freedom, limited government and self-determination on the one hand. Disdain for religion, collective rights, group identification, oppressive government rule and socialist redistribution of property based on victimhood status or "human rights" on the other hand. Even a young child can easily recognize the extreme differences between these ideologically opposite worldviews.
The elephant in America's living room can no longer be ignored. Neighbors must speak with neighbors. Pastors must speak with worshipers. Families must reunite. American history must be reintroduced to our society. We can no longer allow ourselves to be "re-educated," intimidated, belittled, threatened, deceived or divided by political elites, snobbish media activists or academic pinheads claiming their intellectual superiority trumps our God given common sense.
Our President represents a global movement that believes America is inherently racist, globally imperialistic, exploits workers, destroys Mother Earth and exists without enlightened rulers properly educated to micro-govern every detail of our society. Godless Marxists, atheists, socialists and global America haters defined and continue to influence our President's core beliefs and actions. These truths are without dispute. Rage if you must. Facts are facts.
Today's version of "The Emperor's New Clothes" is simple and frightening but most be spoken aloud.
Barrack Obama is aggressively destroying our country because he deeply hates America's founding principles.
Speaking the truth shall set us free.
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