“A nation that substitutes emotion and empathy for rational thought will eventually digress into the Dark Ages,”
U.S. Rep. King: Pres. Obama's immigration speech long on empathy and emotion, short on rational thought
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: John Kennedy July 1, 2010 Office: 202.226.2384
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congressman Steve King (R-IA), Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security and International Law, issued the following statement following President Barack Obama’s appearance this morning at the American University School of International Service.
“A nation that substitutes emotion and empathy for rational thought will eventually digress into the Dark Ages,” said King. The President’s immigration speech today was long on emotion and empathy, and short on rational thought.”
“President Obama said it’s logistically impossible to secure our 2,000 mile border with fences and boots on the ground. More than 2,000 years ago, Qin Shi Huang, 1st Emperor of China, connected the gaps in the 5,500 mile long Great Wall of China. The wall worked for the Chinese then, much like the security fence works to protect Israelis from Palestinian homicide bombers today. No rational person can logically assert that the USA in the 21st century cannot force all border traffic through legal ports of entry.”
“The second fallacy presented by our President was that legalizing more than 11 million people would free up law enforcement to stop ‘gangs and potential terrorists’ by allowing law-enforcement to focus their resources on criminals. Since most illegal aliens whose background would be checked do not have a legal documented existence in their own country, no background check could discover the criminal record of those who do not have for example, a birth certificate. Document fraud is the predictable result. Giving more than 11 million illegal aliens a legal means to cross the border will result in more, not less, border crossings, and more, not fewer, criminal cross-border acts.”
1 day ago
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