12 hours ago
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Army officer's supporters warn of 'greatest fraud ever' - Group joins doctor's campaign to challenge Obama's eligibility
Friday, October 08, 2010
WorldNetDaily Exclusive
Army officer's supporters warn of 'greatest fraud ever'
Group joins doctor's campaign to challenge Obama's eligibility
Posted: October 09, 2010
1:00 am Eastern
By Bob Unruh
Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin
An organization that says it linked an Army doctor challenging Barack Obama's eligibility with a new legal defense team contends the unveiling of the president's birth certificate would prove one of two things: he was a dual citizen or there has been "the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people."
Leaders of the United States Patriots Union have told WND the officer's arguments need to go beyond the quest for the president's original birth certificate because that would reveal only some of the evidence needed.
"A birth certificate would only prove one of two things – 1) Barack Hussein Obama (Sr) is his bloodline birth father and Barack Jr. was thereby a 'dual citizen' rather than natural born citizen at birth. In this case, Obama fails constitutional requirements," a statement prepared by the organization said.
See the movie Obama does not want you to see: Own the DVD that probes this unprecedented presidential-eligibility mystery!
Or, in the second case, "Barack Hussein Obama (Sr) is NOT his stated birth father on the birth records, in which case Obama has committed the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people."
"A birth certificate cannot solve Barack Hussein Obama's problem, unless and until an unconstitutional precedent can be set in court that 'natural-born' – 'native-born' and 'naturalized' are all one in the same. We know that they are not the same things, and why the Founders limited eligibility for the office of president to only 'natural-born' citizens. Anything less creates a very real national security crisis," the organization stated.
The statement was provided to WND by spokesman J.B. Williams, who explained the union and Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely helped introduce Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin to a new attorney, Lt. Col. Neal Puckett.
He reported the union also is putting together an "A Team" of expert legal counselors to support Puckett and Lakin.
Exactly what strategic changes, if any, will be made in Lakin's case are yet to be revealed. Lakin's position has been to maintain that there are enough legitimate questions about Obama's eligibility to support his conclusion that orders under Obama's chain of command could be illegal and he would, therefore, be required to disobey them.
(Story continues below)
Vallely, a noted military leader who now is a presence on the Internet with his Stand Up For America and Veteran Defenders, has told WND he thinks Obama should resign.
"We can wait no longer for a traditional change of power and new government," he warned during an earlier interview. "We now must call for the immediate resignation of Barry Soetoro (aka President Barack Hussein Obama) … based on incompetence, deceit, fraud, corruption, dishonesty and violation of the U.S. oath of office and the Constitution."
Lakin's strategy has been to seek verification of the legality of his orders. But Denise Lind, who is acting judge in the case, has ruled he cannot access Obama's records nor can he question those who have custody of Obama's records. She even ruled he could not explain that he believes the orders are illegal.
The restrictions ultimately could be problematic, since as a judge she must preserve Lakin's constitutional rights. Not doing so would be judicial error, much like an illegally recorded conversation being introduced as evidence, analysts noted.
Ultimately, Lakin's case could end up before the Supreme Court, which may have difficult ruling that he has no "standing" in the dispute. Virtually every other judge to date has concluded plaintiffs challenging Obama's eligibility lacked standing. But Lakin might be accorded standing, because the threat of jail time fulfills the requirement of facing a real and personal penalty.
Others serving on the Veterans Council of the Patriots Union include Ret. Brig. Gen. Jim Cash, Ret. Col. Harry Riley, Ret. Capt. Michael Trudell, Ret. Lt. Col. Harry SOloman, Reet. Lt. Col. Carmen Reynolds, Ret. Lt. Col. Debra A. Gunnoe and Ret. Lt. Col Greg Hollister.
The organization explains Lakin's case this way:
"LTC Lakin did not refuse movement on behalf of himself or his family. He has deployed to forward combat positions with honor and distinction numerous times over his decorated 18-year military career as a flight surgeon, and has publicly offered to deploy again if and when his concerns over the legality of the current chain of command can be remedied."
The organization said Lakin refused deployment "on behalf of his officers oath, the U.S. Constitution, his fellow soldiers and every American citizen also convinced that an ineligible commander-in-chief cannot issue legitimate orders."
The organization said the officer still faces a "corrupted" military justice system as well as "monstrous pressure" from the chain of command under Obama.
"Pressure from 'we the people' to find the truth must be greater than the pressure from the system to conceal the truth, or all that LTC Lakin has sacrificed will be for nothing," the organization's position paper said.
Among the positions the organization takes is that without a legitimate chain of command up to the president, there are problems with any orders or procedures.
"The authority to convene a courts-martial itself is without legal authority when the chain of command is broken at the top," the union position paper said. "This is true for any soldier who has been court-martialed under Barack Hussein Obama, or ordered to deploy by Barack Hussein Obama, until all reasonable doubt concerning Obama's eligibility can be removed by way of fact and evidence."
"This entire matter amounts to a national security crisis beyond monumental proportions, which is why everyone up the chain of command to the White House hopes to keep this case from ever reaching an honest unfettered discovery phase," the group said.
The American Patriot Foundation, which has been running the Safeguard our Constitution website and working in support of Lakin, meanwhile, has confirmed the public still will be able to use the channel to support Lakin.
The foundation said Lakin is focusing on the trial, scheduled Nov. 3-5.
"LTC Lakin is consistent in continuing on the same path that he announced publicly six months ago when he released his first YouTube video – and consistent with his military training, to continue to request assurance from Pentagon leadership that his military orders, including his deployment orders to Afghanistan, are legal – authorized at the highest level by a commander-in-chief who is constitutionally eligible, per Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution," the American Patriot Foundation said just yesterday.
"As a medical officer and not a lawyer or constitutional scholar, LTC Lakin is not laying claim to be the sole arbiter of the president's constitutionality in attempting to determine, without any genuine evidence to make such a determination, the president's 'natural born' citizen status," the organization said.
"The burden of proof rests solely on Barack Obama to demonstrate to the American people and to the U.S. armed forces that he commands, that he is lawfully serving in his current capacity as head of the executive branch of the federal government," the foundation said.
There have been dozens of lawsuits and challenges over the fact that Obama's eligibility never has been documented. The "Certification of Live Birth" his campaign posted online is a document that Hawaii has made available to those not born in the state.
Lakin has been charged by the Army with missing a movement, disobeying a lawful order and dereliction of duty.
Lakin is a physician and in his 18th year of service in the Army. He posted a video asking for the court-martial to determine Obama's eligibility.
He is board certified in family medicine and occupational and environmental medicine. He has been recognized for his outstanding service as a flight surgeon for year-long tours in Honduras, Bosnia and Afghanistan. He was also awarded the Bronze Star for his service in Afghanistan and recognized in 2005 as one of the Army Medical Department's outstanding flight surgeons.
The controversy stems from the Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, which states, "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President."
A number of challenges and lawsuits have been based on the constitutional requirement, some alleging Obama does not qualify because he was not born in Hawaii in 1961 as he claims. Others say he fails to qualify because he was a dual citizen of the U.S. and the United Kingdom when he was born, and the framers of the Constitution specifically excluded dual citizens from eligibility.
Complicating the issue is the fact that besides Obama's actual birth documentation, he has kept from the public documentation including his kindergarten records, Punahou school records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, scholarly articles from the University of Chicago, passport, medical records, files from his years as an Illinois state senator, Illinois State Bar Association records, baptism records and his adoption records.
Lakin posted a YouTube video challenging the Army to charge him over the issue.
In a later video, Lakin said the issue of evidence is important:
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