A great day for America, not for Obama

Osama is dead. Americans have a right to celebrate that. It is a great day for America. We owe a special debt of gratitude to our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines who made this day possible.
We owe Obama, nothing.
To paraphrase something Sarah Palin said recently, it is not hard to be courageous when you have no other choice.
Obama had no other choice.
When he was brought concrete evidence of Osama’s lair, in March the military suggested a very simple solution. Fly a couple of B-2 bombers over Pakistan drop several dozen 2,000 pound JDAM bombs on the compound and there would be nothing left.
Obama did not like that idea. He said he wanted proof that Osama was dead. So the plan to kill Osama was put on hold for weeks while the Navy Seals worked up a very difficult operation. This was an operation that put considerably more Americans at risk.
Yesterday the operation was executed. Thanks to the skill of our military personnel and the CIA team on the ground, Osama is dead and no Americans were injured.
Since the word of the death of Osama was made public, the left has been trying to spin this to make Obama look good. They want him to look like what he is not. Namely, a tough, aggressive leader.
Osama is dead today in spite of Obama, not because of him.
The intelligence that was used to make this raid possible came about first from the detention of high value Al Qaeda members and the use of enhanced interrogation techniques. In other words, the CIA water boarded someone.
Good for them.
If we had listened to Obama and the left, none of that would have happened. Over the last almost ten years, the left and Obama have demanded that we close Guantanamo. One of Obama’s first acts as President was to try and close GITMO. Fortunately, as with so many other things, he failed.
Obama ended the practice of using enhanced interrogation techniques. Had we listened to Obama in 2007, we never would have gotten the information that led us to Osama.
Obama made public the techniques we use to interrogate prisoners. Obama and his leftist friends demanded that we shut down the secret overseas prison network the CIA used to hold high value detainees.
Of course the left is silent about this today. A reporter for the Huffington Post, covering a celebration outside the White House claimed people outside the gates were shouting “four more years.”
The message the left has been sending today is that we must all worship Obama today for something he had very little to do with and had he had his way, would have never happened.
Today is a great day for America. It is a great day, not because of liberal politicians. It is a great day because of courageous Americans, like the Navy Seals and the CIA ground team that took terrible risks in order to eliminate an enemy of America.
Today is a great day and we should celebrate the fact that Osama can no longer threaten us. But let us also remember, that if Obama had had his way, Bin Laden would still be alive and smiling in his multi million dollar Pakistan home.
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