HB 1127 – Once again, the Florida Legislature passed a bill that would require a physician to use ultrasound technology to determine the gestational age of the unborn child before performing an abortion. Under this bill, the doctor would be required to give, show and explain the ultrasound to the mother of the child. This bill passed last year, but was vetoed by Governor Crist. The House sponsor was Rep. Liz Porter (R), (pictured left) a freshman member. The Senate sponsor was Sen. Ronda Storms (R) (pictured right). We appreciate their hard work on this important bill. House final vote: 81-37 Senate final vote: 24-15

HB 1247 – Florida passed a Parental Notification of Abortion law in 2005. This bill tightens the notification requirements to ensure that parents are being notified prior to their minor daughters receiving an abortion. It requires written notification to be sent via first class and certified mail. If physicians choose to call parents to notify them of the abortion, this bill requires them to follow up with a written notification. Under the previous law, parents could waive the right to notification with a signed note. To avoid forgeries, this law requires those notes to be notarized and dated no more than 30 days prior to the abortion.
Under the previous law, the child could petition a court within her District Court of Appeals district. In Florida, this means an adult could drive a child from Pensacola to Jacksonville (over 350 miles away) to find a judge to grant the waiver, a practice called judge shopping. This bill now requires the judicial waiver to be obtained from a judge within the circuit court district in which she lives.
Rep. Kelli Stargel (R) (left) and Sen. Alan Hays (R) (right) were the sponsors of the House and Senate bills. House final vote: 82-35 Senate final vote: 26-12

HB 97 – Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act passed by Congress, states are required to establish insurance exchanges through which residents and small businesses will be able to purchase government mandated insurance under the act. States were given the right to continue policies of not funding abortion procedures with state monies. This bill will prevent the state of Florida from using state dollars to purchase insurance policies that provide abortions.
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R),(left) a freshman Representative, and Sen. Steve Wise (R) (right) were the sponsors of the House and Senate bills. House final vote: 80-35 Senate final vote: 28-11
Victory # 4 – Ban on Taxpayer Funding of Abortion: Constitutional Amendment (on Ballot in 2012)

The resolution also limits the right to abortion in the state constitution to be no broader than the right to abortion in the U.S. Constitution. The Florida Supreme Court has ruled that the right to privacy in the state constitution confers broader rights to an abortion than that in the U.S. Constitution.
Rep. Dennis Baxley (R) (right) and Sen. Anitere Flores (R) (left) were the sponsors of the House and Senate bills. House final vote: 79-34 Senate final vote: 27-12

HB 501 – Florida was the first state to offer drivers the option to “Choose Life” and to support organizations around the state that assist mothers committed to placing their children for adoption. This popular license plate has been a resounding success, generating $751,580 in sales in 2009-2010. Unfortunately, over $300,000 remain in a state trust fund due to difficulties in distributing the funds. This bill will change the way the money is distributed to ensure that all of the money collected makes it way into the hands of those for whom it was intended.
Sen. Mike Fasano (R) (left) and Rep. Dennis Baxley (R) (right) were the sponsors of the Senate and House bills. House final vote: 82-35 Senate final vote: 28-10
Victory # 6 – Religious Freedom Amendment (on Ballot in 2012)

Sen. Thad Altman (R) (left) and Rep. Scott Plakon (R) (right) and were the sponsors of the Senate and House bills. House final vote: 81-35 Senate final vote: 26-10

HM 557 – This memorial encourages Congress to propose and submit to the states for ratification an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would enshrine the fundamental rights of parents in the U.S. Constitution.
Sen. Anitere Flores (R) (left) Rep. Marti Coley (R) (right) and were the sponsors of the Senate and House bills.
House final vote: Adopted on voice vote
Senate final vote: Adopted on voice vote
Senate final vote: Adopted on voice vote
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