Thursday, May 5, 2011

Judge Decides - The Public's Right to Know Outweighs the Politicians Right to Privacy!

 There is much of legal thinking that I don't understand, but let me put this forward. During the 2010 electionsa judge in Alaska made a rulling about a candidate keeping things secret from the people. Here is my take on that incident:  Hey Obama - The Public's Right to Know Outweighs the Politicians Right to Privacy!

"Mr. Miller's right to privacy is indeed outweighed by the public's significant interest in the background of a public figure who is running for the U.S. Senate."

Let's just rephrase that a little:

Mr. Obama's right to privacy is indeed outweighed by the public's significant interest in the background of a public figure who claims to be President of the United States.

From the Anchorage Daily News, Judge orders Miller documents released:

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