We are doing a mass emailing to everyone on our email list to raise awareness among your fellow citizens that the eligibility issue has not been settled with the release of the fraudulent birth certificate. Moreover a Supreme Court precedent has been found for the meaning of Natural Born Citizen. Obama is unraveling as he unravels our economy and nation. The idea is to give people something to consider during the July 4th holiday. Watch the first video for sure. Please Copy the email below and email it or post it widely. God Bless America and your families.
Since you are the conservative punditry, we wanted you to see what we are sending to the American Patriots. We are doing a mass emailing to everyone on our email list to raise awareness among your fellow citizens that the eligibility issue has not been settled with the release of the fraudulent birth certificate.� Moreover a Supreme Court precedent has been found for the meaning of Natural Born Citizen.� Obama is unraveling as he unravels our economy and nation. The idea is to give people something to consider during the July 4th holiday.� Watch the first video for sure.� Please forward the email below and post it widely.� God Bless America and your families.
As an American you are asked to take up the mantle of spreading the truth, by sending this message to everyone you know. Our way of life is in the balance.
As an American you are asked to take up the mantle of spreading the truth, by sending this message to everyone you know. Our way of life is in the balance.

Obama is not a natural born citizen, because his father is a foreign national.
Dean Haskins has prepared a short video Natural Born Citizen for Dummies that explains that the Supreme Court has a precedent declaring the meaning of Natural Born Citizen. He also unmasked all the shams used to obfuscate the meaning, including misquoting case law, redefining the meaning as native born, citizen at birth, and just plain citizen. Our founders were very clear and although the meaning of citizen has changed through legislation and the 14th Amendment, the meaning of natural born citizen has not changed, despite multiple attempts in the last few years.
The Democrat Party of Hawaii refused to declare Obama constitutionally eligible to be President in the 2008 election, creating a crisis. Nancy Pelosi solved the crisis by declaring Obama constitutionally eligible, but only submitted that wording to Hawaii. The other 49 states received no such assurance, although in previous elections the Democrat National Party had declared their candidates constitutionally eligible to hold office.
The Congressional Research Service wrote a memo that gave cover to all the Senators and Congressmen to accept Obama. Recently another memo has surfaced calling the first memo into question. All the people in government know of these attempts to subvert the Constitution. The obvious fraudulent four documents of birth have been a diversion to refocus the attention away from the fact that Obama is not eligible to be President, because he is not born of citizen parents.
Obama co-sponsored a Senate Resolution 511 that declared McCain a natural born citizen by virtue of having citizen parents. The resolution erroneously inferred that the meaning of natural born citizen had not been decided.
Barack has personally floated two fraudulent long form birth documents from the White House. His campaign has posted two different fraudulent short form documents from Democrat operative sites, giving Obama plausible deniability. Hawaii will not verify the White House documents as correct. The official stamp has a misspelled word. There is imperceptible seal evidence on the White House document. The numbers are out of sequence with known authentic long forms.

There is a fraudulent Social Security number being used by Obama and his selective service application, using this fraudulent number is made on a form in use years after the purported document was submitted.
Precedent of Supreme Court meaning of 'Natural Born Citizen' makes Obama ineligible to be President, even if he was born in America. Obama has not proved he was born in America and no independent authority has examined the source document.
The President's plan to save the economy is to increase taxes and increase the size and scope of government. This fits the classic definition of insanity, trying the same thing over and over expecting different results.
As an American you are asked to take up the mantle of spreading the truth, by sending this message to everyone you know. Our way of life is in the balance.

Donofrio Opinion on Natural Born Citizenship
Over 1500 posts of full in-depth discussion of all eligibility issues suitable for thesis:
A lawyer for the Congressional Research Service, provided a misleading paper, which officials relied upon to make erroneous decisions about natural born eligibility qualifications. Numerous attempts have been made to ease NBC requirement.
Documentation of fraudulent birth certificate
Maybe someone can explain why "Obama" has at least 16 stolen Social Security numbers, including 042-68-4425, which his White House pay check uses? Multiple private investigators have verified this and lawyers are in Federal District court to extract SS records:
Multiple cases and legislation are alive, in spite of Obama and other officials' best efforts to stamp them out:
Will states actually block Obama from ballot access?,0,3922827...
Appeal Hearing: Barnett, Drake, Keyes, et al, vs. Obama, May 2, 2011
Here is an excellent article by Kathleen Gotto which wraps it all up and calls for action:
World Net Daily has been a huge resource:

Obama is not a natural born citizen, because his father is a foreign national.
Dean Haskins has prepared a short video Natural Born Citizen for Dummies that explains that the Supreme Court has a precedent declaring the meaning of Natural Born Citizen. He also unmasked all the shams used to obfuscate the meaning, including misquoting case law, redefining the meaning as native born, citizen at birth, and just plain citizen. Our founders were very clear and although the meaning of citizen has changed through legislation and the 14th Amendment, the meaning of natural born citizen has not changed, despite multiple attempts in the last few years.
The Democrat Party of Hawaii refused to declare Obama constitutionally eligible to be President in the 2008 election, creating a crisis. Nancy Pelosi solved the crisis by declaring Obama constitutionally eligible, but only submitted that wording to Hawaii. The other 49 states received no such assurance, although in previous elections the Democrat National Party had declared their candidates constitutionally eligible to hold office.
The Congressional Research Service wrote a memo that gave cover to all the Senators and Congressmen to accept Obama. Recently another memo has surfaced calling the first memo into question. All the people in government know of these attempts to subvert the Constitution. The obvious fraudulent four documents of birth have been a diversion to refocus the attention away from the fact that Obama is not eligible to be President, because he is not born of citizen parents.
Obama co-sponsored a Senate Resolution 511 that declared McCain a natural born citizen by virtue of having citizen parents. The resolution erroneously inferred that the meaning of natural born citizen had not been decided.
Barack has personally floated two fraudulent long form birth documents from the White House. His campaign has posted two different fraudulent short form documents from Democrat operative sites, giving Obama plausible deniability. Hawaii will not verify the White House documents as correct. The official stamp has a misspelled word. There is imperceptible seal evidence on the White House document. The numbers are out of sequence with known authentic long forms.

There is a fraudulent Social Security number being used by Obama and his selective service application, using this fraudulent number is made on a form in use years after the purported document was submitted.
Precedent of Supreme Court meaning of 'Natural Born Citizen' makes Obama ineligible to be President, even if he was born in America. Obama has not proved he was born in America and no independent authority has examined the source document.
The President's plan to save the economy is to increase taxes and increase the size and scope of government. This fits the classic definition of insanity, trying the same thing over and over expecting different results.
As an American you are asked to take up the mantle of spreading the truth, by sending this message to everyone you know. Our way of life is in the balance.

Donofrio Opinion on Natural Born Citizenship
Over 1500 posts of full in-depth discussion of all eligibility issues suitable for thesis:
A lawyer for the Congressional Research Service, provided a misleading paper, which officials relied upon to make erroneous decisions about natural born eligibility qualifications. Numerous attempts have been made to ease NBC requirement.
Documentation of fraudulent birth certificate
Maybe someone can explain why "Obama" has at least 16 stolen Social Security numbers, including 042-68-4425, which his White House pay check uses? Multiple private investigators have verified this and lawyers are in Federal District court to extract SS records:
Multiple cases and legislation are alive, in spite of Obama and other officials' best efforts to stamp them out:
Will states actually block Obama from ballot access?,0,3922827...
Appeal Hearing: Barnett, Drake, Keyes, et al, vs. Obama, May 2, 2011
Here is an excellent article by Kathleen Gotto which wraps it all up and calls for action:
World Net Daily has been a huge resource:
Finally! I am honored that the Tea Party, an organization that I support and respect, is now taking on this most important constitutional matter of our time. This issue is MUCH too important to be left to the Donald Trumps of the world, as they have not researched it thoroughly as many dedicated Patriots have been doing for the past few years. Trump & co. did not grip the real meat of the matter, and the nuances that accompany on the side. "Going along to get along" cannot stand side by side with "Question with boldness'. You MUST make a stand. If BO & co. can get around the NBC issue, set a precedent, then the sovereignty of the Nation has truly gone up in smoke. It is (past) time for us to talk about this LOUDLY. Have the facts on the tip of your tongue, hold your head up, and tell the entire country what an evil scam has been perpetuated on our great Nation. Until then, we are a people without a country, citizens without a constitution, allowing all means of foreign entities acting to do our country harm. Get him out NOW, for USURPING and TREASON, not with impeachment - no, that's far too good for this one. What a way to celebrate our great nation's birthday.... TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK. God Bless us, and God Bless the USA.
Why is Tim so desperate to raise the national debt? Because the Federal Reserve, like any Ponzi scheme, must have new capital or it will collapse. Higher national debt limit merely postpones the inherent collapse. The Fed will confiscate the entire wealth of the nation for the benefit of Wall Street bankers. The FRBNY handled $8.4 trillion from T-auctions last year and hid the profit from Congress. That is embezzlement. Ref. 3w scribd dot com message 49040689 RIP OFF BY FEDERAL RESERVE
Eligibility Quiz of Barack Hussein Obama II
Was Barack Hussein Obama II born subject to the Constitution of the United States? YES
Does the Constitution of the United States Article 6 bind treaties? YES
Was the British Treaty of 1952 signed by President Truman in 1951? YES
Was Obama’s father a British citizen, with a visa, in the US under treaty, and represented by a foreign consulate? YES
Did the British Nationality Act of 1948 apply to Barack Hussein Obama II's birth? YES
Did the Kenya Independence and 1963 Kenya Constitution affect the nationality of Barack Hussein Obama II? YES
Would the British Nationality Act of 1948 or Kenya Constitution apply if he was born in United States to two United States citizens? NO
Is Barack Hussein Obama II an Article 2 Section 1 natural born citizen? NO
Does Barack Hussein Obama II need the 14th Amendment to prove his US citizenship? Yes
Is Barack Hussein Obama II eligible to be a US President? NO
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