BREAKING!!! Georgia Court to Hear Natural Born Citizen Case vs ObamaBy Craig Andresen on January 3, 2012 at 3:04 pm |

This is great news considering Obama and his team of attorneys had been actively trying to have this case DENIED!!
The Georgia court in agreeing to hear the case could well be setting the stage for other states in which quite similar cases are pending. Arizona and Tennessee both have such cases waiting right now.
This case, in Georgia, deals specifically with the Natural Born Citizen issue.
In a previous article, we brought up the Minor vs Happersett case from 1875 in which the Supreme Court defined a NBC as one who has 2 parents which were citizens at the time of the subject’s birth. We also cited 3 other cases in which the Supreme Court, previous to the Minor case, said the same thing.
Since Obama’s father, at the time of Barack’s birth, was not a U.S. citizen, nor did he ever become one, according to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1875…Obama is NOT a Natural Born Citizen.
If not a NBC…then, according to the Constitution, Obama is ineligible to serve as President.
So…how long will THIS take before a hearing will occur?
Not NEARLY as long as you might think.
The Georgia court will hear this at 9am on January 26th 2012.
This is likely NOT to be the final word as either way it goes, one can expect immediate requests for a rehearing or appeals to
higher…in this case, the U.S. Supreme Court.

Here’s the skinny as I see it.
Since no later opinion from the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1875 Minor vs Happersett case exists mentioning the issue of Natural Born Citizen, and since 3 other PREVIOUS case opinions from the U.S. Supreme Court state the same thing as Minor vs Happersett, it seems nearly impossible…NEARLY…that the Georgia court would find differently.
If this is indeed the ruling after the January 26th hearing…I would expect Obama to file an immediate appeal but, and this is a giant but…
Obama’s eligibility would be in SO much question that the DNC might have no other option, considering the circumstances, than to look elsewhere for a 2012 candidate.
THIS is exactly that to which I was referring in my article LAST week which can be read by clicking here.
Liberal/socialists are going to HATE this news and will no doubt, become more dismissive and vulgar than usual but, so be it. We expect nothing less.
Once again, the Georgia court HAS agreed to hear the case of Obama’s eligibility on the issue of Natural Born Citizen on January 26th at 9am!!!
Source: Liberty Legal Foundation
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