Hey Glenn Beck, question with boldness?
03 Saturday Mar 2012
Posted by radiopatriot in American SpiritGlenn Beck, Obama eligibility, Occupy Wall Street, Sheriff Joe Arpaio
Color me keenly disappointed and disillusioned. Insulted and betrayed by someone I trusted. It would have been bad enough if Glenn Beck had just come out and said why he doesn’t believe the Arpaio Cold Case Posse Report. At least he would have made an honest and truthful attempt to defend his position, giving us assurance that he had even read the report or watched the video of the news conference. But instead, Glenn used the same Alinskyite tactics he excoriates the Left for doing, mocking Americans (millions of which are his listeners) and insulting them for “questioning with boldness” and following the truth wherever it leads, because “the truth has no agenda”, right Glenn? I am so turned off by this, I can’t even watch this video again. And it will be a while before I will tune into his programs, and may cancel my subscription to GBTV.
I said as much on my radio program last night — we’ve given Glenn Beck the benefit of the doubt about his alternating silence and ridicule of what he refers to as “The Birthers”, because we suspected he was being muzzled by the Fox suits. We believed that once he had his own deal going on GBTV, the gloves would come off and he’d be among the voices leading the charge for the truth about this 800-pound elephant in the room that no one will take on — the usurper in the White House. After all, wasn’t Glenn the guy with the red phone? “Call me.”
So after his comments yesterday, I can no longer defend him. I’m not so sure I can even support him with my monthly payments. As you know, I have been an avid fan of his, jumped on board with my $10 a month subscription to GBTV last summer, and frequently post clips from his show here on this site. I drove 24 hours straight to be at Beck’s Restoring Honor rally in Washington DC, and turned around to drive another 24 hours back to Florida when it concluded. I have made plans to attend the “Restoring Love” event in Dallas this July. I’ve believed him when he says “The Truth Lives Here”, and “The Truth has no Agenda”, and “Question with Boldness”.
Now I’m not so inclined to do it anymore. Here’s what Beck and his echo chamber sidekicks said yesterday when he opened his program. What follows is a post written by TPath that pretty much sums it up for me. What about you?
20 hours ago
1 comment:
I have been warning people for years now. Lost alot of friends doing so.
I wanted to know why Glenn Beck was the only one reporting things he reported about Obama BUT refused to report on Obama's illegal presidency.
Glenn Beck works for the same Saudi Prince that paid Obama's way. 50 million dollars has bought alot of half truths, lies & coverups.
Thank God more Americans are finally waking up. He is the Judas Goat.
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