Kenyan Ambassador: Obama’s Birthplace “Already Well Known In Kenya”November, 21, 2008 — nicedeb
I wasn’t going to say any more about the Obama birth certificate controversy, but I found this intriguing.
Mike in the Morning, a radio talk show out of Detroit MI, (of all places!), decided to call the Kenyan embassy a little over a week ago, and talk about the reaction in Kenya to Obama’s victory in the 2008 Presidential election. I think it was meant to be light hearted bantering…it doesn’t seem like they went into this with the intention of making headlines. They started off talking to a secretary, but were eventually patched through to the Kenyan Ambassador, H.E. Peter Ogego. The pertinent part of the audio starts at 2:35:
My impression is that the question about Obama’s birthplace was meant as a joke… not to be taken seriously. But His Excellency Peter Ogego answered it seriously, and frankly.
A few things to consider in case you’re thinking this was some sort of prank:
1. The audio of this conversation (the first part of the call can be heard, here) is posted at the WRIF radio station’s website. I doubt the station would put its reputation and FCC radio license on the line for a hoax.
2. That sure sounds like H.E. Peter Ogego’s voice. Compare here.
3. Listen to the genuine surprise of the talk show hosts after the call.
The only argument that detractors can convincingly make, is that the Ambassador and most, if not all of Kenya’s citizen’s, including Obama’s Kenyan grandmother, (who claims to have witnessed his birth), are mistaken about this.
WND reports:
“At least two of his relatives in Kenya claim to have been present at his birth in Mombasa, Kenya. In addition, the Obama machine has scoffed at requests to see the form of the Hawaiian birth certificate that includes the specific hospital in which the delivery took place. The form released by the campaign does not include that information, leading to suspicions Obama might have been one of the foreign-born babies of the 1960s who were, nonetheless, provided birth certificates by the state of Hawaii.”
“Hawaii Revised Statute 338-178 allows registration of birth in Hawaii for a child that was born outside of Hawaii to parents who, for a year preceding the child’s birth, claimed Hawaii as their place of residence,” the document said. “The only way to know where Senator Obama was actually born is to view Senator Obama’s original birth certificate from 1961 that shows the name of the hospital and the name and signature of the doctor that delivered him.”
The Supremes will be reviewing one of the citizenship arguments on December 5th.
Alan Keyes, who was a candidate for President in the 2008 race, has filed a CA court petition regarding Obama’s eligibility.
To be honest, until now, I’ve been pretty convinced that Obama was born in Hawaii, but that there were still some legitimate questions to be answered about his citizenship because of the years he was a citizen of Indoniesia. Now I’m reconsidering my earlier assessment.
I guess this makes me a “truther”, or “fringe” blogger. But until Obama produces that vault birth certificate, I will question his eligability. Aren’t we still a nation of laws?
Political Pistachio had an interesting discussion on his Blog Radio show about the total media blackout on this story.
16 hours ago
You could have at least linked to my original post since you cut and pasted the whole entire thing.
I did!
You must have missed it. Look again.
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