:CIVIL ACTION NO: 08-cv- 04083
I, Kweli Shuhubia am over the age of eighteen (18) and not a party to the within
action. If called to do so, I could and would competently testify under oath as follows
I am an ordained minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ and a native evangelist and
translator for the Anabaptist churches in Kenya. I am the official Swahili translator for the annual Anabaptists Conference held each year in Africa, working with the American bishops sitting upon the Continental Presbytery of the Anabaptists Churches of Africa. I am fluent in Swahili and in English. I am a former teacher in Kenya, and travel extensively in the ministries of the Anabaptists Churches of Africa throughout Kenya, Uganda and the Sudan.
It is common knowledge throughout the Christian and Muslim communities in
Kenya that Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., the United States Presidential candidate, was
born in Mombosa Kenya. Senator Obama’s grandmother still resides in the village of
Alego-Kogello, approximately 37 miles from Kisumu City. On October 16, 2008 I went to interview Ms. Sarah Obama at her home. Ms. Obama’s home was flooded with people who were celebrating Senator Obama’s success story. Ms. Obama’s home was heavily guarded by Kenya Police. Prior to the interview with Ms. Obama, I took pictures of Ms. Obama, her grandson who was present and other family members. During my interview of Sarah Obama; I called Bishop Ron McRae in the United States from my mobile number. I advised Bishop McRae that I was present with Ms. Obama in her home, and wished for him to speak with her. Bishop McRae informed me he would call me right back, to avoid the international costs on my personal mobile phone. Bishop McRae subsequently called me back; Bishop McRae requested permission to electronically record his telephone conversations with Ms. Obama, to which I agreed. Due to bad telephone connections Bishop McRae had to call me back three [3] times, before we were able to continue our conversation.
The telephone interview conducted by Bishop McRae was conducted on loud speaker (speaker phone). During the interview conversation, one of Ms. Obama’s grandsons’s and myself acted as Swahili translators, and as Bishop McRae talked to and questioned Ms. Obama, we would translate what Bishop McRae said to Ms. Obama in Swahili, and then we would translate her Swahili responses to Bishop McRae in English. Ms. Obama can fluently speak Swahili in her native dialect, but cannot read or write. Bishop McRae asked Ms. Obama specifically, “Were you present when your grandson Barack Obama was born in Kenya?” This was asked to her in translation twice, and both times she specifically replied, “Yes”. It appeared Ms. Obama’s relatives and her grandson, handling the translating,, had obviously been versed to counter such facts with the purported information from the American news media that Obama was born in Hawaii. Despite this, Ms. Sarah Hussein Obama was very adamant that her grandson, Senator Barack Hussein Obama, was born in Kenya, and that she was present and witnessed his birth in Kenya, not the United States. When Ms. Obama’s grandson attempted to counter his grandmother’s clear responses to the question, verifying the birth of Senator Obama in Kenya, Bishop McRae asked her grandson, how she could be present at Barack Obama’s birth if the Senator was born in Hawaii, but the grandson would not answer the question, instead he repeatedly tried to insert that, “No, No, No. He was born in the United States!” But during the conversation, Ms. Sarah Hussein Obama never changed her reply that she was in deed present when Senator Barack Obama was born in Kenya. A copy of the Tape transcript is attached hereto as EXHIBIT “A”.
I left Kisumu City and traveled to Mombosa, Kenya. I interviewed personnel at
the hospital in which Senator Obama was born in Kenya. I then had meetings with the
Provincial Civil Registrar. I learned there were records of Ann Dunham giving birth to Barack Hussein Obama, III in Mombosa, Kenya on August 4, 1961. I spoke directly with an Official, the Principal Registrar, who openly confirmed the birthing records of Senator Barack H. Obama, Jr. and his mother were present, however, the file on Barack H. Obama, Jr. was classified and profiled. The Official explained Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. birth in Kenya is top secret. I was further instructed to go to the Attorney General’s Office and to the Minister in Charge of Immigration if I wanted further information The above related facts are true and verifiable to the best of my personal knowledge before God Almighty, whose I am and whom I serve.
Kweli Shuhubia
10 30 2008
I declare under the penalty of perjury of the laws of the United States, that the foregoing is true and correct.
Dated: October 30, 2008
Kweli Shuhubia
John 3:30/
Philippians 3:19-21, 29, 30
17 hours ago
smrstrauss said...
I am beginning to suspect that you are not an honorable person.
This piece has already been post on this blog once before. I am thinking that you spam the comments section on blogs with cut and paste pro-Obama articles whereever you can find them.
I do not like to have nagative feelings about people. I hope you show yourself to be an honorable person or I will delete your posts from this point forward.
I am begining now to do some reserch on your background and activities.
19 November 2008
On December 5, 2008, only ten days before the electoral college votes, the nine Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court will meet in private to discuss this case identified as:
Leo C. Donofrio, v. Nina Mitchell Wells, Secretary of State of the State of New Jersey
United States Supreme Court Docket No. 08A407
latest obama citizenship lawsuit moves up a level at supreme court
This docketing today by the court for this next step should send ripples of fear through the Obama camp. Obama has been proceeding at lightening speed to put together a cabinet and take possession of the White House with the hope that he won't have to answer the question of whether or not he was "at birth" a "natural born citizen."
Every major news network, print and cable news like FOX, CNN and MSNBC, have ignored all the court cases challenging Obama's eligibility as sore losers or conspiracy theories. It might be in their best interest at this point to report this critically important meeting to take place on December 5, 2008, or lose what little credibility they have left. Article By Devvy Kidd
Posted to the front page.
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