Opinion Column
Norma White
Here are a few that I believe all Americans want.
Limit Congress from serving more than two terms. That is all that presidents are allowed.
Stop Congress from voting for their own raises. How did that ever get started?
Stop paying for lawmakers' high-priced insurance premiums. After all, they are only part-time employees. They might pass some law changes on the insurance companies, if they had to find one.
Stop paying lawmakers their full salary after serving just one term, or at retirement. We need to get rid of that pension plan; they've let other companies get rid of theirs. You were lucky to get 40 to 50 percent of your salary after working somewhere for 35 years, but they get 100 percent.
Make Congress pay into the Social Security system. They make laws for it. If they spent some of their own money, they might be interested in making it solvent.
Stop handing out aid to illegal aliens. If we did, then Medicaid and the food stamp program would have enough money to aid the aged and the poor.
Secure our borders.
Stop allowing babies born to illegal aliens in the United States automatic U.S. citizenship.
Stop the abuse of our benevolent welfare system. We feed children free meals three times a day until they are 17. Churches give away good, clean clothes. Companies buy and donate school supplies. Emergency rooms provide health care at taxpayer expense and the food stamp program is buying food at home. What are parents doing for their children?
Have a computer program that cross checks Social Security numbers with fingerprints to stop fraud on many fronts. Use it on voter registration, too.
Stop bailing out mortgage companies and banks that give loans to people who cannot afford them.
Stop companies from paying CEOs and other executives outrageous salaries and bonuses while doing away with workers' pensions.
Stop all unnecessary spending so we will have the money for our nation's security, and to help needy and elderly Americans.
Stop permitting anyone to have a photo with their face covered on driver's licenses.
Whoever wins the presidency will not be able to make these changes.
Only members of Congress can do this, as they are the lawmakers.
I don't believe Congress is interested in changing anything, do you?
Norma White of Amarillo is a retired network engineer for Southwestern Bell.
Only a True AMERICAN Congress will Do something like this. Because these things are good for the USA not for REPUBLICAN, DEMOCRATES, Liberals or Conservatives. These Congressmen are AGENTS for HIRE and there are plenty of those GROUPS in WASHINGTON who has the money to BUY them. They cant see anything for them in DOING these NOBLE deeds.
While some of what Ms. White says is true, she is dead wrong about what Congressmen receive when they retire. Their retirement is computed in the same manner as that of any other Federal civil servant. They may receive a maximum of 80 percent of their salary after 40 years of service. It depends on when they they started working as to which retirement plan they are under. Those starting since 1982 have always had to pay Social Security.
Thank you for adding to the accuracy of this blog. I had hoped that readers would begin assisting in the goal of detecting and correcting inaccuracies. That hoped for reality is happening thanks to readers like you.
And God bless Norma White anyway!
Norma White’s perspective speaks loudly of the frustration which many Americans feel and she makes sense regarding several of the issues mentioned. However, I think we'd best not be holding our individual or collective breaths waiting for Congress to change anything that would negatively impact their personal well-being or security. On that note, she was correct.
My problem with suggestions like hers, many of which reflect simplistic solutions and are not well thought out, is that they require us to abandon reason and yield to gut emotions. I'm confident that Ms. White, like most Americans, realizes that Congress won't soon sanction itself and regardless of the inequities she has raised, Congress is here to stay.
Still, ideas like hers can penetrate uninformed minds and resonate as gospel truth. If such ideas were ever widely embraced, we could be accused of ignoring the bigger picture and the more challenging issues we face in exchange for superficial and selfish motives. Because we feel that Congress may be a closed-set of short sighted, self-serving good old boys, is no excuse for us to figuratively lynch them. As a group, they may be guilty of many things, including shameless self-promotion and catering to special interests, but as a nation of laws our Constitution duly authorizes these 535 individuals to establish and define order in our society (although the Supreme Court often usurps this responsibility with its weird constitutional interpretations). This order has evolved for more than 230 years and, for the most part, has served us well and been a good example for many burgeoning and democracy-seeking international communities.
While it would definitely send a reassuring message to citizens if our lawmakers were to agree to be treated more like their constituency, from a practical point of view, this is a rather petty expectation on our part when we stop to consider the important work that they do. To put it into some kind of perspective, imagine if the entire Congressional budget was slashed 100% - this would save taxpayers only about $4.5 - $5 billion. To be sure, that is an enormous sum - but it is actually less than 17 hundredths of one percent of the total annual US budget of approximately $3 trillion.
Another way of making sense of this is that by sacrificing Congress, we would benefit only a measly $18 per person, whether we are legally living in this country, or illegally, or the citizen-child of an illegal resident (sorry, Norma, but citizens is what these kids are). Obviously, there's no way an additional $18 in our pockets every year makes any difference whatsoever in the quality of our lives. Not unless you live on skid row (coincidentally and sadly enough, this a long-standing social problem that law makers have never adequately addressed). So, ask yourself, is $18 per year – the approximate cost of one decent restaurant dinner - too much to pay for maintaining a permanent bi-cameral law making body? If people honestly think it is too much, they are essentially advocating that it's time for another revolution in order to re-write our constitution (today, that's better understood as being a Constitutional Convention, yet, it is no easier accomplished than a bloody battle due to taxation without representation).
However, even if we held a Constitutional Convention how could we improve on the model we’ve successfully used for establishing law and order? How would we maintain ourselves as a democratic republic without the beauty of this system, which the Founding Fathers so wisely established? (I for one am not interested in restoring the monarchy, acquiescing to the military or surrendering to a dictatorship – benevolent or otherwise.)
Still, even by suggesting that Congress makes sweeping changes, which might effectively render the playing field more even for them and for us, or as I have tongue-in-cheek indicated, that their budget be eliminated, are so naive and counter-productive ideas that they serve no purpose except to allow us to blow off some steam. But, it's OK to blow off steam and it’s OK to chide Congress for the glaring discrepancies noted between their kind and ours. Just don’t expect them to pay too much attention to it. Our impression of their compensation isn’t the biggest problem we or they face as a nation. Nevertheless, Norma White apparently believes that Congress is to blame for the majority of our national problems and that her suggestions are actually viable solutions. Tsk, tsk.
However, when examined closely, not only are some of her recommendations down right pollyannaish, some of them are also unconstitutional, like proposing to deny citizenship for babies who have been born here to illegal mothers. So, let's go ahead and allow disgruntled non-thinkers their right to blow off steam, but let’s not lose our heads by endorsing their positions as common sense when they pretend to have an answer for everything.
I am revitalized to know that there are many other citizens out there who feel like we do. Being in Southern AZ, we are tired of the government not doing anything to secure our borders. Since the election, I wake up every morning wondering what horrific incident has or will happen that will drastically change my families lives. I like Ms. White's suggestions and especially like the idea of taking the government back from corrupt politicians. You realize it is a very sad state of our country when you no longer dream of nor encourage your sons to aspire to be president.
Certainly food for thought! As a former elected official, I know things aren't always as easy as they sound, but I also realize that office-holders sometimes suffer from lack of peripheral vision and seeing what's around them.
We tried to get term limits here in Idaho. Twice we voted them in and twice the legislature overruled them. Just proves that those in power don't care what the people want. As far as the illegal alien problem and they are aliens not immigrants, the politicians want their vote. Why do you think they want to give amnesty to them.
My idea on term limits is - 1 term in 1 office in 1 life time. It would put an end to the politics because they would not be buying votes. Serve your term with no retirement and go back to work.
Bob Pearcy
Yes, I want change in our Government....I would like to see a LIMITED equal amount of money spent on campaigns, and I would like to see the parties themselves finance the campaigns, so that not just the rich are allowed to run for office. That way there won't be any under the table money being used from foreign countries, or from special interest groups who give a lot of money so they can have their special needs met, at the expense of the American people. That way, each candidate, will have an equal opportunity to campaign.
Also, I would like to see the people who run for office, BE QUALIFIED. People who are not, should not be allowed to run. This country needs to be run like any prosperous business, by people who are qualified to do it. When you take on the most important job in this Nation, that person needs to be able to know what they are doing!!!! Not by a bunch of greedy crooks, who are only interested in lining their pockets!!
Also, those who are appointed to offices by the new President should be qualified and know how to do the jobs they are appointed too. Anyone with criminal back grounds should not be allowed to have ANY office in the Government AT ALL. There seems to be a double standard for those in our Government's high offices, and the common people, who have criminal backgrounds and are not allowed to be hired in some businesses....which I think, if they have been out of trouble for at least 10 years, they should be allowed to hold a job. It is hard enough to make an honest living, without having some of their privileges taken away from them, making it so difficult, that they may have to turn back to a life of crime to survive. Fair is fair, I think we have a lot of corruption in Government, being run by too many professional crooks who don‘t care about our Nation, and it is going to cause us some very serious problems in the future...just look at our national debt.....do you think it is going to get any better?? We are spending all our money over seas, and what are they buying from us?? At this rate, it won't be long before we don't have any money in our country at all!! I hate it when I try to call any credit card company, etc., and get a foreigner, that I can't understand. When I pay my next bill, I am going to ask if this is an American Company, or if they are foreign....probably won't get an answer, but at least they will know how I feel. If I find out they are foreign, I am looking for a U.S. Company!!
This is the change I want...just to have a government run by wise, honest people who are genuinely concerned about our nation, its prosperity, protection, and its people!
Winston Hooker's comments
A-Limit Senators to 2 consecutive four-year terms with their
elections held the year following the presidential 4-year elections.
Limit Congressmen/women to 2 four-year terms with their elections 1 year following the presidential 4-year elections. Staggering the years of elections would prevent any federal politician from riding the coat tails of any other higher politician. Have all primary elections for federal office held on the same day (a Sunday), Have all general elections for federal office held on the same day (a Sunday). To cut down on the high cost of campaigns, prohibit all campaign advertising from beginning no earlier than 90 days
before an election day. Prohibit campaign contributions from PAC’s
(political action committees), from corporations, from employer business entities, from non-profit and not-for-profit organizations and from labor unions or other employee associations. Forbid all bundling of contributions, require that all contributions be from individuals and limited to no more that $1,000 and that all contributions be in the form of a check, money order or credit card transfer so that the contributor can be traced if deemed necessary.
Forbid all bundling of contributions, require that all contributions be from individuals and limited to no more that $1,000 and that all contributions be in
the form of a check, money order or credit card transfer so that the
contributor can be traced if deemed necessary by the election officials.
Require that all political ads naming the opposition party be submitted 14 days in advance to a bi-artisan committee appointed by the election officials so that the alleged facts can be vetted prior to public release.
This is intended to eliminate negative advertising. Politicians would lose their exemption from the telephone no-call list and subject to fines if the list is violated.
B- The salary of the President would be increased from $400,000 to $4,000,000. The salary of the Cabinet members would be increased to $1,7500,000. The salaries of the senate would be increased from $186,000 to $2,000,000 and the salaries of the Congressmen Increased from $165,000 to $1,500,000. Every year that ended in a balanced budget would earn the president, his cabinet, and all members of congress would be awarded a year-end bonus of 10%. Every year that ended in a budget deficit, the president, his cabinet and members of congress would be assessed a 10% salary surcharge for the next 12 months. Organizations and individuals would not be allowed to deduct a tax deduction for lobbying expenses. Members of the government would be
prohibited from accepting any gift or service from others regardless of cost or value. Congress would be given ample funds to hire ad hoc employees
for studies and advice that have been customarily provided by lobbyists. Congress members would be required to stay in Washington or on the job while traveling at least 180 full days per year as public school teachers are required to do all over the nation. Every quarter in which they fail to put in one quarter of that time (45 full days), they would forfeit 1/180 of their
annual salary for each day not worked.
C- No recommendation on insurance.
D-Our military a minimum of 20 years active duty get 50% of their salary for retirement. I propose that a 4-year (1/5 of 20 years) veteran of congress get 1/5 of 50% of his/her congressional salary or 10% of last years salary for retirement. I propose that a 4-year (1/5 of 20 years) veteran of congress for retirement. I propose that a 8-year veterarn of congress get twice that or 20% of last years salary for retirement. I have already proposed that
all congress representatives (both Senate and House) be limited to a
maximum of 8 years. This is a change we need and can believe in. It is rare that a private industry CEO stay in his job more than 6-8 years. If a
senator with 4 years experience (Barack Obama) can run the USA, one won't need more than
8 years to serve in congress.
E-Congress does pay into the Social Security system and can also
supplement their other retirement income with Social Security payments.
Social Security is in jeopardy for 3 reasons: First reason is that Congress has embezzled all the excess funds from the Social Security Trust Fund and continues to do so. Second reason is that welfare assistance from the program is paid out to widows, orphans, handicapped and the poor from a fund that is supported by taxes on earned income only on the first $91,500 of working people and a like tax on their employers. This fund should be
restricted to payouts on retirement of working people who paid into it. The welfare payments to the others should be funded out of the general fund of
the US Treasury which all taxpayers pay into. Thirdly, the IRA Roth program should be modified to encourage more workers to invest more for their own retirement. Properly done, the Social Security Program for retirees could be phased out over 40 years and remain viable during this period.
F- The government should only pay for emergency medical care for illegal aliens and reimburse all medical facilities and agencies that provide for this care. It should then bill the home country of the alien and attach financial
assets of those countries who do not pay up within 24 months.
G-We don't need a "comprehensive immigration bill" like McCain and
Ted Kennedy tried to pass.
"Comprehensive" bills always get infested with lots of bad features that will not be accepted on their own merits. The immigration system is totally out of control and definitely needs fixing.
However, to keep the crap out of a comprehensive bill, we need a group of seven bills, each designed to solve specific problems. Those are:
1-border security: bring troops home from the Middle East and assign them
to augment the Border Partrol with live ammo in their weapons.
2-visa program: track aliens who enter legally with a legitamate visa, but
overstay their visa. The law requires this but there is no enforcement.
3-guest worker program-we do need both skilled and manual labor from
other countries. Aliens who enter with a legitamate guest worker visa must be required to check back out through a port of entry at least once every 21 months for a period of at least 3 months before they can re-enter.
4-The 14th amendment was intended to assure that children born to
slaves in the USA would be granted automatic citizenship. This has
wrongly been interpreted to mean that any child born on US soil is automatically an American cititzen which in turn becomes an "anchor baby" and carries with it citizenship rights of illlegal parents. If another amendment is
needed to correct this, one should be passed.
I-Human nature is human nature and people will do what you reward them
for doing. If you reward fathers for leaving their families, many will do it. If you reward mothers for having babies they don't have funds to raise, they will have them. The welfare system will not be resolved until we resolve the
education program. That won't be resolved if we reward mediocre
educators and fail to teach children starting in elementary school that they can succeed if they pay attention in school, stay and graduate. We are never going to resolve this by just throwing money at it.
J-We need a new national ID card with a photo and two thumb prints.
We already have an employment eligibility program but it is "voluntary". Duh!
If you must provide a law office with a photo drivers license to drive and a social security card or birth certificate to get a job, we must require that all
citizens get a photo ID in order to vote. If Obama can have his supporters get millions of new citizens registered to vote, someone can help them get a
state issued photo ID. You would only need to it once whereas you need to get your drivers license renewed every 4 years.
K-if the government is going to tax everyone (rich people) so that no one will have to lose his house or his job, we might as well go ahead and have the government take over everything. Isn't that what Stalin did? It didn't work out for the Soviets.
I-CEO's should not be paid more than about $4 million with bonuses paid only on profitable years and put into escrow for 5 years so it would be forfeited if they ruin the company and cause its downfall. CEO's should not be made Chair of the board of directors or have a vote at board meetings.
the Board is supposed to be his boss. CEO pay should be reduced, not increased, when company cuts back on personnel. If the company needs to reduce labor costs, they should start at the top and hire foreign executives.
M-I can't improve on that.
N-Stop permitting anyone to have their face covered when their ID
photo is being taken for driver’s licenses and ID cards.
This is insanity. It does not even deserve a comment.
Ms. White is correct about the president not being able to make the changes he promised. The president does not make laws or approve budgets. He cannot even refuse to spend budget funds that he did not ask for and does not like. He is required by law to spend the money.
Presidential candidates like to promise that they will change a law or pass a law or increase funding, etc. but they do not have the constitutional authority to do this. The congress has these powers. The Congress can hold congressional hearings and investigate the Administration but he has no authority to investigate them or summons them or their staff for a hearing.
I have expressed these same ideas and concerns for many years. Especially the Social Security concerns. If....If, they would put back the "surplus" money that they started "borrowing" under Reagan, then we wouldn't have as big a problem. It surely must be in the trillions stolen from SSI. I believe in our constitution and democracy. But, I also believe our country, government, and constitution have been hijacked by criminals! I would not be upset to wake up one morning and turn on the TV to find out that we were under marshall law. That the military was in control and each and every congressman, senator, President, former and current, were under arrest for treason! Each to tried on the merit of their own deeds. In fact, I hope I see it in my lifetime. I'll cheer for the defenders of the constitution. Of course, they would be expected to hold new and fair elections as soon as possible. "I have a dream"
Norma White's Editor left out a few bullet points from her original article. They are reproduced here:
-Get off my lawn!
-Stop fiddling with the thermostat and put on a sweater! Money doesn't grow on trees you know.
-My webs aren't working right. Why doesn't Congress make some internets that work?
-Make those darn kids across the street wear their hats right. They spend all day sitting on that corner over there, probably high on God knows what and up to no good. And that awful music they listen to!
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