A Reminder Of Just How Wrong Obama Has Been On The Iraq War
By Rob on November 22, 2008 at 03:46 pm 28 Comments
During the election Obama supporters touted their candidate’s leadership, but we weren’t really ever given any examples of that leadership. We were just supposed to believe that it was inherent in The One’s character. But as it turns out, while there’s no definitive examples of Obama’s leadership (outside of his recent election victory, which is a pretty thin resume), there are plenty of examples of his poor leadership.
The biggest one is Obama’s leadership - or more specifically the lack of it - on Iraq. Here’s Barry introducing the Iraq De-Escalation Act in the Senate:
Remember that if Barry and the rest of the Democrats had gotten their way on this bit of legislation and others we never would have won in Iraq.
Thank goodness the Iraq war will be all but wrapped up by the time they take office.
15 hours ago
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