Monday, December 25, 2017

Conversations with Omniscient Night Owl


Here is a brief excerpt from Adventure Three, of the new, soon-to-be-published book, THE SECRET ADVENTURES OF WONDER BUNNY, by Samuel Orrin Sewell.

A pre-publication copy of this book can be ordered now, at a reduced price, below…

Chapter Seventeen
Conversations with Magnificent Night Owl

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Here are two comments by Earth theologians who were inspired by Omniscient Night Owl 

As the sea is in the sponge and the sponge is in the sea, so is God in you and in me.

If in all your travels, you can't find God, you have not journeyed deep enough into your own heart and soul.

Revelation C. Rooster: The states of consciousness I have could be called “visions” or maybe even “delusions.” The reason I call them delusional is not because they are false; in fact, my visions are indistinguishable from reality, as I experience it. I see my “delusions” as true and valid, but I am unable to validate their legitimacy by evidence collected from any other source except my own experience. It is impossible for me to differentiate my vision from my grasp of external reality. This has been an ongoing, nearly obsessive mystery for me all of my life. What is the source of these perceptions?

Recently, I have been visited by a being who is presenting herself as the Omniscient Night Owl. Humans living on planet Earth have also reported apparitions that were indistinguishable from reality. As Carlos Castaneda pointed out in his book, “The Teachings of Don Juan,” Carlos asks the Shamen Don Juan, “Was I flying, or was that a delusion?” Don Juan’s response indicated that it is impossible for him to answer that question. If then my experience of the Omniscient Night Owl visiting me is indistinguishable from the experience of a PhD anthropologist’s peyote-induced vision, so be it! So, is the visitation of an all-knowing, all-seeing giant night owl a delusion, or is it actually happening?

So, the documentation of my experiences with the Omniscient Night Owl is as follows:

This Omniscient Night Owl is huge! A female night owl with a six-foot wing span! I am a very large bird, said Revelation C.Rooster, but this owl was quite imposing and eerily frightening. She also seemed to have an additional eye beaming intensely from the middle of her forehead.

The rushing sound of her huge, flapping wings startled me as she landed, nearly causing me to lose my balance. Her first words were “Be not afraid.” She also told me, soothingly, that she has come to comfort me and answer my troubling questions, and that’s why her title is “Omniscient.” With that reassurance, I was overwhelmed by a calming feeling of comfort and eager anticipation. The magnitude of her very presence was impressive, and I was quickly put at ease, once I encountered her compassionate countenance, and her obvious desire to guide and nourish my spirit. So tentatively I postulated my first question. “Where do these brilliant ideas that I have come from?” I queried. That’s the question.

The terse response for Omniscient Night Owl was “First of all, your belief that these ideas come from you is like a faucet taking credit for the water that flows out of it.” And, of course, I had no idea what she was saying, so I asked her for further explanation…

Chapter Twenty Two
The Disconnect Between Words and Reality

ONO: Consider this thought experiment: If you affirm this object as a tree, or deny that it is a tree, beyond affirming and denying, what is it? This experiment should make it clear to you that words are not connected to reality, so almost any words we use reveal an unspoken Zen-like, wordless understanding, if the individual has gained that level of insight. It could also be known as wordless knowing.

The words describing Yahweh are “spiritual, creative activity.” Do you believe that there is a spiritual, creative activity that is the source of all existence? Now, do you know what Yahweh means, without using the word Yahweh?

RR: Yes. If I was going to give a word to it, it wouldn’t be Yahweh, but still I know what it means, without reference to any word.

ONO: There is a connection between God and Yahweh that is called “The Word” or “The Christ Event.” Do you know what this is without using words?

RR: Yes, I know what it is without verbalization, but the words I would choose would be something like “this is the connection to absolute consciousness that makes all reality function,” and, yes, I comprehend that concept, without even uttering the words I would have chosen.

ONO: I know from being aware of the research you and Wonder Bunny have submitted that you accept the idea of scientific validation for absolute consciousness communicating with your individual consciousness. Do you know that, without the use of words?

         RR: Yes, I am in direct communication with that reality.

ONO: So you have awareness beyond words for the existence of what some people call Yahweh, God, or Creator, and you also have a wordless, inner recognition of the connection between the Creator and creation with what is sometimes called The Word, or The Christ Event. In addition, you report that you have an unwavering perception of what some call The Holy Spirit. Did I get that right?

RR: Yes, if we don’t need to debate which words are being used  and just accept that words, by their very essence, are somewhat disconnected from reality, then I believe you fully understand my position.


Publication of a book is time-consuming. Many people have expressed a desire to obtain a copy of this exciting Sci-Fi Adventure before it is released from the publisher. So we have created a way for you to order a “read-copy” right away, in Word format, before it goes to print, for only $15. To order, click on Sam and Bunny’s name, below the picture.

You can also contact us personally at:

Reader Comments on
by Samuel Orrin Sewell   

“Insightful, provocative, entertaining and helpful in the  contemplation of the enduring question; Why are we here?” 

“These Adventures offers an explanation of the order of the universe, which becomes an intense ‘A-Ha’ experience.” 

“Intriguing diversity revealed in the three different subjects.  Each of the Adventures could be a book by itself.”

“Very cleverly constructed, deserving of continuing contemplation.” 

“What starts out as a fantasy adventure, proceeds to address many profound questions.” 

“I never thought a science fiction book would turn out to be one of the most important books I have read in my entire life.”

“Skillfully crafted. Chock full of thought provoking questions answers to lifelong questions.”

“As a fellow Mensan, I was suspicious of the title WONDER BUNNY, thinking it must be a children’s book.  Boy, was I in for a surprise!”

“Until now, I never knew how much I never knew!”

“Full of things I had never realized or even considered. Helped me put into words many insights that I have felt, intuitively.”

“Fascinating!  The anthropological  view of the world’s religions was very informative.”

“Very compelling.   The science was over my head, but was written in a way that explained the concepts you were trying to convey.”  

“Definitely gave me a lot of new things to think about in relation to my own mind and my world.”  

“By revealing more of what humans are capable of achieving, this book inspired me to be more of what I can be.”

“This would be a fascinating text to use for a book club, or even just in conversation with a few other open-minded people. Opens up consideration in the search for our purpose on this planet.”

Brief Biography of the author:
Samuel Orrin Sewell is a life member of Mensa, and Gifted Youth Coordinator for his local chapter; raconteur, has authored many published articles and books, is a psychotherapist, and past president of the Theological Center in Naples, Florida.

For a more comprehensive biography, read:

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