CAUTION: This story is being questioned. I have not researched it enough to have a definitive answer for myself but I am suspicious enough to post this caution.
Ok, I'll call the shot. The evidence now exists to say that these stories from Africa are not to be trusted. I now need evidence that they are true rather my former position that I needed evidence that they were false.
Thanks to alert readers who called this to my attention.
It’s Not Over Yet? Could Obama Be in Fact Disqualified?
Well we’re getting ahead of ourselves, but if you think the Obama “country of origin” situation is settled, think again. Actually I never dealt to much with this controversy until I looked into it this weekend, specifically Phillip Berg who has filed lawsuits to have Barack Obama disqualified from the Presidency. Two of these suits have been tossed so far, but Berg isn’t done yet and vows to go to the SCOTUS over this.
Before you can dismiss Berg as a nut, you really need to read some of these affidavits. Over at The March Report, this affidavit from a pastor in Kenya, Kweli Shuhubia states:
I, Kweli Shuhubia am over the age of eighteen (18) and not a party to the within action. If called to do so, I could and would competently testify under oath as follows I am an ordained minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ and a native evangelist and translator for the Anabaptist churches in Kenya. I am the official Swahili translator for the annual Anabaptists Conference held each year in Africa, working with the American bishops sitting upon the Continental Presbytery of the Anabaptists Churches of Africa. I am fluent in Swahili and in English. I am a former teacher in Kenya, and travel extensively in the ministries of the Anabaptists Churches of Africa throughout Kenya, Uganda and the Sudan.
It is common knowledge throughout the Christian and Muslim communities in Kenya that Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., the United States Presidential candidate, was born in Mombosa Kenya. Senator Obama’s grandmother still resides in the village of Alego-Kogello, approximately 37 miles from Kisumu City.
During my interview of Sarah Obama; I called Bishop Ron McRae in the United States from my mobile number. I advised Bishop McRae that I was present with Ms. Obama in her home, and wished for him to speak with her. Bishop McRae informed me he would call me right back, to avoid the international costs on my personal mobile phone. Bishop McRae subsequently called me back; Bishop McRae requested permission to electronically record his telephone conversations with Ms. Obama, to which I agreed.
Due to bad telephone connections Bishop McRae had to call me back three [3] times, before we were able to continue our conversation. The telephone interview conducted by Bishop McRae was conducted on loud speaker (speaker phone). During the interview conversation, one of Ms. Obama’s grandsons’s and myself acted as Swahili translators, and as Bishop McRae talked to and questioned Ms. Obama, we would translate what Bishop McRae said to Ms. Obama in Swahili, and then we would translate her Swahili responses to Bishop McRae in English. Ms. Obama can fluently speak Swahili in her native dialect, but cannot read or write.
Bishop McRae asked Ms. Obama specifically, “Were you present when your grandson Barack Obama was born in Kenya?” This was asked to her in translation twice, and both times she specifically replied, “Yes”. It appeared Ms. Obama’s relatives and her grandson, handling the translating,, had obviously been versed to counter such facts with the purported information from the American news media that Obama was born in Hawaii. Despite this, Ms. Sarah Hussein Obama was very adamant that her grandson, Senator Barack Hussein Obama, was born in Kenya, and that she was present and witnessed his birth in Kenya, not the United States. When Ms. Obama’s grandson attempted to counter his grandmother’s clear responses to the question, verifying the birth of Senator Obama in Kenya, Bishop McRae asked her grandson, how she could be present at Barack Obama’s birth if the Senator was born in Hawaii, but the grandson would not answer the question, instead he repeatedly tried to insert that, “No, No, No.
He was born in the United States!” But during the conversation, Ms. Sarah Hussein Obama never changed her reply that she was in deed present when Senator Barack Obama was born in Kenya.
This is one of many such sworn statements from individuals in Kenya that interviewed or witnessed the interview of Obama’s grandmother.
While Berg’s lawsuit was dismissed, it was only because the court found that Berg’s suit was vague.
Again, Berg intends to take it to the SCOTUS, and there is an actual internet petition with 92,000 signatures already to get an investigation by congress begun.
21 hours ago
Unavoidable scenario: If SCOTUS disqualifies Obama BEFORE 1/20/09 inauguration, McCain is POTUS per remaining electoral college electors; if SCOTUS disqualifies Obama after 1/20/09 inauguration, Hillary likely becomes POTUS per vote of Dem controlled House of Rep. Either way, is clear Obama will NOT be or remain POTUS.
Are you certain of your scenario?
Amendment XX Section 3.
If, at the time fixed for the beginning of the term of the President, the President elect shall have died, the Vice President elect shall become President. If a President shall not have been chosen before the time fixed for the beginning of his term, or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until a President shall have qualified; and the Congress may by law provide for the case wherein neither a President elect nor a Vice President elect shall have qualified, declaring who shall then act as President, or the manner in which one who is to act shall be selected, and such person shall act accordingly until a President or Vice President shall have qualified.
A posting from Andrew Walden, publisher of the Hawaii Free Press, a right-wing blog based in Hawaii.
Barack Obama: Born in Hawai`i
by Andrew Walden
It is time to focus on REAL issues, not imaginary ones.
A fairly impressive internet industry has sprung up claiming that Obama was born in either Kenya or Indonesia. This is nonsense, which distracts from the broadly unexplored story of Obama's upbringing. This kind of nonsense has emerged because the McCain campaign chose not to raise the many questions about Barack Obama's numerous hard-left alliances. Barack Obama was born in Hawai`i, August 4, 1961 at Kapiolani Medical Center in Honolulu.
Obama's birth certificate posted online is exactly the same birth certificate everybody in Hawai`i gets from the State Department of Health. It is not forged. There is nothing unusual about the design or the texture. In addition to the birth certificate, the August 13, 1961 Honolulu Advertiser also carries an announcement of Obama's birth. The Honolulu Star-Bulletin also carries the same announcement. Both papers require submission of a copy of the birth certificate to print a birth announcement.
By refusing media requests for a look at the actual paper birth certificate, Obama's campaign gave sly backhanded assistance to the forgery hype. The internet release of the birth certificate via hyper-partisan website Daily Kos on June 12 before posting it on a campaign website was likely calculated to fuel the frenzy. This is Obama's Gramscian strategy designed to redirect the opposition down a blind alley. It was so successful that Hawai`i government offices found themselves inundated with telephone calls from mainland voters in the days before the November 4 election.
Since Hawai`i law forbids the release of birth certificates to anybody not authorized by Barack Obama or his family, Obama further fed the paranoia by choosing not to grant such permissions. A World Net Daily story claiming Hawai`i's Republican Governor Linda Lingle "sealed" the birth certificate is totally false. The governor's office has asked for a retraction. The forgery story was also boosted by video claims that Obama's Kenyan grandmother stated that Obama "is a son of this village" — a phrase which can have many different meanings.
For Obama to have been born in Kenya, Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Sr. would have had to fly from Honolulu to Mombasa, give birth in a substandard third world hospital, fly back and then somehow arrange for a fraudulent birth certificate to be entered by the State of Hawai`i on August 8, 1961 (at the time governed by Republican William Quinn). They would have also somehow planted the phony birth announcement in the Honolulu Advertiser (at the time edited by Republican Thurston Twigg-Smith) and the Honolulu Star-Bulletin. Hawai`i's current Republican Governor Linda Lingle would also have to be complicit in the cover-up as would all of the leftist 1960s University of Hawaii friends of Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Sr – among them US Rep. Neil Abercrombie.
In 1961, the roundtrip flight to Kenya would have been a very expensive, pointless, and time consuming epic journey for two starving students. Barack Obama Sr. had only been able to come study at UH Manoa with a free ticket on a donated charter flight with other Kenyan students.
Obama benefited from creating an opposition which seemed to be standing by the side of the road impotently pointing to a piece of paper as if it could stop 63 million voters from anointing their "chosen one." Birth certificate lawsuit plaintiff Phil Berg is a Democrat and whether he understands it or not, he has done great work on behalf of his party.
It is time for folks to stop being played by the Obama campaign and drop this counterproductive "phony birth certificate" nonsense. Obama opponents can find plenty of real material by focusing on the hard-left alliances, stated positions, personnel appointments and policy actions of the Obama administration and of the Democrat-controlled Congress.
And if the cock crows at noon does Mr. Walden think it is dawn. We have no way to prove where Obama was born. It is as reasonable to believe that he was from another planet as from Hawaii.
All we know is that it is reported that records exist that he was born in Hawaii. It is also reported that records exist that he was born in Kenya.
Until those aledged records are produced and examined by competant authorites Obama's birth place remains a mystery.
However, assuming he was born in Hawaii, what else is in those birth records that he is trying so hard to keep secret? The fact that he wants these aledged records hidden is resaon enough to suspect Obama and reson enough to keep him from assuming the presidnecy.
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