Friday, November 21, 2008
Obama's state secret:
His birth certificate!
Exclusive: Joseph Farah urges readers
to sign petition demanding resolution
Posted: November 21, 2008
1:00 am Eastern
By Joseph Farah
So much for those pledges of "open government."
So much for those promises of "change."
So much for his upcoming oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America.
Barack Hussein Obama is still refusing to disclose to the American public something as innocent and as basic as his full, undoctored birth certificate to establish beyond any shadow of a doubt – and that doubt is growing daily – that he is a natural-born American citizen.
Ironically, now that the election is over, the pressure is building. A few bold members of Congress are getting interested in demanding hearings on the issue. The lawsuits are increasing. More pundits and activists are beginning to mobilize.
I, too, am raising the stakes.
Beginning today, I am personally sponsoring a petition campaign right here at this Internet news source, to all controlling legal authorities to determine Barack Obama's eligibility for the presidency under Article 2, Section 1, of the Constitution and to use all of their persuasive powers to make this information freely available to the rulers of this country – we the people.
Get the book that started it all – Jerome Corsi's "The Obama Nation," personally autographed for only $4.95 – an amazing $23 discount!
I also pledge that this news organization will continue to pursue its own independent investigation as aggressively as it possibly can.
To date, here is what we have done:
Dispatched senior staff reporter Jerome Corsi twice to Hawaii to investigate the matter, including an appeal to the governor.
Hired a battery of private investigators in Hawaii to check every hospital for birth records – to no avail.
Sent Corsi to Kenya where he talked with some of Obama's relatives who clearly recall the birth taking place in Mombasa. (While there, Corsi was detained by Kenyan officials and a press conference he had scheduled was canceled at the last minute at the order of Prime Minister Raila Odinga, who has since made clear he has expectations of payback from soon-to-be President Obama.)
I tell you all this because despite the shroud of secrecy over the birth certificate issue, there are some organizations out there insisting it is all a tempest in a teapot – that the issue is settled, that the birth certificate has been released, that Obama has been determined to be eligible by some mystery authority.
(Column continues below)
One such organization,, characterizes any who question its assertion that this matter is settled as conspiracy mongers. But, as for me, when it comes to matters as important as the Constitution of the United States, I do not accept the opinion of armchair researchers. Nobody – not one news organization in the world – has devoted more resources to investigating this matter than has WND.
I hope you will now join me in this fight for truth, justice and the American way by signing the petition. Help me spread the word. Let's turn up the heat. Send this column and the petition far and wide. Share it with your neighbors. Honor the Constitution. Save this country's most vital institutions and its honor. Seek the truth. Demand accountability.
Time is running out.
The Electoral College is due to convene Dec. 15 – less than a month.
Barack Obama is to be sworn in as the next president Jan. 20 – less than two months from now.
Do you believe the American people have a right to know for certain their next president is constitutionally eligible for the job?
Without a chance to inspect that birth certificate for themselves, do you think we can ever be certain?
If the Constitution is not taken seriously as concerns the eligibility of the president, is it likely to be taken seriously in other matters?
If you don't take responsibility and initiative on this issue, I am convinced no one else will.
Take your stand for accountability, truth, the rule of law and the Constitution.
Sign the petition now.
E-mail it to all your friends.
12 hours ago
Let's hope the conservative-majority SCOTUS takes this issue up. It needs to be settled whether or not one is interested in an Obama presidency.
Kenya's U.S. ambassador is also sure Obama was born in Kenya.
Thanks for the tip, A. Truman.
Posted on the front page.
Aristotle the Hun
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