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I just read a comment on the above article from someone who identified them selves as (anonymized) .. I saw no reason to publically embarrass this person by publishing the comment and making the ID more obvious. This well intentioned Patriot had completely misunderstood the role and function of a grand Jury. In case others have made a similar mistake I decided to respond to the comments while preserving the anonynimity.
Anonymous says: It became all too clear while listening to a recent blog-talk radio episode, that there is a deep seeded biased effort to bring a “guilty as charged” mentality to the grand jury. When the guest promoted getting as many of these juries together to bring more indictments all across the country, while they openly promote and brag about the presentments/ indictments already handed down, my heart stopped a beat and my head was sent spinning in disappointment.
Of all things, juries are to be non-biased and is the reason many court proceedings are moved from their original jurisdictions.
My reply: Oh gosh Anonymous, you are talking about trail juries. Grand Juries are purely accusatory and not fair at all. The accused is not allowed at a Grand Jury hearing nor is a representative of the accused. Hearsay evidence is allowed and the only function of a Grand Jury is to decide if there is enough evidence to refer to the courts so that the accused will then have a chance to have a “fair” trial. I did not mention any evidence considered by American Grand Jury. Those proceedings are secret. I did however point out the evidence available to the public as explained in this article. http://thesteadydrip.blogspot.com/2009/04/aka-obama-fans-all-together-now-say-omg.html Said evidence is more than adequate to assume indictments. Being found guilty by a trail jury is a completely different matter.
There is enough evidence to indict 6 Obama’s so it is a safe assumption that more indictments are on the way. Individual Grand Jurors review the evidence and vote to present an indictment to the judicial authority. If it ever happens that jurors review the available evidence and decide not to indict Obama I will be sure to let you know. Grand Juries make no pronouncement of guilt whatsoever so your assumption of a “guilty as charged” mentality is impossible. The mentality of “enough evidence to request a trail” mentality is what prevails.
By your understanding all Grand Juries are unfair and you would not feel comfortable serving on any Grand Jury.
The guidelines used by American Grand Jury are the same as Grand Juries elsewhere so if you would be comfortable serving on any Grand Jury you could be equally comfortable serving on American Grand Jury
This link might be helpful: http://americangrandjury.org/grand-jury-evidence-rules-indictments
Just in case the “Mistaken Patriot” isn’t a patriot at all but a stealth Obot, I add this warning to my previous post.
The Obots have their orders re: Grand Juries
Those misguided persons who are subject to the hypnotic power of "The One" have been alerted and given their orders.
The Grand Jury tactic really has their leaders concerned. They have been ordered to spread rumors that people who participate in Constitutional Grand Juries are breaking the law and will go to jail. They will use any weak argument and select real or imagined criminal codes to scare people.
Remember this important fact: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States
Getting together to examine evidence of possible crimes by politicians and presenting evidence of such alleged crimes to the judiciary is "the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances".
Given the significant increase in warnings and delusional, irrational, obscene, threatening comments from Obama supporters I would conclude that Obama's lawyers and administration propagandists think the Grand Jury tactic is a real threat.
Finally, something we can agree upon!
Don't you listen to him Dan, he's a devil not a man, and he spreads our beloved land with lies.
Thank you for this post Aristotle the hun. It needed to be said and you are the one to say it right.
I am part of the American grand Jury and it gives me hope that we can change a wrong to a right.
This is the first time I have really been active in politics and I feel great.
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