My friend and patriot Carl Swensson gets a visit from Secret Service
Posted by Bob in American Grand Jury, Announements, Georgia Grand Jury on May 27th, 2009
I just got a letter from my friend Carl Swensson who heads up the Georgia Grand Jury. I guess it was Tuesday that the Secret Service paid Carl a visit.
Here is Carl’s email:
I was paid a visit by the Secret Service today at 2:30 PM EST. They were cordial and asked questions about my motives and my basis for our actions which I happily relayed. I talked with them (they had it with them) about the Presentments and Commander Fitzpatrick’s criminal complaint and they said they had been called by the authorities (whoever THEY are) in the Central District of GA. This is obviously related to my travels through that section of the State last week. I was told that I/we are well within our rights to take this action. This is GOOD news.., we are getting the message to the powers that be and they are aware of our efforts. Their concerns are related to what happens if the American people are summarily ignored.
Well, they should be worried. Near as I can tell there are around 100 to 150 MILLION disgusted Americans right now. The folks back home in America have done everything but kill themselves to try and get the Congress and this usurper for a president to stand down and quit trashing the Country. It might just be too late for these robber barons in Washington as the tide of public support is starting to turn heavily against them.
Mr. Excitment, Harry Reid, just found out. He is feeling the pinch in Nevada. Some of our jury members who are from there are telling us his approval rating is now a whopping 40%.
Obama is stumping this week for Reid and tried to get an appointment with the Governor of Nevada to discuss things. I will be damned, but the Governor told Obama to take a hike!
The White House offered an invitation to meet Obummer. Governor Jim Gibbons had this reply to the offer:
While I appreciate the offer, I am not interested in a handshake and a hello from President Obama, I am interested in an apology and plan to undo the damage the President did..
Working families are suffering because of the President’s remarks, Gibbons said in his statement, the president should retract his reckless statement about Las Vegas and make a public statement supporting business and tourist travel to Las Vegas and other destinations in the State of Nevada.
Don’t ever doubt the power of the people in this Country when they finally decide to start fighting for what is right.
Remember the American Revolution:
Seventy (70%) percent of the people were loyal to the King or apathetic. The other 30% founded a Nation.
It’s never too late!
We at American Grand Jury are making a difference. Our juries are growing in numbers and our presentments are spreading around the land. Sooner or later “we the people” are going to win this war against corrupt government and this arrogrant usurper for a president will be running for cover.
Things are moving fast. Don’t miss out. Send me your email message by clicking the link below. Tell me you are ready to serve on an American Grand Jury and we will get you scheduled as quickly as possible.
Email AGJ
6 hours ago
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