This Grand Jury hearing of May 9th is in addition to the formal presentments, (charges of Fraud and Treason) which were handed down against Barack Obama last week, known as the American Grand Jury hearing of April 29th, 2009. The April 29th presentments are already making their way into the court systems across the United States.
Posted by Editor in Grand Jury, Press Release on May 9, 2009
(United States of America) – May 9th 2009 - At 2 P.M, ET American Grand Jury convened a final hearing to vote on criminal charges against Barack Obama.
The following criminal allegations and complaints were voted upon:
That Obama is NOT eligible under the laws of the Constitution of the United States as provided for in Article II, Section 1.
Said Article II, Section 1 states:
“No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.”
Wherefore, Obama is not a “natural born Citizen” for the following reasons:
1) Obama was NOT born of mother and father who were BOTH US Citizens.
2) Obama was a British citizen ‘at birth.’
The charge of “Treason” against Obama is before the people of the United States of America. That such complaint is CRIMINAL, of high crimes, and extremely damaging against the people.
Said complaint was formally brought by a Military Officer (retired) of the United States of America. All United States Military Officers are sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States and such complaint is valid, explicit and proper; when an Officer is aware of such malfeasance of Treason by an offender it is that Officer’s SWORN duty to come forward and present such accusation and complaint.
The Military Officer who filed the complaint is Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick, III, retired, United States Navy and a graduate of the United States Naval Academy.
Lt. Commander Fitzpatrick on March 17, 2009 did hereby make such criminal accusation and complaint against Obama and presented said complaint before the U.S Attorney Russell Dedrick, and Assistant U.S. Attorney Edward Schmutzer, Eastern District, Tennessee.
An original photocopy of said complaint was submitted to the Grand Jury as evidence for immediate investigation.
Said original photocopy of the complete criminal complaint is attached as Exhibit “A” hereto and made a part hereof.
Lt. Commander Fitzpatrick was sworn under oath before the Grand Jury to testify as to the true nature and details regarding said criminal complaint filed against Obama.
Said criminal complaint by Lt. Commander Fitzpatrick and his “accusation of Treason” is quoted in the excerpts below.
Now you [Obama] have broken in and entered the White House by force of contrivance, concealment, conceit, dissembling, and deceit. Posing as an impostor president and commander in chief you have stripped civilian command and control over the military establishment. Known military criminal actors-command racketeers-are now free in the exercise of military government intent upon destruction of America’s constitutional government.
We come now to this reckoning. I accuse you and your military-political criminal assistants of TREASON. I name you and your military criminal associates as traitors. Your criminal ascension manifests a clear and present danger. You fundamentally changed our form of government. The Constitution no longer works.Confident holding your silent agreement and admission, I identify you as a foreign born domestic enemy.
My sworn duty Mr. Obama is to stand against what you stand for. You are not my president. You are not my commander in chief.
After reviewing the evidence and voting, the 25 member American Grand Jury handed down the presentment(s) recommending that person(s) known as Barack Obama, aka: Barack Obama, Jr., aka: Barack Hussein Obama, aka: Barry Soetoro; aka: Barry Obama; aka: Barack H. Obama, aka: Barack Obama II, presumed President of the United States, be tried in Criminal Court for charges of fraud (eligibility) and treason.
Said Grand Jury was convened under the power and authority vested with the people as guaranteed under the Constitution of the United States of America, Amendent 5 of the Bill of Rights.
The American Grand Jury was served by people from different States within the Union, said people being citizens as were sworn under Oath as to Eligibility for and Service in behalf of the Grand Jury.
The above excerpts from the formal presentments of the May 9th American Grand Jury hearing are hereby released to the public as a PRESS RELEASE.
All other details of the Grand Jury hearing, specifically, the jury membership, sworn affidavits of service, testimony, evidence, hearing minutes and records have been sealed as required by law.
This Grand Jury hearing of May 9th is in addition to the formal presentments, (charges of Fraud and Treason) which were handed down against Barack Obama last week, known as the American Grand Jury hearing of April 29th, 2009. The April 29th presentments are already making their way into the court systems across the United States.
Please contact American Grand Jury through this website or contact our National Spokesperson below for further information or requests:
Caveat: Contents of Grand Jury hearings are confidential, and can only be released by the presiding courts.
For an unofficial review and summary of the issues that is available in the public domain see:AKA Obama Fans: All together now – say OMG!!
1 day ago
I was part of the and I felt just wonderful and at peace. the courts have let us down and so what recorse do we have excpet that the issue in hand and do something to help America survive as it was. Things are happening so fast and it is all against our country that by taking a stand and helping everyone vote on american grand jury I got my packet of infomration on what we did and I am so darn proud of it. We did a good job.
The comment below is so loony that I decided to publish it as a lesson in just how strange some folks are. Yup, they walk among us and they can even legally vote.
This one come from Milford, Pennsylvania. I am certain that there are nice sane people in Milford, but not this guy.
Hey folks in Milford. you are hereby warned. There is a real kook in your town.
Milford is a borough in Pike County, Pennsylvania, United States. The population was 1,104 at the 2000 census.
At least one in 1000 people in Milford is an embarrassment to the entire community.
By the way this guys IP address is If some of you locals decide to look him up personally I strongly advise against any violent or criminal activity being directed toward him. He is suffering enough already.
"Obama was NOT born of mother and father who were BOTH US Citizens." If you knew anything about the law, you would know about the "Law of The Soil" which states anyone born on American soil is an American Citizen, so guess what? OBAMA'S A CITIZEN!!! As for treason, he's done no such thing, you're thinking of George W. Bush, you know, the guy that let the towers get hit so his friends could rake in a multi-billion dollar insurance claim that was more than the 3 buildings were worth put together, a president who then permitted the lead suspect's family to leave the country without even asking them "where is he?". Admit it, you liked having a stupid, braindead president because he made you feel smart, and now that he's gone, you do what all the other republican racists are doing, blame it on the "colored" guy. And just so you know, these pages can be considered slanderous and libelous and you can get arrested for making up such a lie about the president. Bush is a war criminal who literally used terrorism as a fear tactic to control the population and keep us obedient to his will(just as the "terrorists" did). He also faked Terror Alerts (which is in itself a form of terrorism) as was admitted by a former cabinet member, Not to mention he stole both elections and there is undisputable proof of that fact.
Posted by scarr_dirtnap to The Steady Drip at September 12, 2009 6:51 AM
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