Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Why Barack Obama Hates America

Why Barack Obama Hates America
by Dinesh D'Souza (more by this author)
Posted 09/28/2010 ET

The best way to verify a theory is to test its explanatory power. Our theory, derived from Obama’s testimony, is that he adopted his ideals from his father, and we know that his father’s ideals were anti-colonial ideals. Based on this, we are in a position to examine the merits of our theory by checking it against what Obama is actually saying and doing. If the theory can account for Obama’s major policies and enable us to predict what he is going to do in the future, then we are really onto something.

If Obama is vehemently opposed to a world defined in America’s image, to Pax Americana, then we would expect him to be cagey and defensive about displays of patriotism that convey America’s leadership in the world. Sure enough, a Time photograph from the presidential campaign shows Obama at a fundraising event with several other Democratic politicians. The magazine noted that the national anthem was playing, but the photo shows that Obama does not have his right hand over his heart. And he’s the only one: everyone else does! Network video footage of the event confirmed that Obama was the lone holdout in this traditional display of patriotic allegiance.

Once again, this could be dismissed as an isolated episode, and was so dismissed by Obama’s defenders. But a few months later, Obama announced that he would no longer wear a lapel pin with the American flag as had become customary for politicians and also many other public figures since the 9/11 attacks. “You show your patriotism by how you treat your fellow Americans,” Obama said. The pin, he contended, had become “a substitute for true patriotism.” On the face of it Obama’s comments are nonsensical; how can an American flag somehow undermine genuine patriotism? What Obama means of course is that patriotism of this sort is morally objectionable to him because of its associations with American invasions and American power. Obama clearly prefers the kind of patriotism that is not associated with the 9/11 attacks and America’s subsequent actions in Afghanistan and Iraq. In Obama’s ideology, we show our love for our country not through jingoistic flag-waving and foreign expeditions, but rather by agitating for domestic policies that take from the haves and give to those who don’t have as much.

Next let’s consider Obama’s response to the devastating oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. As torrents of black oil gushed toward southern shores, Obama sounded lethargic, almost bored, with what was going on and what needed to be done to stop it. Even Democratic strategist James Carville expressed amazement at Obama’s personal and emotional remove from the situation. “I have no idea why they didn’t seize this thing. I have no idea why their attitude was so hands off here.” Listening to Obama talk on the subject, TV host Keith Olbermann responded: “It was a great speech if you were on another planet for the last 57 days.”

Finally, addressing the TV cameras on May 14, 2010, Obama managed to work up some enthusiasm. Time and again he condemned “British Petroleum”—an interesting term since the company long ago changed its name to BP. Given our anti-colonial theory, it’s no surprise that Obama wanted to remind Americans of what BP used to stand for. He was equally outspoken in whacking the other oil companies for their “ridiculous spectacle” of “pointing fingers of blame.” Actually these companies were not responsible for the spill, and the only blame, in addition to that of BP, belonged to the Obama administration for its Katrina-like incompetence in responding to the disaster.

Addressing the nation on the spill on June 15, 2010, Obama stressed that Americans “consume more than 20 percent of the world’s oil, but have less than 2 percent of the world’s resources.” Obama went on to say that “for decades we’ve talked and talked about the need to end America’s century-long addiction to fossil fuels.” Unfortunately, “time and again the path forward has been blocked” by, among others, “oil industry lobbyists.” Now, on the face of it, this is a perfectly reasonable statement from a liberal politician who thinks this is what the American public wants to hear. But ask yourself, what does any of this have to do with the oil spill? Would the oil spill have been less of a problem if America consumed a mere 10 percent of the world’s resources? Of course not. The point is that for Obama the energy and environmental issues reduce to a simple proposition: America is a neocolonial giant eating up more than its share of the world’s resources, and in doing so America is exploiting the scarce fuel of the globe; consequently, this gluttonous consumption must be stopped. This is the heart of Obama’s energy and environmental agenda: not cleaning up the Gulf or saving the environment in general, but redressing the inequitable system where the neocolonial West—and neocolonial companies like BP—dominates the use of global energy resources.

This is the second in a three part series adapted from The Roots of Obama’s Rage by Dinesh D’Souza (Regnery, 2010.), which is available in stores and on Amazon.

Dinesh D'Souza is the president of King's College in New York City. He is a former White House domestic policy analyst and research scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. His best-selling books include Illiberal Education, The End of Racism, What's So Great About America, and his latest, The Roots of Obama's Rage.

Pravda Publishes Commentary on Islam by Sam Sewell

Think Islamic problems caused by a small minority of Muslims?

As sure as I know that there will be another terrorist attack on the United States I know the day is coming when Muslims, or for that matter Arabs in general, are going to be hated on sight. I remember after 9/11 some nutcase in California killed a turban-wearing Sikh from India, because he thought he was an Arab. There was an incident in Dallas immediately after Nine-Eleven. Another nutcase armed himself and drove around in his pickup on a killing spree. One victim was an Indian mini-grocer who'd lived there, legally and peacefully, for about 30 years. As I recall, this nut also killed a Pakistani shopkeeper, similarly situated and injured a Mexican. And as I recall, several such incidents occurred nationwide.
However, refusing to criticize, indeed vehemently condemn anything Islamic is pretty irrational, and will be costly if it doesn't change. If a billion Moslems suddenly rose up in outrage against Usama Bin Lladin, Zawahiri, Nasrallah, Ahab Inajam and the rest of those deranged maniacs, the liberal-socialists and the rest of the world would join them, and we'd have a chance at eliminating this scourge.

UPDATE! - Israel Cyber attack on Iranian Reactors.

Stuxnet: First Phase in now-aborted Israeli Military Attack on Iran

By Sam Vaknin
Author of "Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Revisited"

Stuxnet is a worm which attacks Siemens SCADA industrial controls. It uses various vectors to enter a system and spread through a network. It leverages two zero-day software vulnerabilities (largely patched by Microsoft by now) and two pilfered digital certificates from Taiwan. It was developed by the resurrected Lishka le-Kishre Mada (Laka"m) in the Office of the Prime Minister: the same unit that handled Jonathan Pollard when it was headed by Rafael (Rafi "the Stinker") Eitan in the 1980s. Its aim was to attack the PCs and, later, the industrial controls of the Iranian uranium-enrichment facility in Natanz (not in Bushehr, as the Iranian misinformation campaign would have it).

The worm contains a "time-bomb" in the form of an Easter egg: a backdoor kernel rootkit. It was set to be activated on Yom Kippur (the Jewish Day of Atonement). The key to its acrivation was disguised as a snippet of minacious Biblical text. Following the incapacitation of the facility in Natanz, Israeli forces were to follow with a multi-frontal military attack (for details, see below).

Yet, it was not to be. Netanyahu called it off on September 1, 2010.

Obama invited the leaders of Israel and Palestine (as well as Egypt and Jordan) to Washington for a peace conference in early September 2010 in order to forestall an imminent Israeli attack on Iran scheduled for September 18-20, 2010. Israel exacted a price for its newfound transigence in American jet fuel and spare parts deliveries as well as access to enhanced intelligence sharing.

Israeli hardliners in the coalition government (and even in the Labor Party) militated against Israel's participation in Obama-Clinton's hastily-convened "negotiations" and the Israeli concessions that are already on the table. Some even resorted to labeling Netanyahu a "traitor" whose personal fate is, thus, sealed. Iran's recent, much-flaunted advances in missiles and drone technologies; the fueling of the Russian-equipped Bushehr nuclear reactor; Iran's improving relations with Turkey and Brazil; and, above all, the dramatic increase in the number of operating uranium-enriching centrifuges - all these led an increasing number of Israeli military thinkers and statesmen to accept the inevitability of a preemptive strike on Iran. Nobel prizewinner Shimon Peres is the last but not the least of these recent converts.

A recap of recent developments:

Late last year, Israel embarked on a coordinated campaign of leaks to the press regarding its determination to take out Iran's nuclear facilities if Obama's then-new administration fails to sway the Iranians diplomatically. Israel is unwilling to accept a nuclear Iran: "It is not an option", say its senior intelligence and military leadership. In the event, the promised attack on Iran did not materialize and many journalists, this author included, felt duped and manipulated.

On January 20, 2009, I appeared as a guest in the most popular political affairs program in Macedonia ("Glasot na Narodot", or The Voice of the People). I warned that Israel is willing to wait 6 to 8 months for Obama's "diplomacy" with regards to Iran's nuclear capability to show some progress. If Iran remains recalcitrant, Israel plans to bomb two facilities in Iran as it did in Iraq in 1981, I said. Refueling won't be a problem, I assured the program's host, Slobodan Tomic: both Egypt and Saudi-Arabia offered to help.

Israel has now decided to go ahead. It has little to lose, its relationship with the Obama administration being at a low ebb and Iran having secured nuclear fuel for two atomic bombs. Taking into account political, geopolitical, military preparedness, and climatic conditions, there are two windows: between July 21 and 24 and between September 6 and 8, 2010. Advance teams comprised of Mossad agents and military personnel are already on the ground in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Iraq (including in the Kurdish lands, adjacent to Turkey).

A mock has been erected not far from Eilat (near the Red Sea, opposite Aqaba). A defunct airbase in Biq'at Ha'Yareach (Moon Vale) has been resurrected to accommodate Air Wing 10. In a country as small and intimate as Israel, it is amazing that this has been kept a secret: hundreds of recruits and reservists - from mechanics and pilots to cooks and administrators - have been re-stationed there in the last few months.

A mysterious facility also sprouted up not far from Dimona's nuclear reactor, next to a university town called Sde Boker. It is not known what is its role, though speculation is that it is intended to shield the sensitive facility from an Iranian counter-attack. Several batteries of aged Patriot missiles have been recently replaced with brand new anti-missile rockets developed by Israel.

Citizens are again reporting dry runs in the skies of the Negev, Israel's traditional air force training grounds and a desert with some resemblance to Iranian conditions. Piecing these scant testimonies together, it seems that the Israelis are concentrating their effort on midair refueling and surgical strikes on multiple targets.

Finally, HAG"A (Hagana Ezrakhit), the Civilian Defense Force, a part of the Israeli Defense Force (IDF), has been instructed to begin preparations for a possible Iranian counter-strike with long-range conventional missiles. At this stage, Israel is not contemplating chemical or biological warfare (though the distribution of gas masks does seem to be part of the drill).

No one knows for sure where will Israel strike. Wiping off all the widely distributed and impregnable components of Iran's capability to enrich uranium is close to impossible. The after-effects of even a limited air attack may be devastating and not necessarily short-term, as the Israelis are convinced. The price of oil is likely to spike and radicals and extremists throughout the benighted region are bound to leverage the attack to smear and taunt Israel and its allies but, then, what else is new. The Arab countries are likely to breathe a sigh of relief that the Iranian bully has been humbled.

The big question mark is how will the Obama administration react to such a fait accompli that flies in the face of the new President's stated policies. Will Obama try to make an example out of Israel and harshly punish it - or will he merely verbally lash it and proceed with business as usual? Time will tell. Soon.

An eventual attack on Iran may include ground forces. Units of Sayeret Matka"l ("Headquarters Scouts", Israel's elite special forces) and the navy's Shayetet have been transferred to the mock in Biq'at Hayareach ("Moon Vale"), not far from Eilat. They have spent the last few weeks training there: parachuting, paragliding, urban warfare (laba"b in Hebrew), and hand to hand combat. Special emphasis is placed on explosives. The area is isolated (it got its name from its eerie similarity to the moonscape), but various civilian suppliers have reported massive explosions during the day.

In a previous article, titled "Preparations for Attack in Iran Almost Complete" (dated July 10, 2009), I revealed the existence of the training mock near Eilat and Aqaba by the Red Sea. A few days later, Israel made the presence of its Navy in the Red Sea public. Though it has not been a secret hitherto, it has hardly been trumpeted. The navy's role is support the mission with sea-launched precision cruise missiles (of Israeli manufacture). In general, Israel is trying to minimize the involvement of American materiel in its forthcoming foray into Iran.

One word about the "windows" mentioned in my earlier article. As any military planner and intelligence agent knows, these are not actual operational dates. "Windows" are possible operational dates and are dictated by the confluence of weather projections, known troop movements, political and geopolitical circumstances, and military preparedness. Additional windows exist in September and October this year. It is likely, therefore, that Israel will attack in July or August, but no later than October 2010.

The targets for Israel's attack on Iran have been chosen: one is close to the sea, the other is inland. Members of Sayeret Matka"l are now conducting joint (often nightly) exercises with Israel's Navy SEALS (the "Shayetet") off the coast of Ashkelon and on the beaches of Haifa. While the deployment of the commandos and other ground forces will be done mostly by air, their evacuation, 4-6 hours later, will be accomplished by sea.

The role of the commandoes was re-defined last year to exclude the kidnapping of Iranian scientists. This change in operational goals followed a row among the upper echelons of Israel's military and intelligence community. Now, Israel's elite warriors are merely to return with soil samples and equipment from the facilities in the wake of the aerial bombardment. They are also to mine the area and to detonate explosives in sensitive locations. They are to avoid Iranian losses of life and collateral damage. Two Mossad A-Teams are already in operation inside Iran, close to the coast, having been deployed there by a submarine last week.

Faced with what it regards as an existential threat, Israel is reviving old and dormant intelligence networks and assets worldwide. Erstwhile members of the Lishka le-Kishre Mada (Laka"m, headed in the 1980s by Rafi "The Stinker" Eitan), or the "Bureau for Scientific Contacts" of Pollard infamy, were recently called to duty. They are working closely with physicists from the Weitzman Institute, the Technion, and Tel-Aviv and Beer-Sheba Universities. These combined team of seasoned intelligence operatives and top-level scientists have spent the last two weeks briefing the commando units in their base of operations near Eilat and in the nuclear reactor in Dimona.

Prominent members of the Israeli government, the Headquarters of the Israeli Defense Forces, and the intelligence community are still against any military operation in Iran. They believe any such a move would be tantamount to geopolitical and, in the long-term, physical suicide. But they are in the minority. The majority of decision-makers are siding with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu who is pressing for an early military resolution of the problem.

Yet, the very phrase "military solution" is an oxymoron, claim his critics. Iran's nuclear program is spread over 60 sites, some of them deep inland. Redundancy is high and there is no way to take Iran's nuclear capacity out as was done in Iraq in 1981 and in Syria, lately. Better to wait for political change and voluntary disarmament as happened in Libya, they insist.

As was first published here, Russian senior air defense officers, accompanied by mid-level diplomats visited Israel in 2009. The discussions focused on Iran and their contents are only partly know. Israel may be asking Russia to leverage its growing influence within Iran to rein in the latter's nuclear weapons agenda. In return, Israeli sources claim that Israel has shared with the Russian visitors intelligence, including hard to obtain HUMINT, about the Iranian leadership, its oil economy, and military. The Americans were apprised of the discussions. Israel asked Russia not to supply Iran with strategic air defense systems "in the next 3 months" (presumably, until after Israel's aerial bombardment on Iranian facilities). Russia remained non-committal, "noting" Israel's concerns. It later denied Israel's request and decided to supply Iran with the systems.

Last year, out of courtesy, Netanyahu decided to postpone any military action until after the visit of Gates, the US Defense Secretary at the end of July. Then he agreed to wait 12 months to see the results of Obama's various initiatives, including the imposition of sanctions. But this was never to be construed as an abandonment of the martial option. With Turkey actually forming an axis with Iran, time is running out. Exercises have been resumed and stepped up, live ammunition and all. Some of these are taking place at nighttime. Are the Israelis going to attack during the night? Doubtful. But they are sure going to use the cover of the dark to try to rescue pilots shot down over hostile territory and to extract trapped warriors. This means that they will attack in the afternoon, at around 2 or 3 PM.

AUTHOR BIO (must be included with the article)

Sam Vaknin ( ) is the author of Malignant Self
Love - Narcissism Revisited and After the Rain - How the West Lost the East.
He served as a columnist for Global Politician, Central Europe Review,
PopMatters, Bellaonline, and eBookWeb, a United Press International (UPI)
Senior Business Correspondent, and the editor of mental health and Central
East Europe categories in The Open Directory and Suite101.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Local Tea Party group may have uncovered massive vote fraud in Texas

Local Tea Party group may have uncovered massive vote fraud in Texas
By: Mark Hemingway
Commentary Staff Writer

09/26/10 3:35 PM EDT
The Examiner’s Mark Tapscott wrote about this story over a week ago, but now Fox News is reporting on Tea Party activists in Texas uncovering vote fraud:

When Catherine Engelbrecht and her friends sat down and started talking politics several years ago, they soon agreed that talking wasn’t enough. They wanted to do more. So when the 2008 election came around, “about 50” of her friends volunteered to work at Houston’s polling places.

“What we saw shocked us,” she said. “There was no one checking IDs, judges would vote for people that asked for help. It was fraud, and we watched like deer in the headlights.”

Their shared experience, she says, created “True the Vote,” a citizen-based grassroots organization that began collecting publicly available voting data to prove that what they saw in their day at the polls was, indeed, happening — and that it was happening everywhere.

“It was a true Tea Party moment,” she remembers.

True the Vote appears to have made some pretty significant discoveries, including one blockbuster revelation possibly connecting the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) to vote fraud in Houston:

Their work paid off. Two weeks ago the Harris County voter registrar took their work and the findings of his own investigation and handed them over to both the Texas secretary of state’s office and the Harris County district attorney.

Most of the findings focused on a group called Houston Votes, a voter registration group headed by Steve Caddle, who also works for the Service Employees International Union. Among the findings were that only 1,793 of the 25,000 registrations the group submitted appeared to be valid. The other registrations included one of a woman who registered six times in the same day; registrations of non-citizens; so many applications from one Houston Voters collector in one day that it was deemed to be beyond human capability; and 1,597 registrations that named the same person multiple times, often with different signatures.

Caddle told local newspapers that there “had been mistakes made,” and he said he had fired 30 workers for filing defective voter registration applications. He could not be reached for this article.

There’s a lot more to the story at the link. It’s an inspiring example grassroots activism.

Read more at the Washington Examiner:

God bless Texas

This documentary is one of the best pieces of evidence of election law violations by AKA Obama and his thugs stealing the primaries in Texas! . If you haven’t seen this documentary it is available on YouTube. This extensive collection of evidence was done by Democrats who were primary workers in Texas. Which just goes to prove that Democrats also recognize when they are being worked over by a Chicago con-man political gangster.

The creator of this shocking video is a long time loyal Texas Democrat named Gigi Gaston. Be sure to read her comments

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Voter Fraud is a Poison to Democracy!

Voter fraud is a huge issue facing us. For decades, voter fraud has been a staple of democratic politics. Lyndon Johnson was the master of it in Texas, as was the Dailey machine in Chicago. Al Franken is a United States Senator today because of voter fraud. The left has done its best to make voter fraud possible, from the Clinton era Motor Voter law, to opposing requirements that a photo ID be presented when someone wants to vote, to advocacy groups such as ACORN that specialized in fraudulent voter registrations.

Vote fraud attacks the heart of our political system and threatens our rights as citizens.
When True the Vote began monitoring elections last fall in Houston, we were shocked at the fraud we discovered. Precinct judges often failed to check voters IDs, and some even filled out ballots to “help” people vote. These violations are just the tip of a very large and ugly iceberg.
If you are one of the millions of Americans outraged by corruption at the highest levels of our nation’s government, then you can help us stop fraud where it begins – at the polling place, in the precinct where you live, in the streets of your city.
If you care enough to help, contact us today to become part of our action plan. A commitment of just a few hours is all it takes to help restore truth and integrity to our elections.

It's Official: Hawaii Refused To Certify Obama's Eligibility in 2008 by Doc Vega

As opposed to previous years from 2000 to 2004 where Democratic candidates for the presidential elections were Constitutionally certified by the party and National Election Committee, in 2008 this was not the case. The state of Hawaii actually refused to certify Barack Obama as being eligible for the presidency of the United States. Based upon the Constitutional provision stated in Article 2 Section 1 which proclaimed that no candidate could run for the office of president unless they were a natural born citizen, obviously the requirement had not been met. The Constitution also specifically states that dual citizens are expressly excluded from running for office of the presidency.

Election official Tim Adams was there and has stated for the record that he could not find any trace of Obama’s long form birth certificate nor could he have even stated this fact when asked under the discretion imposed upon him as an election official. Adams was also quoted saying that among state agency officials and other senior election personnel that it was a foregone conclusion that there was indeed no long form birth certificate to confirm that Barack Obama had been born in the USA.

In the year 2000 Al Gore as President and Joe Lieberman as Vice President of the Democratic party were issued an Official Certification of Nomination as well as John Kerry and John Edwards were also given the green light by the state of Hawaii in 2004, something different happened in 2008 though. Apparently the state of Hawaii ignored the protocols and refused to nominate Barack Obama as the Democratic candidate for the presidency as there was no corroborating evidence to prove that he was Constitutionally eligible for the office. Why? They had no long form birth certificate to substantiate proof that Obama was a natural born citizen of the USA.

So, what did Nancy Pelosi do? A slightly different form was drafted and sent to the other 49 states of the union. It looked almost like the original Official Certificate of Nomination only with one big difference. Instead of showing that in compliance with the US Constitution Obama’s eligibility is certified by the Democratic National Convention, it stated that by acclamation the Democratic National Convention had nominated Barack Hussein Obama as their candidate for President along with his running mate, Joe Biden. This copy went to 49 states with the exception of Hawaii.

The only copy that read like the previous documents that had been used to nominate Gore, and Kerry using the language of the US Constitution was sent to Hawaii. This was an act of illegal deception and violated the Constitutional provisions that defined an eligible presidential candidate. Nancy Pelosi literally committed fraud in certifying Obama as being eligible to run for the office of the presidency.

According to writer J.B.Williams, most states never even certified Obama as their choice for the Democratic presidential candidacy. Hawaii was the only state that was issued an Official Certification of Nomination. Failing to certify their candidate’s eligibility in 49 out of 50 states was a complete and total defiance of the law. State laws require that the presidential nominee is certified in specific language in affirmation of the US Constitution. This was not done. A virtual coup was undertaken in order to elect Obama.

To date President Obama has spent 1.5 million dollars of tax payers money sending US Attorneys all over the country to quash law suits challenging the eligibility of Obama to qualify for president of the United States of America. Why? Why do his school records in Hawaii remain locked down. Why are records of his senatorial and attorney status in the state of Illinois still locked down? What does this man have to hide other than the obvious lack of legal proof that he is qualified? Now, the Supreme Court is even challenging the right of anyone to allege damages as a result of Obama’s ineligibility and warning that they can be sued for pursuing legal action against this president. Our courts are now intimidating the citizens of this country!
These actions are so ludicrous and devoid of due process of law that Americans should be shocked and out raged!

Our political and judicial system under Barack Obama and the Democrats has descended into the equivalent of any other lawless dictatorship that will rig the system and intimidate witnesses and plaintiffs in its quest to stay in power! When our courts and attorney generals fail to enforce the Constitution of the United States of America, then surely our great republic is in peril. Our way of life is teetering on the abyss of revolution brought about by the deliberate actions of our corrupt politicians.
Also See:

Hawaii Dems button-lipped on Obama eligibility status

Doc missing statement candidate 'qualified' under U.S. Constitution

“Demoting Islam’s Religion Status.” - Understanding the Name Martel Sobieskey -

Understanding the Name Martel Sobieskey
Posted by johnhouk on Mar 24, 2009
John R. Houk

I just read an awesome essay by a fellah that calls himself Martel Sobieskey. The name must be a pseudonym or his parents had a good understanding of Muslim aggression against Christianity.

The Frankish leader Charles Martel decisively defeated Abd-ur-Rahman (aka Abdur Rahman, Abdur-Rahman and other variations) the Muslim (Mohammedan or Saracen) leader in a place in present day France between Tours and Poitiers on October 10, 732 AD.

Charles Martel’s victory abruptly stopped Islamic ravaging of Christian lands from the Middle East through North Africa up to present day Spain.

The “Sobieskey” part of Martel Sobieskey’s name no doubt is from the hero Jan (John) III Sobieski. In late 1683 Sobieski’s smaller force won the day against the brutal Muslim Ottoman Turks who had been ravaging Christian Eastern Europe. Sobieski was not only hailed as the hero of defending Vienna but as a savior of Christendom in all of Europe from Islamic invasions and raiding parties.

Understanding the historical significance of Martel Sobieskey’s enables one to comprehend his theme in the essay “Demoting Islam’s Religion Status.”

The theme is Islam is NOT a religion in the Western sense of religion. At any rate Islam is NOT a religion of peace, rather Muslim writings obviously convey the image of a religion of war. The mindset of Islam is to transform the globe to Islamic The-political ideology by force or by stealth from within.

Martel Sobieskey expounds a recurring thought by anti-jihadis; i.e. that Moderate Islam is a myth. The reasoning behind calling Moderate Islam a myth is the Muslim writings Beginning with the Quran. The Quran is considered infallible by Muslims of strict adherence, moderate adherence and even secular minded Muslims. Thus a true Muslim follows the words of Allah delivered by its prophet Mohammed and the observations of Mohammed’s life by his companions. Whether it is Allah or Mo’s buddies, the picture is that of violence to anyone perceived insulting Islam, its prophet or it Allah. This is not a pretty picture.

I personally lean toward a mixture of disbelief of a Moderate Islam and a reformed Islam. I believe Islam can discover a miracle and join the beliefs of modern global religions, which is a better afterlife through faith or the discovery of Nirvana or Moksha or whatever individual religious experience that releases a person from world thinking which is suffering.

Right now Islam only has a peaceful release for devout Muslims and Jihadist Martyrs of whom many look forward toward carnal pleasures disdained by most religions.

The website Muslims Against Shariah (Their Blog) proclaims itself to be a reform movement. This obviously an extreme minority of Muslims who may be put to death as Apostates if they lived in Muslim dominated societies.

JRH 3/24/09
Demoting Islam’s Religion Status

Martel Sobieskey
March 21, 2009
Faith Freedom International

One thing is certain, Islam is not a religion by anything Americans believe one to be - not even close. In fact, Islam is the antithesis of what we deem to be religious. Above all, Islam is a totalitarian political machine of blood thirsty conquest which zealously advocates the downfall of the U.S. government. Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world…” because he was 100% non-political. In extreme contrast, Mohammed and the Koran bellicosely command YOUR KINGDOM IS MY KINGDOM, surrender or die! Let’s be to the point. It is sheer madness, exceedingly irresponsible, criminally negligent, and strategically suicidal to continue granting religion status to an absolutely aggressive and implacable ideology that demands the destruction of our government and all other religions.

It is well past time, the truthful facts be told about Islam. Our leadership and intelligence community have lied and lied again, referring to Islam as a religion of peace. If Islam is to be categorized as a religion - then it must be called what it truthfully is - A RELIGION OF WAR. Unfortunately our leadership has become so inept, they have chosen to be in denial of this obvious fact, and entertain fanciful notions - that by calling a “blood thirsty tiger” a “bunny rabbit” it will magically transform into one.

This means, we now have America’s Sugar Plum Fairy National Security Policy: All of the Islamofascists can be won over by simply labeling them “friends”. How dare we even utter the word enemy, that might upset them. We now have a national security mantra: Islam is perfect! Islam is perfect! Islam is perfect!

The purpose of this article is to introduce that Islam’s religion status is undeserving, that it should never have been granted in the first place, and that it’s religion status should be immediately rescinded.

Why? Because Islam whether you call it moderate, militant, main stream, traditional or radical is a relentless foe inherently programmed to conqueror its host nation. Fail to understand this point and Islam will continue “trashing” civil liberties, shedding bloody pandemonium, wreaking havoc, litigating as warfare, demanding special privileges, and instigating anarchy until its host country suffers irreparable harm if not outright defeat. Such is the virulent modus operandi being used by Islam in England, Spain, India, France, Thailand, Holland, Bali, Lebanon, Denmark, Sweden, Philippines, Russia, America and elsewhere.

Perhaps, this is why Dr. Paul Williams author of “The Dunes of Doomsday” so truthfully and valiantly states in Chapter 1 “Refusing to Identify the Enemy”:

“The enemy is Islam. Not a fringe group within the body of believers … Not radical Islam as if a faction can be separated from the “mainstream” Islam. But Islam itself, as expressed by the life and teachings of Muhammad …”

An Imposter Religion

To put it bluntly Islam’s religion status should be rescinded because it is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, a Trojan horse, an imposter religion that has arrived on our shore with malicious intent, deathly determined to replace our constitution with the Koran, and turn America into an Islamic nation controlled by Sharia law. Robert Spencer in his excellent book, “Stealth Jihad” (How Radical Islam Is Subverting America Without Guns or Bombs), explains how so-called moderate Islam is having greater success at invading America than its counterpart militant Islam. Shockingly, one may rightly conclude that America is now being conquered without Islam even having to fire a shot. Have we really become that docile, self complacent and pathetic? The answer is Yes!

The Sham of Moderate Islam

Does this mean that even so-called moderate Muslims are hostile to America? It certainly does. Moderate Muslims support the conquest of America with a fervor equal to that of the militant Muslims. They cunningly play the role of the “good cop” in their good cop, bad cop charade deceiving we gullible Americans. In fact, the “two hands” of Islam aspire to choke the life out of America. One hand is called militant Muslims, the other hand is called moderate Muslims. These “two hands” work together, in their Koranically mandated asphyxiation pogrom, of strangling America into submission. This point cannot be overemphasized.

In 1974 Algerian President Boumendienne made a prophetic statement to the United Nations General Assembly:

“One day millions of men will leave the southern hemisphere of this planet to burst into the northern one. But not as friends. Because they will burst in to conquer, and they will conquer by populating it with their children. Victory will come to us from the wombs of our women.”

How accurately prophetic he was. Today, one can see no assimilation by Muslims in their host nations and they frequently exhibit open hostility turning entire cities into Moslem enclaves which the police are reluctant to enter. In addition, their birthrate is four times the European average creating a large cash deficient within the social welfare system. It is hardly an exaggeration to say, the Moslem immigration is like a “swarm of invading locusts” devouring everything in their path.

Dutch Politician Geert Wilders, having suffered first hand the “devouring” of his nation by so-called moderate Islam, unflinchingly states in his article, “The Islamization of Europe”…“There is no Moderate Islam”. The United States, like all besieged western democracies, must heed Geert Wilders warning if they wish to protect themselves. Clearly, the safe harbor of religion status enables the “two hands” of Islam to launch clandestine raids upon their host nation, sapping at its vitals from within.

A Road To Hell

The severity of the moderate Islam invasion is thoroughly understood by Islamic experts like Amil Amani. In his article, “A Bridge To “Moderate” Islam Is In Fact a Road to Hell.” He emphatically warns there is no such thing as moderate Islam and to call it so is an oxymoron, a contradiction. Specifically he states:

“Since moderate Islam is oxymoronic, any moderacy in Islam is in fact incompatible and in conflict with essential Islam, its power structure and its controlling proponents . . . Islam is not personally or spiritually relevant. It is political, which is why it may never separate itself from government. Adherence is not a matter of voluntary devotion, but of the law, and violators are severely punished, including capital punishment . . .”

Another enlightened expert who has personally witnessed that moderate Islam is a road to hell is Brigitte Gabriel. In her book, “Because They Hate” she gives a clarion call describing how the ruse of moderate Islam turned her home country of Lebanon into a “living nightmare.” She states:

“We were renowned for our hospitality, good heartedness, and generosity, just as America is know for the same qualities today. Sadly, those same qualities were the cause of our destruction . . . We did not realize that the intolerant Islamic side of our culture was gaining strength on the back of our western openness and pride in diversity.”

Most likely, Brigitte Gabriel would agree that providing religion status to Islam, believing main stream Islam to be moderate, was a major contributor to the destruction of Lebanon. The key point is that so-called moderate Muslims are as fiercely intolerant as militant Muslims, but are more skillful at concealing their agenda and deceiving their host nation until the time is right for them to strike. Brigitte Gabriel tells how usually peaceful Muslim neighbors who had befriended them for decades all of a sudden rose up to kill non-Muslims.

Murderous Intolerance

Such murderous intolerance is fully entrenched within Islam. The so-called moderates fully support these murderous attacks in their “hidden hearts”, rarely paying even lip service to the contrary. Their silence has been “deafening.” Why? Because they dare not challenge the inviolate precedents set by their prophet which would be a capital offense. For example, in 623 A.D. Mohammed was infuriated with the female poet Asma Bint Marwan for criticizing him, and sent his henchman to kill her and her five children. They ripped the infant from her breast and hacked it to pieces before her very eyes. They then made her watch the murder of her other four children, before raping and stabbing her repeatedly to death. After the butchery Mohammed told his henchman, “You have done a service to Allah and his Messenger.”

The killing of persons who criticize Islam has never abated and perhaps is even more alive today than in the 7th century. A few years ago in the U.S. an Egyptian Christian, his wife and two children had their throats cut for challenging Islam, mistakenly believing our free speech laws would protect them. Nearly everyday one hears of some gruesome murder, decapitation, or other violent crime committed by contemporary Muslims who are emulating the example of their prophet.

The Heart War

99.9% of all Muslims have a deeply held secret agenda (wish) that Islam will conquer their host country and turn it into an Islamic nation such is their indelible religious conditioning. This obvious fact has been completely neglected, ignored, avoided and shunned by the leadership of western democracies to their great detriment, including America.

Fortunately we have one Islamic expert who is trying to awaken our leadership and his sleeping counterparts in the defense department and intelligence community. He is truly a “shinning star” and a person of insightful wisdom who should be promoted to the highest positions. Major Stephen Collins Coughlin has written a 333 page thesis entitled, “To Our Great Detriment”. On pages 171-175 he provides a quote that reveals the concealed heart of so-called moderate Muslims. The Caliph (Pope) of the Ottoman empire spelled out what has always been the irrefutable law for all Muslims without exception:

“The heart war - and that is the lowest form of the war. And it is that the Muslim should believe in his heart that the infidels are enemies to him and to his religion, and that he should desire their disappearance and the destruction of their power, And no Muslim can be imagined who is not under obligation to this degree of war. Verily, all the people of the faith are under obligation to this amount without any question whatever, in whatever place they may be . . . .”


Permit me to make a grim prediction: Any country that continues to provide religion status to Islam believing that moderate Muslims will save the day has been “succor punched” and is guaranteed to suffer great havoc and disruptive chaos. The proof is undeniable, look at the mayhem Islam has inflicted upon all western democracies over the past 20 years. The self destructive formula is simple: provide religion status to the sham of moderate Islam and your country will suffer great devastation.

Never before in human history has a nation’s leadership and intelligence community been so easily duped, confounded, played for fools, infiltrated and manipulated by enemy propagandists and apologists. Our leadership has become so pusillanimous in the face of Islamic bullying and brow beating, they have become their lackeys, aiding and abetting the invasion of the very nation they are suppose to protect. The situation is critical. The demoting of Islam’s religion status will turn the tide and send a clear-cut message to Islam that the dust of Allah is no longer befogging our vision enabling them to conqueror us.
Understanding the Name Martel Sobieskey
John R. Houk


Demoting Islam’s Religion Status
About FFI

Martel Sobieskey has 36 years research experience in the field of religious conditioning and its relationship to warfare. He is greatly alarmed that American politicians, military commanders, educators, journalists, intelligence analysts, security and police personnel have failed to comprehend the deeply entrenched jihadist conditioning inherent in all of Islam - moderates included.
Think Islamic problems caused by a small minority of Muslims?
Read the facts, and think again!

As sure as I know that there will be another terrorist attack on the United States I know the day is coming when Muslims, or for that matter Arabs in general, are going to be hated on sight. I remember after 9/11 some nutcase in California killed a turban-wearing Sikh from India, because he thought he was an Arab. There was an incident in Dallas immediately after Nine-Eleven. Another nutcase armed himself and drove around in his pickup on a killing spree. One victim was an Indian mini-grocer who'd lived there, legally and peacefully, for about 30 years. As I recall, this nut also killed a Pakistani shopkeeper, similarly situated and injured a Mexican. And as I recall, several such incidents occurred nationwide.

However, refusing to criticize, indeed vehemently condemn anything Islamic is pretty irrational, and will be costly if it doesn't change. If a billion Moslems suddenly rose up in outrage against Usama Bin Lladin, Zawahiri, Nasrallah, Ahab Inajam and the rest of those deranged maniacs, the liberal-socialists and the rest of the world would join them, and we'd have a chance at eliminating this scourge.

Like many members of many religions, there are Muslims who are not radical and who follow Islam only because it is part of their family tradition. I have a good friend who is a Lebanese Christian. She and her Italian husband are already beginning to notice hate stares and rude behavior. Most folks just assume that she is a Muslim Arab. The Lebanese people do not consider themselves Arabs. Nevertheless, she and her husband are likely to be targets of American revenge, should the time come when reason is conquered by an emotionally-driven response to terrorism.

Maybe I will need to create a modern “Schindler’s list” for all my Mediterranean looking friends.

My comments cautioning over-reaction are intended to address attitudes & actions toward American citizens who are Muslim, or those who just look like they might be Muslim. We need to be careful not to victimize the innocent citizens of our own country.

My reasoning for saying that our best policy is to assume that most Muslims support terrorism, unless there is strong evidence--other than their own testimony--to the contrary, goes like this: Those who support evil behavior, or do not resist evil behavior, share responsibility for the evil acts of others. Bystanders who cheer and bystanders who do not intervene are also guilty of the crime. If you are not FOR us, you are against us. I am not a racist, but my conscience could not be clear unless I am actively resisting racism. “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” Edmund Burke
Ergo, most Muslims support terrorism, unless they are actively resisting terrorism. I am quite aware that most Muslims do not commit acts of terror. But their religion requires them to kill non-Muslims, and their religion requires them to lie about their intentions. I would say that I might trust a Muslim wearing the uniform of our military services, but maybe they enlisted, looking for an opportunity to throw a grenade in their officers’ tent. Our best bet is to put Muslims on probation, and assume their terrorist intentions, until we know for sure where they stand.

I have disagreed with many people who claim that the Islamic terror problem is caused by small minority of radicals. Their comments usually say something like “99% of Muslims are peaceful law abiding citizens”. It is always uncomfortable to disagree with some one you like and admire, so I did a little research. Research on American Muslims is rare or biased so here are some facts from around the world.

Read a small sampling of research about those “mostly” peaceful Muslims:

Have you heard “Young, Unmarried Muslim Males Are the Most Likely to Become Terrorists”?

No. It is de rigueur (customary) to suggest that young, unmarried, Muslim males are the most likely population to become terrorists, or to support terrorism. But from the perspective of the global supply of terrorists, this claim is false. Consider the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam in Sri Lanka. They are the world’s single largest group of suicide bombers. Their cadres are not Muslim, but Hindu by religion, and nearly 40 percent are female.

Even on the issue of support for terrorism, there is reason to be skeptical about the popular convention that young males are leading the pack. In a recent survey of 6,000 Muslims in 14 countries published in Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, females were more likely to support terrorism than were males. What’s more, married and unmarried persons are equally likely to support terrorism. Age matters less than one may think at first blush. In the same survey, some 47 percent of 62-year-olds surveyed were inclined to support terrorism. That percentage was only 10 points higher for 18-year-olds.

Young British Muslims believe, in surprising numbers (31 percent, according to the most recent poll,) that their country’s foreign policy justifies terror attacks.

Perhaps the most egregious case was that of the late British Muslim activist Kalim Siddiqui, who told a public meeting, “I would like every Muslim to raise his hand in agreement with the death sentence on Salman Rushdie. Let the world see that every Muslim agrees that this man should be put away.” Still, the Crown Prosecution Service refused to act, perhaps fearful of a poplar backlash. Polls showed almost a third of British Muslims agreed with Siddiqui and the Ayatollah.

Polls revealed that 57 percent of British Muslims regarded the campaign against the Taliban as a war on Islam.

When British Muslims were asked, "Is Britain your country?" only one in four claim that it is. Thirty percent of British Muslims would prefer to live under Sharia (Islamic religious) law than under British law. According to the report, "Half of those who express a preference for living under Sharia law say that, given the choice, they would move to a country governed by those laws."

Twenty-eight percent hope for the U.K. one day to become a fundamentalist Islamic state.

The news is no less alarming on the question of freedom of speech. Seventy-eight percent of British Muslims support punishment for the people who earlier this year published cartoons featuring the Prophet Mohammed. Sixty-eight percent support the arrest and prosecution of those British people who "insult Islam." When asked if free speech should be protected, even if it offends religious groups, 62 percent of British Muslims say No, it should not.

Support for terrorism: All the Muslim populations polled display a solid majority of support for Osama bin Laden. Asked whether they have confidence in him, Muslims replied positively, ranging between 8 percent (in Turkey) to 72 percent (in Nigeria). Likewise, suicide bombing is popular. Muslims who call it justified range from 13 percent (in Germany) to 69 percent (in Nigeria). These appalling numbers suggest that terrorism by Muslims has deep roots, and will remain a danger for years to come.

One in eight UK Muslims world wide 'support terrorist attacks.'

A recent European poll found that 65% of Palestinians "support Al-Qaeda actions in the USA and Europe." (Fafo-Norwegian-based NGO, in Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, December 23, 2005) This strong support of those who would destroy America came in spite of hundreds of millions of dollars in annual US aid to the Palestinian alliance and was documented before the US announced a freeze in funding, after the election of the Hamas government.

A document, which was produced by officials from MI5 (British Intelligence) and the British Home and Foreign Offices, entitled "Young Muslims and Extremism" and drawn up for the prime minister by officials at the Home and Foreign and Commonwealth Offices, also states that anecdotal evidence suggests that up to 13 per cent, or 208,000 of Britain's 1.6 million Muslims, defended the terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001, while only 26 per cent feel loyalty toward England. That is not a tiny minority.

Muslim support for terrorist attacks against civilians

Jordan: 88% sometimes or rarely, 11% never
Lebanon: 58% sometimes or rarely, 33% never
Pakistan: 44% sometimes or rarely, 35% never

Source: Islamic Extremism: Common Concern for Muslim and Western Publics

These numbers contradict the claim that we are only dealing with a small minority of Muslims. Today’s Islam is a pathology, and a significant portion of those who practice modern Islam are pathological.

Let us call for God’s grace to fall on those Muslims and Muslim looking people who are loyal Americans and are helping in the Global War On Terror. I fear for them.

Sam Sewell

A Friend of mine; Ali, is the head of this organization

O ye who believe! Ask not questions about things which if made plain to you, may cause you trouble… Some people before you did ask such questions, and on that account lost their faith. (Quran. 5:101-102)

Faithfreedom International is a grassroots movement of ex-Muslims, those Muslims who asked prohibited questions and on that account lost their faith. We left Islam because we found it divisive. We realized that the author of the Quran was none but Muhammad, who like a ventriloquist put his own words into the mouth of his imaginary god, and with a promise of a carnal and orgiastic paradise (just for men) and threat of hell, goaded his followers to raid and slay innocent people under the pretext that they were infidels.
Muhammad’s merry band of disciples raided villages, looted and raped the women, and enslaved all who were not killed outright. To this day, Muslim jihadists are following the footsteps of their prophet who bragged, “I have been made victorious with terror”. [Bukhari 4:52:220]

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Iran's Nuclear Agency Trying to Stop Computer Worm

Iran's Nuclear Agency Trying to Stop Computer Worm

Iran's nuclear agency is trying to combat a complex computer worm that has affected industrial sites throughout the country and is capable of taking over power plants, Iranian media reports said.

Experts from the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran met this week to discuss how to remove the malicious computer code, or worm, the semi-official ISNA news agency reported Friday.

The computer worm, dubbed Stuxnet, can take over systems that control the inner workings of industrial plants. Experts in Germany discovered the worm in July, and it has since shown up in a number of attacks — primarily in Iran, Indonesia, India and the U.S.

The ISNA report said the malware had spread throughout Iran, but did not name specific sites affected. Foreign media reports have speculated the worm was aimed at disrupting Iran's first nuclear power plant, which is to go online in October in the southern port city of Bushehr.

Iranian newspapers have reported on the computer worm hitting industries around the country in recent weeks, without giving details. Friday's report also did not mention Bushehr.

The Russian-built plant will be internationally supervised, but world powers remain concerned that Iran wants to use its civil nuclear power program as a cover for making weapons.

Iran denies such an aim and says its nuclear work is solely for peaceful purposes.

While there have been no reports of damage or disruption at any Iranian nuclear facilities, Tuesday's meeting signaled a high level of concern about the worm among Iran's nuclear officials.

The destructive Stuxnet worm has surprised experts because it is the first one specifically created to take over industrial control systems, rather than just steal or manipulate data.

The United States is also tracking the worm, and the Department of Homeland Security is building specialized teams that can respond quickly to cyber emergencies at industrial facilities across the country

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Cyber warfare now has its equivalent of the atomic bomb. It’s called Stuxnet.

“Let me tell you something that we Israelis have against Moses. He took us 40 years through the desert in order to bring us to the one spot in the Middle East that has no oil!”Golda Meir

"... Speculation is Stuxnet was developed in a certain Middle Eastern country that has no oil, but lots of nasty neighbors, and was developed with a certain centrifuge facility in Iran in mind."

See full article:

Cyber security experts say they have identified the world's first known cyber super weapon designed specifically to destroy a real-world target – a factory, a refinery, or just maybe a nuclear power plant.

The cyber worm, called Stuxnet, has been the object of intense study since its detection in June. As more has become known about it, alarm about its capabilities and purpose have grown. Some top cyber security experts now say Stuxnet's arrival heralds something blindingly new: a cyber weapon created to cross from the digital realm to the physical world – to destroy something.

The appearance of Stuxnet created a ripple of amazement among computer security experts. Too large, too encrypted, too complex to be immediately understood, it employed amazing new tricks, like taking control of a computer system without the user taking any action or clicking any button other than inserting an infected memory stick. Experts say it took a massive expenditure of time, money, and software engineering talent to identify and exploit such vulnerabilities in industrial control software systems.

Unlike most malware, Stuxnet is not intended to help someone make money or steal proprietary data. Industrial control systems\l "" experts now have concluded, after nearly four months spent reverse engineering Stuxnet, that the world faces a new breed of malware that could become a template for attackers wishing to launch digital strikes at physical targets worldwide. Internet link not required.

Speculation is Stuxnet was developed in a certain Middle Eastern country that has no oil, but lots of nasty neighbors, and was developed with a certain centrifuge facility in Iran in mind.

So for the short term, Stuxnet is good news. But as with nukes, the bad guys can develop malware too.

Michael Assante, former security chief for this country's grid-minding organization, the North American Electric Reliability Corp, sounded genuinely rattled in his remarks to The Christian Science Monitor.

"What we're seeing with Stuxnet is the first view of something new that doesn't need outside guidance by a human - but can still take control of your infrastructure. This is the first direct example of weaponized software, highly customized and designed to find a particular target," he said. "The implications of Stuxnet are very large, a lot larger than some thought at first... It's the type of threat we've been worried about for a long time."

Friday, September 24, 2010

Now Published in Norway - AKA Obama Fans: All together now – say OMG!!

Now Published in Norway - AKA Obama Fans: All together now – say OMG!!

English Version:

A Letter of Hope and Fear for My Grandchildren.

My dear grandchildren:

Having recently finished my autobiography, where I have attempted to document for you a life story of one man’s journey to attain the American Dream, my thoughts have turned to wondering if what I have detailed is possibly the last of the available dreams.

I shudder to think that all that was accessible for me will not be available to you.

Will the America our forefathers fought for, and dedicated their lives to, be a relic of a time long ago and far away? Will the intellectual genius which conceived this most remarkable system of government be cast aside for a concept of authority designed to constrict our freedoms, restrain our economic engine and reduce our creative entrepreneurial instincts to satisfy the lowest common denominator?

Or will we continue to grow, mature and expand the appreciation for what made our country the envy of the world and the magnet for all those who dream of living a life limited only by one’s own work ethic?

On the occasion of this writing, your ages range from 3 to 13 years, and it will be some time before you will read my words. Should we the people prevail, and our founding documents not be ravaged by today’s political assault on the rights and freedoms we have come to depend on, this letter may be simply an exercise of forewarning. I pray that is the case. If it is not, however, know that there was a time, in this country, when anyone could aspire to whatever they desired and was limited only by his or her own ability, work ethic and ambition.

Your parents and grandparents are worthy examples.

On June 21, 1789, the Constitution of the United States went into effect. As I write this, our country is in its 221st year of the world’s greatest and most successful experiment with a republic democracy.

It is my opinion that many of us have taken our Constitution and its accompanying Bill of Rights for granted and we have done so at your peril. I am very concerned that you, my grandchildren, will be denied your God-given, unalienable rights guaranteed by these sacred documents that have defined life in our beloved United States of America.

In 2008, we experienced an historic presidential election and our voters chose the first African American president. The election was controversial and confrontational from the very beginning of the new administration. The promised reduction of racial divisiveness has yet to be realized. It may very well have increased.

Our population is becoming more polarized than ever before experienced in my lifetime. And the reason for this? Our president is an avowed socialist, aggressively promoting a progressive agenda. With political jurisdiction of both Houses of Congress and the total control of a willing and compliant mainstream media, he seems unstoppable.

After reading, studying and with due consideration of our current president’s early formative years, cultural background, lack of military or business exposure, his association with radical extremists, his penchant for controlling instead of governing, I believe he is not one of us – he is not an American partisan or patriot.

In less than two years, President Barack Obama has systematically violated our Constitution and ignored the Bill of Rights. Government spending and economic bailouts, with their ensuing government controls over seemingly every aspect of our personal life, has caused our national debt to skyrocket to unmanageable proportions and, if continued, will bring the world’s greatest economy to its knees. These government mandates have been initiated and put in place largely without voter approval and, in reality, against large majorities of the electorate.

A growing number of our responsible citizens are beginning to believe that this is being done on purpose. Why? In the opinion of many, including me, to convince the American people that big government is the only way to save us from economic and social anarchy. Ultimately, the goal appears to be a United States governed by a European global socialistic system with the wealth of the nation redistributed to the citizens in a more equal proportion with little emphasis on equality of opportunity and an imposed priority placed on diversity.

The greatness of the United States was not built on its diversity but by guaranteeing the personal liberty granted by our Creator and by establishing a public marketplace animated by equal opportunity to have your success forged by your own initiative, skills, education and work ethic. It is my fear this opportunity will be, at best diminished, or at worst, forbidden to you; denied to you by a governmental nanny state, ostensibly to cater to your every need, but in reality guaranteeing your vote for the ruling class.

It seems as if we have, in these times, a bewildering and excessive number of situations that are intentionally being mishandled, misunderstood, inappropriately funded and politically manipulated by our president and his administration. This blatant and purposeful irresponsibility is resulting in the circumventing of our constitutional-imposed checks and balances, a growing federal government control, the minimizing of our states rights and sovereignty, a firm refusal to adequately manage our illegal immigration with the hope for political gain and the redistribution of our wealth to support an unwanted version of national health care.

This is all coupled with the promise of a litany of tax increases, unneeded and unwanted corporate bailouts to justify the government take-over of key businesses and economic institutions and the disregard of transparency and accountability on the part of our exhausting expansion of government bureaucracy approaching autocracy.

My dear grandchildren, this is what concerns me. If this comes to fruition, know that it was not always this way. Do something about it — for the sake of your children.

God loves you

— Poppy

Kane is retired from the presidency of an international data communications company and a 27-year, fulltime resident of Naples. He has five grandchildren.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Professional Politicians Just Don't Get it - Tea Party

With each new election and new polling data, Democrat and Republican insiders are becoming increasingly confounded as their anointed candidates are defeated in primaries or trailing in polls to tea party-endorsed underdogs. The political establishment is reeling from results and predictions in Florida, New Jersey, Virginia, Massachusetts, Alaska, Delaware, New York, California, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Kentucky, Nevada, Utah, Wisconsin and elsewhere.

Millions of decentralized tea partiers and grassroots 912ers, with nameless-faceless leadership, no hierarchy and minuscule funds are changing America’s political landscape.

Who are we? We are the first three words of the U.S. Constitution. For 18 months "we the people" have been gathering across America saying "we’ve had enough, and we’re not going to take it anymore."

We’ve repeatedly chanted, "Can you hear us now?" only to see our voices ignored, mocked, rejected, or declared racist and radical. After spawning a dozen surprising upsets of political party anointees, we’re still scorned as an angry fringe group of "stupid lemmings" and "astro-turfers." Emboldened by these mischaracterizations, we smile, knowing they simply don’t get it.

Who are they? They are the elites who believe they know better than us. They include the mainstream media and progressives in public office, academe, and Hollywood who condemn individualism as selfish and capitalism as evil, while ignoring their own corruption and disdain for the Constitution.

What’s next? On Nov. 2 we’ll remove politicians who’ve been irresponsibly squandering our money and piling debt upon our grandchildren, replacing them with newcomers who share our beliefs in limited government, fiscal discipline, individual liberties/responsibilities, secure borders, pro-private sector growth policies, and America’s exceptionalism.

These principles have united us. We, the once silent majority, are raising our voices, spreading the truth and making a difference. We’re educating our friends, neighbors, co–workers and family members, and encouraging them to vote on Nov. 2.

Concerned about reckless spending and the destruction of America’s wealth in a flawed attempt to create a more perfect society, we’re working to restore our nation to prosperity with a new breed of politicians. We’re uniting as millions of decent but previously disengaged average Americans, proudly supporting the principles that have made America the most creative, most productive, most prosperous and most generous nation in history.

We are an unprecedented coalition of conservatives, moderates, centrists, libertarians, independents, and even social liberals who espouse fiscal discipline. We are of all ages, races, creeds, educational and economic backgrounds. Finding common ground on today’s critical issues, we’re committed to reverse America’s dangerous slides toward socialism and restore the America envisioned by our Founding Fathers.

If that makes us "nut cases" in the eyes of the progressive elite, so be it.

We may be registered Democrat or Republican or Independent, but we make our own choices at the polls. So in reality we’re all independents. We’re not a third political party, but will support candidates who endorse the principles which have united us.

We’ll elect less-than-perfect candidates who know that new private sector investments, jobs and profits are the only solutions to our current nightmare. We’ll vote for those who will promote that God–given right to pursue one’s dreams (even at the risk of failure) without oppressive tax rates and with minimal government involvement. We’ll support those who will fix broken entitlement programs, secure America against external threats and preserve America’s leadership of the free world.

We’ll choose candidates who understand the strengths of free markets and the undeniable weaknesses of collectivism, supporting even flawed newcomers who will allow us to make our own choices rather than concentrating power in Washington, where bureaucrats dictate our future.

We’ll reject political hacks who overpay themselves while demonizing profits and dictating how others should be compensated. Well replace them with politicians who will make life easier for Americans willing to take risks, start new businesses and create wealth. We’ll elect those who will enforce the rule of law, but who will otherwise "get out of the way" of job-creating capitalists. This means cutting capital gains taxes, the whopping 38 percent tax on business profits, hidden energy taxes, stifling regulations and government intervention regarding unions. This means ending ridiculous ideas like Cap and Tax, government health care and benefits for illegal immigrants.

What will be the result on Nov. 2? A political tsunami! New common sense leadership in D.C., in Florida and across America, followed by concrete steps to enable new private sector job creation, return lost jobs to U.S. soil, and once again unleash sustainable economic growth and prosperity throughout our exceptional land.

Jack Tymann retired as the president of Westinghouse International and is currently Chairman of First Florida Biofuels, LLC. Jack is a regular guest commentator for the Daily News and a frequent guest speaker throughout Southwest Florida. E-mail Jack at:

We can absorb a terrorist attack." - President Barack Obama in an interview with author Bob Woodward.

We can absorb a terrorist attack." - President Barack Obama in an interview with author Bob Woodward.

"In three states, the proximity of the road to the border allowed investigators to cross undetected, successfully simulating the cross-border movement of radioactive materials or other contraband into the United States from Canada, according to a Covert Operations Report
Since the President -- the Commander in Chief -- believes "we" can absorb a terrorist attack, perhaps that may explain many things including why it is so simple to sneak weapons of mass destruction into the United States across the nation's porous borders. Of course, Obama doesn't include himself and his family in that "we can absorb." He means "they" -- the American people -- "can absorb."
"A fundamental rule of warfare is if you have a military mission, you must provide the resources required to achieve that mission. If you’re not willing to pay the price, you need to change the mission; otherwise you’re setting up a situation designed to fail," said Fox News military analyst K.T. McFarland.
"Americans expect our President to do everything possible to defend the nation from attack. We expect him to use every tool at his disposal to find, defeat, capture and kill terrorists. We expect him to deter attacks by making clear to our adversaries that an attack on the United States will carry devastating consequences," said Liz Cheney, daughter of former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney.
In the past, officials from the Government Accountability Office testified before members of the U,S. Congress on at least three separate occasions in order to describe security vulnerabilities that terrorists could exploit to enter the country. Yet, even with reports of border security deficiencies, President Barack Obama decided to target Arizona and law enforcement officials.
"Once again the President seems either unwilling or unable to do what it takes to keep this nation safe. The President owes the American people an explanation," said Cheney, chairman of the public-interest group Keep America Safe.

Government Accountability Office officials were asked to summarize the results of covert testing and assessment work. Their report discussed the results of testing at land, sea, and air ports of entry; however, the majority of GAO's work was focused on land ports of entry. The unmanned and unmonitored border areas GAO assessed were defined as locations where the government does not maintain a manned presence 24 hours per day or where there was no apparent monitoring equipment in place.
"The government has conducted numerous vulnerability tests and they all appear to highlight the fact that our borders are porous not only to illegal aliens but also to terrorists, weapons of mass destruction and other contraband. Maybe Secretary [Janet] Napolitano [of the Homeland Security Department] should worry more about that than about guns being smuggled into Mexico," said political strategist Mike Baker.
GAO investigators identified numerous border security vulnerabilities, both at ports of entry and at unmanned and unmonitored land border locations between the ports of entry. In testing ports of entry, undercover investigators carried counterfeit drivers' licenses, birth certificates, employee identification cards, and other documents, presented themselves at ports of entry and sought admittance to the United States dozens of times.
They arrived in rental cars, on foot, by boat, and by airplane. They attempted to enter in four states on the northern border (Washington, New York, Michigan, and Idaho), three states on the southern border (California, Arizona, and Texas), and two other states requiring international air travel (Florida and Virginia).
In nearly every case, government inspectors accepted oral assertions and counterfeit identification provided by GAO undercover investigators as proof of U.S. citizenship and allowed them to enter the country. In total, undercover investigators made 42 crossings with a 93 percent success rate.
On several occasions, while entering by foot from Mexico and by boat from Canada, covert investigators were not even asked to show identification.
For example, at one border crossing in Texas, an undercover investigator attempted to show a Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officer his counterfeit driver's license, but the officer said, "That's fine, you can go" without looking at it.
As a result of these tests, GAO concluded that terrorists could use counterfeit identification to pass through most of the tested ports of entry with little chance of being detected.
In its most recent work, GAO shifted its focus from ports of entry and primarily performed limited security assessments of unmanned and unmonitored areas between ports of entry. The names of the states GAO visited for this limited security assessment have been withheld at the request of Customs and Border Protection officials.
In four states along the U.S.-Canada border, GAO covert investigators found state roads that were very close to the border that CBP did not appear to monitor. In three states, the proximity of the road to the border allowed investigators to cross undetected, successfully simulating the cross-border movement of radioactive materials or other contraband into the United States from Canada.
For example, in one apparently unmanned, unmonitored area on the northern border, the U.S. Border Patrol was alerted to GAO's activities through the tip of an alert citizen. However, the responding U.S. Border Patrol agents were not able to locate the investigators and their simulated contraband.
Also on the northern border, GAO investigators located several ports of entry in one state on the northern border that had posted daytime hours and were unmanned overnight. Investigators observed that surveillance equipment was in operation, but that the only preventive measure to stop an individual from crossing the border into the United States was a barrier across the road that could be driven around.
"President Obama doesn’t know how to be a good wartime president, and doesn’t really want to be one. He sees it as a distraction from his goal of transforming America, and his aides worry it will be hard to spin in a reelection campaign," said K.T. McFarland who served in national security posts in the Nixon, Ford and Reagan administrations.

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My Old Friend Arlen Williams Has A New Blog - Gulag Bound

To fellow travelers of the Bound,
I haven't made some formal email introductions to the Gulag that I need to make (have allowed some email difficulties to hold me up) but I thought you may wish to see this:

Please see the authors we have, at the top of the Gulag Bound sidebar.
And, feel free to make use of this item, in whatever way, including reposting.
Highest reg's,


Regarding Pravda Eligibility Articles Resulting in Pravda Listed as an Attack Site.

Hi Sam,

Regarding Pravda Eligibility Articles listed as an attack site. Below I did a quick (not complete) breakdown on Google Inc. just to show you who’s shutting you down. It’s the same people (Bilderberg) I’ve done almost 300 articles for CFP exposing them.

Pravda Eligibility Articles - Google now has their site listed as an attack site.

Pravda Eligibility Articles - Google now has their site listed as an attack site.


Eric E. Schmidt is the chairman & CEO of Google Inc., a trustee at the Paley Center for Media, and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).

Note: Henry A. Kissinger is a trustee at the Paley Center for Media, a lifetime trustee at the Aspen Institute (think tank), a director at the American Friends of Bilderberg (think tank) and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).

Madeleine K. Albright is a trustee at the Aspen Institute (think tank), and a director at the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank).

John Vincent Weber is a trustee at the Aspen Institute (think tank), a director at the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).

James A. Johnson is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), a member of the American Friends of Bilderberg (think tank) and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).

James H. Lambright is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), and the interim chief investment officer for the 2008-2009 financial bailout.

L. John Doerr is a director at Google Inc., a trustee at the Aspen Institute (think tank), and an advisory council member at the Hamilton Project (Healthcare AKA Obamacare).

Note: Henry A. Kissinger is a lifetime trustee at the Aspen Institute (think tank), a director at the American Friends of Bilderberg (think tank) and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).

Madeleine K. Albright is a trustee at the Aspen Institute (think tank), and a director at the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank).

John Vincent Weber is a trustee at the Aspen Institute (think tank), a director at the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).

James A. Johnson is an advisory council member at the Hamilton Project (Healthcare AKA Obamacare), a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), a member of the American Friends of Bilderberg (think tank) and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).

James H. Lambright is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), and the interim chief investment officer for the 2008-2009 financial bailout.

Shirley M. Tilghman is a director at Google Inc., the president of Princeton University, and a trustee at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (think tank).

Note: Eric E. Schmidt is the chairman & CEO of Google Inc., a trustee at Princeton University, and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).

Ben S. Bernanke was a professor at Princeton University, and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).

Jessica Tuchman Mathews is the president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (think tank), an honorary trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank), a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), a director at the American Friends of Bilderberg (think tank), and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).

James A. Johnson is an honorary trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank), a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), a member of the American Friends of Bilderberg (think tank) and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).

James H. Lambright is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), and the interim chief investment officer for the 2008-2009 financial bailout.

Ed Griffin’s interview with Norman Dodd in 1982

(The investigation into the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace uncovered the plans for population control by involving the United States in war)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Now Russian TV Wants Some Eligibility Coverage

I got an e-mail from REN TV from Moscow, they want to do a TV interview with me

Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ

REN is one of the largest private federal TV channels in Russia. Founded by Irena Lesnevskaya and her son, Dmitry Lesnevsky, who had been running REN TV as a production house for other national Russian television channels, it has broadcast since 1 January 1997. Its target audience is a young to middle-age city worker. Even though it focuses mostly on the audience in the 18 to 45 demographic, REN offers programming for a wide range of demographics, since the target viewer has a family and respects family values. The channel has won 13 TEFIs awards presented by the Academy of Russian Television.

Pravda Eligibility Articles - Google now has their site listed as an attack site.

Pravda Eligibility Articles - Google now has their site listed as an attack site.

Well, lots more people know about it now. All three installments have been "most popular" on Pravda for several days. We can no longer say that this issue has not been covered by a major media outlet.

I have also contacted other foreign media but no bites yet.

I would appreciate all my friends posting these links far and wide.
Also the original article complete with photos and links (Pravda deleted these) is at:

Obama “I have nothing to hide but I’m hiding it.”

Here is the note I sent to the editor:

Dear Dmitry,

Bad news. Google now has your site listed as an attack site. My guess is that Obots falsely reported malware attacks coming from your site and Google took action.
Sam Sewell

English Russian news and analysis
This site may harm your computer.

  • ·What we know for sure that makes aka Obama ineligible

  • There isn't one single, credible source that has any concrete facts whatsoever, that Obama was born in Hawaii. Here's a surprise! Hawaii's Department of Education has been unable to find AKA Obama's Kindergarten records. By this time maybe you are no longer surprised. Although Obama has had a first-class education that spanned 25 years, there is...
  • No evidence of Hawaiian birth for AKA Obama. What about Kenya?
Obama's 'CERTIFICATION of Live Birth' form reveals his Birth Registration was FILED in 1961 but was never fully ACCEPTED by the Hawaiian State Registrar's Office. Hawaii is covering this up for political reasons to protect Obama. Only they know the ultimate reasons they are all willing to commit Misprision of Felony at this point in time given the...

  • AKA Obama fans: All together now – say OMG!!
It isn't hard to imagine the gnawing anxiety that AKA OBAMA lives with, day in and day out. Much has been written about AKA OBAMA's behavior that reminds mental health experts and others of NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder.) A frequent manifestation of such a disorder is The Narcissist, as Liar and Con-man

Monday, September 20, 2010

Third and Final Installment of Pravda Obama Eligibility Story

Dear Sam,

I have just posted the final part III of your article on the main page.

I believe it will be just as successful as the previous two parts.

Thank you very much for sharing this with us. We do hope that our publications of your work gave many people food for thought.

If you ever consider sending more of your articles to Pravda, we would be glad to consider them.

Kind regards,

Dmitry Sudakov

Pravda.Ru English editor

· What we know for sure that makes aka Obama ineligible

There isn't one single, credible source that has any concrete facts whatsoever, that Obama was born in Hawaii. Here's a surprise! Hawaii's Department of Education has been unable to find AKA Obama's Kindergarten records. By this time maybe you are no longer surprised. Although Obama has had a first-class education that spanned 25 years, there is...

Friday, September 17, 2010

Most popular articles on Pravda - Obama Eligibility Story by Sam Sewell

No evidence of Hawaiian birth for AKA Obama. What about Kenya?

Obama's 'CERTIFICATION of Live Birth' form reveals his Birth Registration was FILED in 1961 but was never fully ACCEPTED by the Hawaiian State Registrar's Office. Hawaii is covering this up for...

AKA Obama fans: All together now – say OMG!!

It isn't hard to imagine the gnawing anxiety that AKA OBAMA lives with, day in and day out. Much has been written about AKA OBAMA's behavior that reminds mental health experts and others of NPD...

Installment Two - Pravda Eligibility Article by Sam Sewell

The Obama “I have nothing to hide but I’m hiding it.” report is a 7500 word document that is being published in installments by Pravda USA.

Installment Two - Pravda Eligibility Article by Sam Sewell

No evidence of Hawaiian birth for AKA Obama. What about Kenya?

Obama's 'CERTIFICATION of Live Birth' form reveals his Birth Registration was FILED in 1961 but was never fully ACCEPTED by the Hawaiian State Registrar's Office. Hawaii is covering this up for political reasons to protect Obama. Only they know the ultimate reasons they are all willing to commit Misprision of Felony at this point in time given the...