The Most Insufferable Man in the World
Pat Sajak · 15 hours ago
With apologies to the advertising agency responsible for creating Dos Equis Beer’s "The Most Interesting Man in the World," say hello to "The Most Insufferable Man in the World," who happens to bear a striking resemblance to a certain Chief Executive.
When someone within earshot says, "Thank God," he says, "You’re welcome."
He takes Joe Biden seriously.
He looks at Mt. Rushmore as a work in progress.
He reads the Constitution every day...looking for loopholes.
He appears on The View because he thinks the hosts are hot.
At Presidential news conferences, he found Helen Thomas’s questions to be coherent.
He reads Frank Rich columns with a straight face.
He thinks he looks really cool on a bicycle.
When it was determined that Jeremiah Wright would be too controversial a choice for Attorney General, he was willing to settle for Eric Holder.
He thinks Keith Olbermann is witty.
Feel free to weigh in.
18 hours ago
1 comment:
He calls Christina Romer his "Money Honey" and Janet Napolitano one of the many Obama Babes. He says they have "hottitude".
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