Hail to Pastor Terry Jones
Although the Florida Pastor Terry Jones who said he would burn the Quran on the anniversary of 9/11 has been maligned by many, including the conservatives and those who ought to know better, he is indeed a hero. What he has done is absolutely phenomenal, for which he should be hailed and praised.
Pastor Jones has once again highlighted that ordianry Muslims would not hesitate to kill innocent people.
Musri, the president of the Islamic Society of Central Florida that met with Jones and promised to move the Ground Zero Cordoba House to a different location, if the Pasto agreed to not burn the Quran, said to the reporters, ”We are committed to dissolving the situation here and there. I want to thank Pastor Jones for his courage and his willingness to take these serious events that are unfolding, to take into consideration the safety of our troops across the world, the safety of all Americans, traveling or doing business abroad, and to also consider the safety of all people, and to step back from his position and to be in line with Scripture to love your neighbor as yourself.”
This is a clear admission that Muslims would kill innocent people if they feel their religion is insulted. Would the followers of any other religion do such thing?
Right after 9/11 many Americans went out of their way to protect Muslims living in America fearing someone may want to take revenge on them. On the other hand Muslims burn churches; they kill nuns and priests and ordinary Christians in Turkey, Nigeria, Pakistan, and all over the world and no one thinks of retaliating against other Muslims. Only Muslims are capable of such thing. Doesn’t this tell us about what kind of people Muslims are?
Another victory is that this episode has brought to the public attention the evilness of the Quran. This book is full of violent passages and evil teachings. Mein Kamph in comparison to the Quran is a benign. This episode has brought the discussion of Islam to the forefront. It once again has reminded the world that Islam is not compatible with anything decent or civilized. Islam is of the Devil, as Jones has correctly named his book. The only way to discredit the Quran is to discuss it publicly. And here is our chance.
Another thing the world leaned about this episode is that Muslims cannot be trusted, that their words, their promises, handshakes and treaties mean nothing.
Imam Musri met with Pastor Jones and engaging in the Islamic institution of taqiyah deceived him. Jones has said he came away from the meeting with Musri on Thursday with the understanding that the mosque would be moved if he canceled the Quran-burning, with witnesses present. But Musri told the Orlando Sentinel on Friday that promise was never made.
Highlighting these to the world is of utmost importance. Deceiving the unbelievers is part of the Islamic faith. Muslims are engaged in jihad to spread their faith. Jihad has two dimensions: terror and deception. These two are integral parts of Jihad. Muhammad said, war is deception and victory is through terror.
This episode brought to the public attention the knowledge that ordinary Muslims are murderers, that they are untrustworthy and deceitful and that their holy book is a manual of terror and violence.
This is a major victory for those of us in the forefront of the fight against Islamimzation of the world. Islam cannot be demolished through warfare, but it can be through debate. Ignorance is darkness. We cannot destroy darkness with the sword. Darkness will vanquish with light. Knowledge is light and Pastor Jones should be hailed for bringing the subject of Islam to the forefront. Now people all over the world are debating. The subject of debate must be the content of the Quran. The question is not whether it should be burned or not, but whether such a book has any place in a civilized world.
We need debates like this. We need to discuss the fact that Muslims will not shy murdering innocent people at a drop of a hat. Who else but a Muslim would murder and innocent person because someone else does something that he interprets as insulting?
Islamic savagery, Islamic deception, and the violet teachings of the Quran have been highlighted once again. Jones has to be lauded for that. He also has to be praised for not burning the Quran. Burning the Quran would have put in danger the lives of many people. The Quran should not be burned. It should be studied and debated. We must ask Muslims to explain their holy book and passages such as these.
3:151: We will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve,
8:12: I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.
2:191: And slay them wherever ye catch them
2:193: And fight them on until there is no more fitnah (opposition, discord, sedition)
2:216: Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you?
3:28: Let not the believers take for friends or helpers Unbelievers rather than believers: if any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah.
The above is only a token. Muslims will not integrate into our societies. They will never accept our way of life or become our friends as long as they hold these verses sacred.
Jones did two very right things. He talked about burning the Quran, which generated this discussion, but he did not do it and hence he put no one’s life in peril. Of course his own life is very much in danger now. He can be killed so others take a lesson and dare not to insult Isalm. I pray for his safety.
Nonetheless, this is major victory for those of us in the fight against Islam. It is deplorable that those who claim to defend democracy and freedom have failed to see it and instead have chosen to berate Jones.
9 hours ago
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