Hi Sam,
Regarding Pravda Eligibility Articles listed as an attack site. Below I did a quick (not complete) breakdown on Google Inc. just to show you who’s shutting you down. It’s the same people (Bilderberg) I’ve done almost 300 articles for CFP exposing them.
Pravda Eligibility Articles - Google now has their site listed as an attack site.
Pravda Eligibility Articles - Google now has their site listed as an attack site.
Eric E. Schmidt is the chairman & CEO of Google Inc., a trustee at the Paley Center for Media, and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
Note: Henry A. Kissinger is a trustee at the Paley Center for Media, a lifetime trustee at the Aspen Institute (think tank), a director at the American Friends of Bilderberg (think tank) and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
Madeleine K. Albright is a trustee at the Aspen Institute (think tank), and a director at the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank).
John Vincent Weber is a trustee at the Aspen Institute (think tank), a director at the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
James A. Johnson is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), a member of the American Friends of Bilderberg (think tank) and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
James H. Lambright is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), and the interim chief investment officer for the 2008-2009 financial bailout.
L. John Doerr is a director at Google Inc., a trustee at the Aspen Institute (think tank), and an advisory council member at the Hamilton Project (Healthcare AKA Obamacare).
Note: Henry A. Kissinger is a lifetime trustee at the Aspen Institute (think tank), a director at the American Friends of Bilderberg (think tank) and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
Madeleine K. Albright is a trustee at the Aspen Institute (think tank), and a director at the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank).
John Vincent Weber is a trustee at the Aspen Institute (think tank), a director at the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
James A. Johnson is an advisory council member at the Hamilton Project (Healthcare AKA Obamacare), a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), a member of the American Friends of Bilderberg (think tank) and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
James H. Lambright is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), and the interim chief investment officer for the 2008-2009 financial bailout.
Shirley M. Tilghman is a director at Google Inc., the president of Princeton University, and a trustee at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (think tank).
Note: Eric E. Schmidt is the chairman & CEO of Google Inc., a trustee at Princeton University, and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
Ben S. Bernanke was a professor at Princeton University, and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
Jessica Tuchman Mathews is the president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (think tank), an honorary trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank), a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), a director at the American Friends of Bilderberg (think tank), and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
James A. Johnson is an honorary trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank), a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), a member of the American Friends of Bilderberg (think tank) and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
James H. Lambright is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), and the interim chief investment officer for the 2008-2009 financial bailout.
Ed Griffin’s interview with Norman Dodd in 1982
(The investigation into the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace uncovered the plans for population control by involving the United States in war)
6 hours ago
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