Local Tea Party group may have uncovered massive vote fraud in Texas
By: Mark Hemingway
Commentary Staff Writer
09/26/10 3:35 PM EDT
The Examiner’s Mark Tapscott wrote about this story over a week ago, but now Fox News is reporting on Tea Party activists in Texas uncovering vote fraud:
When Catherine Engelbrecht and her friends sat down and started talking politics several years ago, they soon agreed that talking wasn’t enough. They wanted to do more. So when the 2008 election came around, “about 50” of her friends volunteered to work at Houston’s polling places.
“What we saw shocked us,” she said. “There was no one checking IDs, judges would vote for people that asked for help. It was fraud, and we watched like deer in the headlights.”
Their shared experience, she says, created “True the Vote,” a citizen-based grassroots organization that began collecting publicly available voting data to prove that what they saw in their day at the polls was, indeed, happening — and that it was happening everywhere.
“It was a true Tea Party moment,” she remembers.
True the Vote appears to have made some pretty significant discoveries, including one blockbuster revelation possibly connecting the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) to vote fraud in Houston:
Their work paid off. Two weeks ago the Harris County voter registrar took their work and the findings of his own investigation and handed them over to both the Texas secretary of state’s office and the Harris County district attorney.
Most of the findings focused on a group called Houston Votes, a voter registration group headed by Steve Caddle, who also works for the Service Employees International Union. Among the findings were that only 1,793 of the 25,000 registrations the group submitted appeared to be valid. The other registrations included one of a woman who registered six times in the same day; registrations of non-citizens; so many applications from one Houston Voters collector in one day that it was deemed to be beyond human capability; and 1,597 registrations that named the same person multiple times, often with different signatures.
Caddle told local newspapers that there “had been mistakes made,” and he said he had fired 30 workers for filing defective voter registration applications. He could not be reached for this article.
There’s a lot more to the story at the link. It’s an inspiring example grassroots activism.
Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/blogs/beltway-confidential/local-tea-party-group-may-have-uncovered-massive-vote-fraud-in-texas-103823128.html#ixzz10kBXW0pV
God bless Texas
This documentary is one of the best pieces of evidence of election law violations by AKA Obama and his thugs stealing the primaries in Texas! . If you haven’t seen this documentary it is available on YouTube. This extensive collection of evidence was done by Democrats who were primary workers in Texas. Which just goes to prove that Democrats also recognize when they are being worked over by a Chicago con-man political gangster.
The creator of this shocking video is a long time loyal Texas Democrat named Gigi Gaston. Be sure to read her comments
11 hours ago
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