Leave you observations in the comments section.
The amateur sleuths did a fine job of spotting the suspicious aspects of this document.
We know that the Nordyke twins were born in a Hawaiian hospital. The long form birth certificates for the Nordyke twins have been released to the public. Yet, their birth announcement is nowhere to be found.
However, the birth announcement for AKA Obama is there for all to see even though there is no long form birth certificate for AKA Obama.
One could reasonable assume that the birth announcement for the Nordyke twins was removed and replaced with a bogus AKA Obama announcement.
At http://thesteadydrip.blogspot.com/2009/04/aka-obama-fans-all-together-now-say-omg.html

We know that the Nordyke twins were born in a Hawaiian hospital. The long form birth certificates for the Nordyke twins have been released to the public. Yet, their birth announcement is nowhere to be found.
However, the birth announcement for AKA Obama is there for all to see even though there is no long form birth certificate for AKA Obama.
One could reasonable assume that the birth announcement for the Nordyke twins was removed and replaced with a bogus AKA Obama announcement.
At http://thesteadydrip.blogspot.com/2009/04/aka-obama-fans-all-together-now-say-omg.html
From Mr. Usually Reliable "The big news is not that the announcement is a fake. Before the end of the week more documentation will be available".
UPDATE: DEC 11/09:
The authenticity of the announcement is now solid. It doesn't really prove anything other than an annoucement was published, but one more minor mystery has been solved.
Oh come on, Larry!
What is odd about the Obama annoucement when compared to the others? Did you click the image for full view? And did you click it again for enlarged view?
The numbers look "cleaner" than the other announcements...especially the 6 and 8. The King announcement above though does have a 6 very close to Obama 6.
I agree with Larry - it's just a standard newspaper announcement. I see no differences between the Obama announcement and the others on the page. Perhaps you could enlighten us.
The announcement seems to have been inserted where an advertisement could have been. Notice the horizontal lines above and below the announcement.
The dotted line above and the solid line below Soetoro's listing??!?
OK! As of 2 PM ET two of you are on the right track.
I have two important classes to teach and will be busy the rest of the day. I should be able to get back to my blog by 10 PM ET and congratulate all the sharp eyed people who saw the suspicious aspects of the announcement.
Due to the resolution and possibility the the newsprint was not flat when the microfilm was produced I can't convince myself there are any obvious graphical irregularites. Some of the text seems to be very horizontal where the edge of the page suggests it should be tilted. I too would like to know what I should be seeing.
What I do see:
I see the exact same 25 names and information listed in the exact same order in both the Star Bulletin (image not here) and the Sunday Advertiser so if these were somehow altered they would have to have been altered in both places. This implies the same source of information for both publications was used to generate the birth announcements.
I see 18 sons and 6 daugters listed. Not a popular week for daughters and though strange is likely just a statistical anomaly.
The listings cover 25 births from July 30-August 7 and were published the following Sunday Aug. 13. However, I DO NOT see a listing for the 2 Nordyke twin daughters born on Aug. 5 in the same hospital Obama was purportedly born in. There should also have been many more than 25 births in one week in Honolulu judging by the assigned birth certificate numbers (10,000s) at the beginning of August though of course statistical anomalies are possible. Only 25 listings does imply that a complete listing was not automatically sent by whatever hospital/agency generated this list or that the parents had to opt in/out of the listing or in some way voluntarily provided the information.
The Font On the numbers look more crisp and clear, especially the number six (6) which looks like a different font than the others.
The type doesn't "look right"...It looks like it was pasted in place....
Lines above and below the obviously pasted insert of BO Birth Announcement.
Also the BO pasted insert tilts downward to right.
OBVIOUSLY AMATUER CUT & PASTE FORGERY done before the BO campaign had the money for Professional Forgeries.
I wonder if the "'Norman Asing" birth is legit? As Dennis said: "The announcement seems to have been inserted where an advertisement could have been. Notice the horizontal lines above and below the announcement." If the Asing birth is bogus, then both possibly are?!?!?
Good work!
We know that the Nordyke twins were born in a Hawaiian hospital. The long form birth certificates for the Nordyke twins have been released to the public. Yet, their birth announcement is nowhere to be found.
However, the birth announcement for AKA Obama is there for all to see even though there is no long form birth certificate for AKA Obama.
One could reasonable assume that the birth announcement for the Nordyke twins was removed and replaced with a bogus AKA Obama announcement.
At http://thesteadydrip.blogspot.com/2009/04/aka-obama-fans-all-together-now-say-omg.html
Good one. Although it may have looked to me like a cut & paste job I didn't want to go with the obvious. But it is interesting that there is no announcement for the Nordyke twins. However, since these announcements are voluntary there no guarantee that their parents listed it in this particular newspaper. What would be interesting is if someone can get a copy of the original paper from a library on microfiche. Any takers? And what about the other newspaper that alledgedly listed Obama's birth? Does it also omit the Nordyke twins?
Thanks for the comment Larry.
There are literally dozens of anti-Birther articles in the media that continue to claim that AKA Obama's birth announcement was in "two different newspapers". These two newspapers are printed by the same publisher and share the same stories and sources. The purpose of this “two newspaper” claim is to falsely imply that these newspapers are independent of each other, and therefore, unlikely to run the same birth announcement.
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