UPDATE 1:22 AM 080509
From Free Republic:
To: Swordmaker; Jim Robinson
Hold the Presses! My daughter just showed me something. She had me open both the Australian and Kenyan documents in Photoshop Elements. From there she had me under the Image menu "Divide Scanned Photos". Nothing appeared on the Kenyan document, however six layers pealed away from the Australian one. These layers all showed distortion. Layer 1 - Date and Place of Birth Layer 2 - Father (followed by) Name, Surname, Age and B Layer 3 - Name, Surname and Birthplace Layer 4 - Issue { Living Deceased Layer 5 - Signature, Description Informant Layer 6 - The entire right section of the page, specifically the inserted text fields and bottom right quadrant Will post these late tomorrow afternoon. The interesting thing about Photoshop elements is that on edited photos it will pull them apart. On unedited photos there will be no layering. All of the separated layers exhibited a great deal of pixel distortion around the letters. I believe the Australian certificate is a fraud. I can not confirm the authenticity of the Kenyan document. Will be heading to bed shortly.
1,390 posted on Tuesday, August 04, 2009 3:18:21 AM by PA Engineer (Liberate America from the occupation media.)
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Up until about 3AM this morning I thought it was real too. Than a researcher freind of mine who is too shy to be revealed found the "BOMFORD" document.
The numbers (7s 6d No. 495) (Book 44B Page 5733) are all identical to the document provided by Orly and WND.
Now the question is; who would gain from such an easily exposed fraud?
This blog was started to give people a source of information they can trust. I almost never make the mistake of including scams, false rumors, or poorly researched items. I encourage readers to alert me if they spot an anomaly. It will be quickly corrected.
Thanks for debunking this latest hoax in record time, Aristotle!
I don't know if my TV set would survive another appearance by the "Queen Bee" as Colbert's Clown.
Yup that one had a real short shelf life. I posted my "need to vett" article at 4:20 pm Sunday, had a 3AM Monday conference call with Hannen and Arlen. Hannen found the proof of a fake document shortly thereafter.
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