XXX XXXXX has been running a series of articles exploring the vagaries of Barack Obama's birth and concealed documentation, and this was the jumping off point of the email which confirmed the claim that Obama was not born in Hawaii, that "Mossad are going with Mombassa" but "Proving Mombassa is not so easy, as NSIS in Nairobi are clamming up tight, as are MI6 in London, who have the original Mombassa file and full details of the birth."
FROM: Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Now pay close attention to this:
“Ann filed for Divorce Jan. 20, 1964 (Inauguration Day – what are the odds?), and the date was set by the presiding judge for the trial to commence 30 days after Obama SR would have responded to his notification, sent to Cambridge, Mass (Cambridge – what are the odds? ).
Judge Samuel P. King who granted the divorce – last I heard was retired and alive (for now) in his 90s in Hawaii — MAY or MAY NOT have asked to see the Marriage Certificate. BUT, I bet Judge King asked to see Obama JR’s Birth Certificate to confirm Ann’s claims that Obama SR was in fact the father. That is “standard” policy to have a Birth Certificate in case the mother asks for child support from the father (or Welfare) later after the divorce. Judge King probably told Ann to produce a birth certificate before or at trial, which would have been sometime in mid- to late-February 1964 HAD Obama SR answered his notice that was sent to Cambridge.
When Judge King wrote the order on Jan. 23, he had his clerk notify Obama SR via what’s referred to as a “knock and nail”. That is, the postman leaves the notification on the door for (generally) 10 days and retrieves it after that time passes — signed or unsigned. That order was sent on Jan. 23 via airmail from Hawaii and was probably posted on Obama SR’s door Jan. 27-28.
Obama SR’s notification was unsigned by him and apparently IGNORED — either he didn’t want to accept it OR he was NOT at that location.
However, Judge King granted the divorce to Ann Obama (which changed back to Ann Dunham) exactly 60 days from when the original order was request by Ann by default.
NOW, my guess is that Judge King asked to see Obama JR’s Birth Certificate before he’d be willing to grant the divorce, either at trial or by default on March 20, 1964. Ann probably didn’t have the birth certificate when she filed on Jan 20. That’s when this birth certificate would have been generated — before trial for the 1964 divorce.
Important side note: the Certificate issue date of Feb 17, 1964, is JUST A FEW SHORT MONTHS AFTER KENYA BECAME INDEPENDENT on Dec. 12, 1963. TO THIS DATE, this may be the only certificate on Kenyan file today if British documents were sent to the UK for archiving leading up Kenya becoming an independent nation.
If you note the date on the Certified Copy, it was created by the Registrar in Kenya on Feb. 17, 1964. The Kenyan Birth Certificate would have been issued in the midst of the divorce — AFTER the divorce was filed by Ann in Hawaii on Jan. 20, but BEFORE the divorce was granted by Judge King on March 20.
Furthermore, it’s quite plausible that once Ann actually had this Kenyan birth certificate in her hands, and the divorce was granted on March 20, her attorney, George Kerr, counseled her on Hawaiian birth certificate “loopholes” and told her how to file for a Hawaiian “Certificate of Delayed Birth” to get Welfare or OTHER support for young Obama as a child of a non-supporting foreign national.
As Hawaiian law allows, that CODB could have been “upgraded” later to a “Certificate of Live Birth” in the 60s or 70s, which would then be a “root document” of the shorter “Certification of Live Birth” we see today presented as proof of birth from Barack Hussein Obama II.
I can’t vouch for the veracity of the Kenyan birth certificate itself, not knowing how or from whom Orly obtained the birth certificate (the chain of evidence). It may have been obtained quite surreptitiously from the only filed Kenyan birth certificate record copy requested — likely generated from the 1964 divorce.
It’s QUITE possible that all other copies of this Kenyan birth certificate may have been scrubbed from Kenyan archives, but this one may have survived in a lone Vital Statistics office somewhere in Kenya not known about until now.
HOWEVER — the dates DO “line up” for the Kenyan Birth Certificate to be REAL.”
(posted by Jacqlyn Smith at Citizen Wells blog)
10 hours ago
What happens to Judge Sotomayor’s confirmation as Supreme Court Justice if the Constitution’s “natural born citizen” Presidential eligibility requirement is subsequently determined applicable to Barack Obama on the basis of Article 2’s exclusion of dual citizenship birth (doesn’t matter whether Obama born in Hawaii since his dad was Kenyan/British citizen at the time)? It would seem prudent, if not dereliction of Constitutional duty in not so doing, for the United States Senate to defer voting on Judge Sotomayor’s confirmation at the very least until there is determination, now imminent, on standing in Kerchner v. Congress (USDC NJ) on that precise issue (Congressional failure to take up the raised and known constitutional ineligibility question prior to declaring a Presidential winner in the vote of the electoral college). For the full Senate now to proceed to vote to confirm Judge Sotomayor (an otherwise lifetime appointment) before then, would be a knowing and very substantial exacerbation of any inherent Constitutional crisis — compounding the previous Congressional dereliction. That is, the Executive Branch, as well as conceivably all actions of a Congress under a President determined ineligible, would leave the Supreme Court as an essential unfettered remaining Branch of the Federal Government, that is unfettered so long as Mr. Obama’s nominee to the Court is not yet confirmed by the Senate.
Will not one Senator, let alone Republican Senator, raise this issue on the Senate floor? The nation is watching.
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"It takes no great leap of intellect to know that our election system is fraught with flaws and loop-holes allowing for the most sinister of corruption and thus...
I keep an eye on Sam Sewell of 'The Steady Drip'. His investigative ethics as an former intelligence officer are exemplary."
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Thanks for your dedication and pitbull attitude to correct the corruption our government has allowed to continue.
Linda aka PatriotLinda
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