Congressman eyes lawsuit over president's eligibility
Republican finds birth certificate sizzling topic at Arizona town hall
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I just sent the below message to all the Republican staff of the Judiciary members
Obama's Eligibility
My history as a civil rights activist, the fact that my favorite candidate (Condi Rice) chose not to run, plus Alan Keyes is a follower of my blog “The Steady Drip” all make me immune to accusations of racism.
I have a PhD, and I am in private practice as a psychotherapist, so more than likely I am not crazy.
I am a life time member of Mensa, so I am not stupid. Membership # 1061487
The guiding principles for my professional research for articles and books I write are the usual protocols of epistemology, scientific methodology, the rules of logic and the rules of evidence.
However, I am firmly convinced that AKA Obama is not eligible to be POTUS.
The media is just now beginning to look at this issue. They are woefully ignorant. There are many twists, turns, and traps in this story.
I have been researching this story for over a year. In the beginning I fell into several of the traps myself.
I honestly believe that I now know as much as anyone about what is true on this issue and what is not.
If you have not done so please look at the latest version of my collected research. It is 6000 words so grab a snack and a drink.
Somehow, you know its coming. That OMG moment is just around the corner. You can feel the inescapable reality creeping up on you. Something will leak. Someone will spill the beans.
“For nothing is hid that shall not be made manifest, nor anything secret that shall not be known and come to light.” Luke 8:17
A MSWord version of the report is available upon request.
Sam Sewell
5 hours ago
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