Gallup Poll: 9 Out of 10 Americans Say Secure the Border This Year
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
By Terence P. Jeffrey, Editor-in-Chief
CNSNews. ^
Border Patrol agents monitor the U.S. border with Mexico in Nogales, Ariz., on Thursday, April 22, 2010. (AP Photo/Matt York)( - A USA Today/Gallup poll conducted May 1-2 shows that 9 out of 10 Americans say it is moderately to extremely important to them for the federal government to take steps this year to secure the border against illegal immigration.
Similarly, 61 percent of Americans say they are very concerned that illegal immigrants are putting an unfair burden on U.S. schools, hospitals, and government services.
Gallup asked respondents whether it was extremely important, very important, moderately important, or not that important to them that the U.S. government take steps this year to control the border to stop the flow of illegal immigrants into the country. Only 10 percent said it was not that important. Eighty-nine percent said it was moderately to extremely important, with 42 percent saying it was extremely important, 26 percent saying it was very important, and 21 percent saying it was moderately important.
Gallup also asked respondents whether it was extremely important, very important, moderately important, or not that important to them that the U.S. government develop a plan to deal with the large number of illegal immigrants who are already living in the United States. Only 10 percent said this was not that important. Ninety percent said it was moderately to extremely important, with 36 percent saying it was extremely important, 31 percent saying it was very important, and 23 percent saying it was moderately important.
The survey did not ask respondents if they favored deporting or amnestying illegal immigrants already in the country.
However, 61 percent said they were “very concerned” that illegal immigrants are putting an unfair burden on U.S. schools, hospitals and government services, 55 percent said they were “very concerned” that allowing illegal immigrants to stay in the United States might be encouraging others to come here, and 53 percent said they were “very concerned” that illegal immigrants making low wages might make U.S. employers less willing to pay American workers a decent wage.
Forty-five percent said they were “very concerned” that stricter immigration laws might force illegal immigrant families that have lived peacefully in the United States for years to leave the country.
1 day ago
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