Tyranny, and Putting Some Questions to Rest
By Jim O'Neill Monday, May 10, 2010
“We won’t stand for tyranny, oh king.”—TJ and the Revo “Too Late to Apologize: A Declaration”
First of all, it is not a birth certificate, and secondly it is not valid.
I’m talking about Obama’s “green” altered COLB (Certificate Of Live Birth), that everyone from Fox’s Bill O’Reilly, to CNN’s Anderson Cooper, to White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, have been pointing to as “proof” that Obama is a Natural citizen of the United States, and therefore eligible to be POTUS. Link
I’ll write this slowly so that Bill O’Reilly, and others of like-mind (the “after-birthers”) can follow along.
The COLB says in great big EZ-to-read letters “Any Alterations Invalidate This Certificate.” Check.
The COLB has been altered (certification numbers blacked out). Check
Ergo, the COLB is invalid. Check.
Check, check, and check. Please reread the above as many times as needed in order to process it.
I’ll wait. Okay? If you want to debate the importance of the certification numbers, that’s one thing, but to claim that the certification is valid, is quite another. The COLB waved around by so many, as proof of Obama’s eligibility to be POTUS, is invalid. Period.
And, need I add, a COLB is certainly not a birth certificate. Again, claiming that an invalid COLB is as good as a genuine birth certificate is one thing, but to claim that they are one and the same, is quite another.Link
The Obama COLB that has been on display at FightTheSmears.com and other websites, is neither valid, nor a birth certificate—it never has been, and never will be. Exclamation point. ”>Link
The question remains: Where’s the birth certificate? And you had darn well better believe that’s a valid, sensible, and important question.
Some folks seem fond of pointing to two newspaper birth notices, reputedly placed in Hawaiian newspapers during 1961. They mockingly say something to the effect of “Oh yeah, sure, somebody was so clairvoyant, that they placed Obama’s birth notice in the Hawaiian papers in 1961, because they knew he would someday be President almost half a century later.” Ha ha.Link
“Reasoning” such as this, embraces several different fallacies of logic. I’ll pick “Appeal to Ridicule”—also known as “Appeal to Mockery.” In this form of fallacy (i.e. faulty logic), some form of ridicule is aimed towards a claim.Link
According to the Nizcor website “This sort of ‘reasoning’ is fallacious, because mocking a claim, does not show that it is false. ” That bears repeating, “mocking a claim does not make it false.” (When dealing with the Far Left, pundits, and politicians in general, it’s always a good idea to bone-up on your knowledge of fallacies).Link
Indeed, claiming that someone “planted” birth notices in two Hawaiian papers because they somehow knew Obama would be POTUS decades later, is ridiculous. But let me hasten to add, that thinking that such a reason is the ONLY cause for someone to fake a birth announcement, is idiotic.
I can think of several, better, reasons for faking such an announcement. At the top of the list, would be so that a baby born outside of the U.S., could claim U.S. citizenship, and all of the perks that U.S. citizenship entails.Link
The “elephant in the room,” however, is that even if Obama was born in Hawaii, he is still not a Natural born citizen, as the Constitution (Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5) says he must be, in order to be eligible to be POTUS.Link
Obama’s father, if not Obama himself, was born in Kenya, and was (everyone agrees on this point) a citizen of Kenya, at the time of Obama’s birth. Ergo, since BOTH of Obama’s parents were NOT U.S. citizens at the time of his birth, he cannot conceivably qualify to be POTUS, according to the Constitution. Link
Obama may be Native born—indeed, the left-wing website FightTheSmears.com states that “Barack Obama was born in the state of Hawaii in 1961, a native citizen of the United States of America.”Link
A “Native citizen”—because he was born in the U.S. (so they say), but NOT a Natural citizen (Natural born), because BOTH parents were NOT U.S. citizens. Link
Regardless of whether or not Obama was born in Hawaii, he is, at best, a Native citizen—not a Natural citizen, and hence ineligible to be POTUS. Link Just ignore the left-wing’s legal-weasel lawfare, and their spinmeister spiels of “smoke and mirrors” misdirection. The truth shall set us free.LinkI am, of course, far from being the first to bring these facts out into the open—I’m only the latest in a long line. Several other writers at Canada Free Press, and numerous other columnists have written about this topic. Not to mention the many lawsuits that have been brought to court. Link
Currently, the cases of Lt. Col. Lakin, and Commander Walter Fitzpatrick III, are on the front burner. Both are men of integrity and honor, who have taken to heart, their oaths to defend the Constitution. They put the court-eunuchs at the Pentagon to shame. Link
Now that the eligibility issue has been settled, perhaps it’s time to look into why Obama has kept his past—from kindergarten school on up—hidden from “we the people.” Link
Perhaps it’s time to look into why Barack and Michelle Obama felt called upon to surrender their licenses to practice law. Perhaps it’s time to find out about Obama’s purported years at Columbia—especially his trip to Pakistan. Link and Link
And, of course, there’s the more fundamental and wider issue of, who are the puppet-masters behind Obama? Who greased the skids for his way into Harvard; got him placed as a keynote speaker at the 2004 Democratic Convention, and helped clear the way for his meteoric rise in politics?
I’ll be watching Pastor James D. Manning’s upcoming “C.I.A., Obama, Sedition and Treason Trial,” with great interest (May 14-19). Link
Laus Deo.
P.S. Congratulations are in order for Navy SEALs, Matthew McCabe, Jonathan Keefe, and Julio Huertas—all have been acquitted on the charge of “being too mean” to a Muslim terrorist. Hooyah, gentlemen! Link
And screw the duplicitous scum who brought the charges against them in the first place. Link
1 day ago
Apparently no one understands how birth announcements "appear" in newspapers. The logic breaks down. Parents do not place birth announcements in papers (they can augment the announcement if they want to spend money (usually)). The newspapers contact the local hospitals or bureaus of vital statistics daily or weekly for a list of recorded births. Then they list thees in a newspaper. Here is the key point. If some one has recorded a birth (e.g. a home birth) as a certificat of live birth, the newspapers simply list this as a birth in there weekly/daily listings of births. What likely happened is Obama was born in Kenya, when his mother traveled (returned) to Hawahi, her parents had her file the certificate of live birth with vital statistics and they simply claimed he was a US citizen. There was not a lot of checking for babies traveling on airplanes years ago (e.g. infant on mother's lap). The process was straight forward, born in Kenya, mother returns to Hawahi (probably on US passport), certificat of live birth recorded, papers pick up listing from state bureau of vital statistics....
Overall a good essay. But you are making a mistake when you call a COLB a Certificate of Live Birth. It is not a CERTIFICATE of Live Birth. A COLB is a CERTIFICATION of Live Birth. That is the word game that the Obama supporters are playing. The words that Anderson Cooper read from Hawaii's officials said that the state's CERTIFICATE of Live Birth meets all relevant nationwide standards. Well their CERTIFICATE of Live Birth does. It shows the delivering doctors name, etc. BUT, Obama has not presented a CERTIFICATE of Live Birth. Obama has posted on line an image of what he claims is a CERTIFICATION of Live Birth. Those words are clearly printed across the top of the digital image. So all the while Anderson Cooper was spouting off about the validity of the CERTIFICATE of Live Birth, he was not showing the world one. He was showing on TV a CERTIFICATION form which merely says an underlying CERTIFICATE exists but does not supply the details inherent in a real CERTIFICATE of Live Birth which is the accepted standard, and a Certification form like Obama has provided a picture or is not. Look at the two images in this link:
Read the title/name of the documents across the top. Now, the next time you hear a Hawaiian official say their CERTIFICATE of Live Birth meets all standards of disclosure, ... quickly point out that that is not what Obama has provided. He has only provided a short-form CERTIFICATION of Live Birth ... and then he has only shown the world a digital image of that and pictures of a form which could be nothing more than a print out of the digital image and folded to make it look like an original. Which came first the digital image or the pictured CERT form.
And remember, Hawaii has NEVER said to anyone that the CERTIFICATION of Live Birth (COLB) image put on line by Obama's team is legitimate and that they issued it to Obama. They have refused to answer those questions when put to them.
When debating AC360 you cannot let him get away with interchanging words like CERTIFICATE of Live Birth and CERTIFICATION of Live Birth ... and native-born and natural-born like they are identically the same terms, docs, and meaning. They are not.
You may wish to retroactively edit your post to fix it.
Keep up the good work.
CDR Kerchner
My radio interview with Bill Cunningham explaining how the birth announcements got into those two newspapers. GIGO - garbage into a database system, yields garbage out. Fraudulent birth registration by grandma yields false birth announcement in the newspapers placed by the state as a result.
CDR Kerchner
Cdr. Kerchner:
I didn't write it so I can't edit it. But thanks for you commENT.
Jim O'Neill Most recent columns
Born in June of 1951 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Jim O’Neill proudly served in the U.S. Navy from 1970-1974 in both UDT-21 (Underwater Demolition Team) and SEAL Team Two. A member of MENSA, he worked as a commercial diver in the waters off Scotland, India, and the United States. In 1998 while attending the University of South Florida as a journalism student, O’Neill won “First Place” in the “Carol Burnett/University of Hawaii AEJMC Research in Journalism Ethics Award.” The annual contest was set up by Carol Burnett with the money she won from successfully suing the National Enquirer for libel.
Jim can be reached at: Letters@canadafreepress.com
It's my understanding that the state of hawaii changed the "certification of live birth" to "certificate of live birth". And they did it for no other reason than to please obama. Just like the hawaii dept of homelands suddenly didn't need a real birth certificate anymore....just to help obama.
When obama said 'change', that's what he meant by it.
Great work and keep up the pressure. Can I suggest that we ALL respond to requests for contributions for any campaign the caveat that they (prospect) will as soon as they (candidates) agree to removing the usurper, based on Art. II Sect. I Cls V, thereby satisfying their Oath of Office, whether incumbent or challenger.
Another point of fact is that when john McCain was investigated by the senate for his eligibility they stated twice, (once by a former supreme court judge) that because he was the child of American parents (plural) that made him a natural born citizen. Why then did Obama not get the same type of healing?
If he had, there would be no question as to weather or not he is unqualified, he is not.
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