Written by Dr. Jack Wheeler
Friday, 07 May 2010
William F. Buckley's most famous quote is: "I'd rather entrust the government of the United States to the first 400 people listed in the Boston telephone directory than to the faculty of Harvard University."
A corollary to this is that we'd all be far safer if we entrusted our national security to NASCAR fans than to Democrats in Washington - as evidenced by the truck of one such fan:

And we certainly should entrust our homeland and border security to Gov. Jan Brewer rather than her predecessor, Janet Napolitano:

There is such a cornucopia of happenings this week from which to choose the most important - and here it is. Let me redirect your attention away from the Gulf Oil Spill and the financial meltdown of Europe to focus on the Republican Study Committee.
Yes, the most significant event in America this week was the announcement that the 115 Members of Congress comprising the RSC have formed a Tenth Amendment Task Force to formulate a legislative program that will "usher in a new era of federalism and disperse power from Washington back to regions, states and local governments" under a GOP majority next year.
As RSC chairman Tom Price, MD of Georgia explained, the "stolen powers" of the Federal Government must be relinquished:
"The Founders gave us a system of Federalism to ensure that Washington could never amass tyrannical control over the lives of American citizens. Yet for far too long, the federal government has usurped state and local powers and encroached on our individual liberty. Washington's unconstitutional attempt to force every single American to purchase health insurance is just the latest example.
Under such a flawed interpretation of the Constitution, there would be no limit to the powers of a central government. To right the course of our Republic, these stolen powers must be relinquished and the Constitution obeyed once more. The tide of soft tyranny must be turned back if we hope to remain both the land of the free and a land of opportunity."
This dwarfs the Gulf Oil Spill or anything else, folks. The reason was made clear in the British elections yesterday (5/06). Britain is falling apart - disintegrating financially, economically, culturally, socially - and the political party responsible is Labor (the limey equivalent of our Dems), led by a despised Prime Minister, the loathsome Gordon Brown.
The Tories were poised to sweep the field - and they fell short. Why? Because they are "Conservative" In Name Only. They, epitomized by their leader David Cameron, wimp out across the board, from glo-warming to the hideous disaster of the UK's socialist medicine to Moslem immigrants tearing England asunder.
Because they only offered an echo, not a choice, Britain's CINO Party will be unable to rescue the UK sinking ship.
Should this scenario be replayed here in November, America is toast. If Republicans in Congress wimp out in their races, instead of running on a Defund-Repeal-10th Amendment electoral platform and giving voters an unmistakable choice, we're going to end up with mush instead of victory on November 2nd.
The fate of our country is at stake on November 2nd - and instead of going the RINO route, it looks like the Congressional Republicans are going to join the Tea Party. I'm not sure what could give me more hope than this.
Meanwhile, I'm sure you noticed that one of the biggest, meanest, most fascist guns the Dems have, Wisconsin's Dave Obey, is calling it quits. White Flag Dave knew some whippersnapper named Sean Duffy was going to clean his clock, so he threw in the towel.
I can tell you, this has hit a lot of Dems on the Hill like a gut punch. So much so, the sniping and bitterness towards Pelosi Galore is becoming outspoken. Of course, the more IQ-challenged of them (you'd be amazed - then again, probably not - at how many Congresscritters are actually stupid) are busy controlling Titanic deck chairs.
Arthur Davenport (D-PA - he goes by a ridiculous nom de faux Chaka Fattah) has announced he's running for Obey's chairmanship of Appropriations. Wake up and smell your coming minority status, Arthur-Chaka.
After this gut punch, the Dems may get the old one-two in Pennsylvania where Tim Burns is ready to take the 12th District against Dead John Murtha's staffer Mark Critz on May 18, then in Hawaii where Charles Djou looks to come out on top of two Dems splitting the vote on May 22.
After these losses, expect to see more Dems announcing their retirement from Congress to "spend more time with their family."
The Best Governor In America Award continues to go to New Jersey's Chris Christie, who sent state Dems into apoplexy Monday (5/03) by announcing he is removing a black ultra-liberal judge from the state supreme court.
This guy has serious stones. As the Dems come unglued in rage against him, he puts up a video of him cutting pension benefits for public union employees on YouTube. And he just keeps getting better and better. Now, two days after he dumped that lib judge, on May 5th he announced he wants to privatize New Jersey's state parks and forests. Is Christie fabuloso or what?
It's a shame Virginia's new Republican governor, Bob McDonnell, hasn't shown anything like Christie's moxie - but his attorney general, Ken Cuccinelli sure has.
Two weeks after taking office in January, Cuccinelli filed a legal action against the EPA's claim to regulate CO2 as a pollutant, saying ""We cannot allow unelected bureaucrats with political agendas to use falsified data to regulate American industry and drive our economy into the ground."
Then he notified Virginia's schools that Virginia law prohibits including "sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression" in any non-discrimination policy.
The day after ObamaCare passed on March 21, he filed a lawsuit in the US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia challenging its constitutionality.
This week (5/04), he issued a Civil Investigative Demand for documents from the University of Virginia regarding taxpayer funding of research by Michael Mann, who authored the fraudulent "Hockey Stick" graph used to justify arguments for man-made global warming. It was Mann who revealed in a famously leaked email from the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit that he used a "trick" to fudge the data.
Yep, Cuccinelli is going to try and put Hockey Stick Mann in jail for criminal fraud. After all, the glo-warmer/climate change scam is one of the greatest criminal conspiracies in history. About time its culprits started heading for the slammer. I've known Ken for many years. I couldn't be prouder of him. Keep your eye on Ken.
Other folks to keep your eye on is the collection of very heavy hitters with very deep pockets organized as the Coalition for Responsible Regulation (CRR). They have banded together to spend whatever it takes on the savviest Washington law firms to tie the EPA and its greenie supporters like Greenpeace and the Sierra Club into legal knots.
Here is one of their legal challenges to the EPA (it's worth reading entire). There will be plenty more. As Greenpeace is warning its members, the CRR is "powerfully organized and rich. They have all the tools and all the lawyers, and they are going to do all they can to stop carbon regulation." Cool.
Perhaps you've been patiently waiting for me to get to the BP Oil Spill, and, sorry, that's mostly in vain. There is an excellently informed discussion of it under the "Transocean Deepwater Horizon" thread under General Discussion on the TTP Forum.
My only comment - other than to express condolences to the families of the 11 workers killed - is that all the criticisms of Zero regarding his tardy response like this is "Obama's Katrina" are totally misplaced. His delay was on purpose.
He considers this disaster a gift from Allah. He wants it to be worse, not better, for the worse it is, the more he can demonize Big Oil, offshore drilling, the extraction of any energy resources, and further his agenda of America freezing in the dark. There's no way the OPM (Obama Propaganda Media) will do to him what it did to Bush on Katrina.
Here's something the eco-fascist oil demonizers don't want you to know. According to NASA, 22 million gallons of oil leak into the Gulf of Mexico every year naturally - and this has been going on for thousands of years. Over 600 natural seeps have been located on the ocean floor, which cumulatively leak out twice the amount of oil leaked by the Exxon Valdez annually - causing no habitat or wildlife damage as they have adapted.
As Zero's consigliere Rahm Emanuel says, never let a good crisis go to waste. That means these guys want crises, the worse the better. Now watch the Zerocrats move to make drilling and producing oil anywhere in the U.S. cost prohibitive.
Well, the debt meltdown of Europe was The Funniest Show on Earth until the moocher protestors murdered three people - one of them a pregnant woman - in Athens.
As the Wall Street Journal explains, the gigantic EU/IMF loans to bailout Greece aren't enough to fill Greece's rabbit hole of debt. What's truly astounding is the entire European Union willing to fall into that rabbit hole, instead of kicking Greece out of its club, letting it default and go back to its own depreciated currency, the drachma.
All the Eurocrats can do, it seems, is to wail about the "contagion" they are causing, which now spreads to Spain and Portugal and Britain, because they won't amputate Greece. I can hardly wait for it to hit France.
Possibly the funniest news story of the week is: French Indignant Over Government Plan to Raise Retirement Age, relating the sad story of state railway worker Didier Remy who planned his life to retire with a full-pay taxpayer-paid state pension on his 55th birthday. Too bad Didier isn't Greek, as he could have full-pay retired at age 50.
I trust you've noticed that Zero is doing his best to add union moochers to government payrolls and lard on the pension debt owed to them by productive taxpaying citizens.
Even the liberal USA Today began to notice this week (5/02) that Europe's public pension debt crisis is quickly coming states across the US. Wonder when it will dawn on them that Zero is doing everything he can to make the pension debt crisis worse.
Remember, the worse it gets the better - that's the Zerocrat Agenda. A European pension-debt type crisis here opens the door for Zero's plan to seize 401(k)s. We're not in Kansas anymore, Toto - we're in Argentina.
OK, time for some good news. And not just good news, this is Yes!! Hurray!! At last!! good news.
Something mysterious is wiping out the Afghan poppy crop.
The US is being accused of waging "secret biological warfare on Afghanistan's poppy fields." I sure hope so. Is Zero doing what George Bush wouldn't?
The one place where Zero has shown some stones is in killing Taliban and Al Qaeda vermin with Predator drones. So maybe he finally signed off on using the mycoherbicide fungus pleospora papaveracea designed by DARPA to be lethal to all varieties of poppy plants (and harmless to other plants and animals including us).
Bush knew all about the fungus but refused to permit its use, enabling the Taliban and Al Qaeda to fund their terrorism with drug money. The whisper I hear at the Pentagon is that folks at the DIA (Defense Intelligence) couldn't stand it anymore and deployed the fungus without any official approval. Supposedly, though, they got a hint of a wink from Zero and that's all they needed.
We close with the Heroes of the Week; Daniel Galli, Austin Carvalho, Matt Dariano, Dominic Maciel, Clayton Howard, and their parents, who said, "There will be no apology" to Mexicans affronted by their kids wearing American flag t-shirts to school on Stinko de Mayo.
You're familiar with the national uproar. I'm more taken with the parents' response: "There will be no apology" (a quote from the mother of Matt Dariano who was speaking for all the parents). That should be the motto, the battle cry, of all Americans accused of being racist bigots because they want to protect their country from those who hate and wish to destroy it.
Finally, a battle cry that says, "Take your accusations of racism and bigotry and stuff it - we just don't care anymore." The greatest, most effective weapon in the Democrats' arsenal of demagoguery is losing its firepower. When millions of Americans stand up and announce, "There will be no apology for our values, our culture, and our existence," the Democrats are doomed.
And America will be saved.
Take a look at the site "Chuck on the Right Side" re the oil spill. This is all a ploy to stop off shore drilling. He has the ways and means to stop it but they haven't used it yet.
Touting VA AG Cuccinelli for what he did in office is fine; now, please, also point out, what he did not. He did not launch an investigation into citizen complaints of election fraud filed against Ms. Nancy Pelosi, Chair of the 2008 Convention of the DNC Services Corporation, for swearing to state election officials Mr. Obama was Constitutionally eligible for office, as required to get his name printed on state ballots; without ascertaining beforehand he is eligible for the job. http://jbjd.wordpress.com/2010/03/22/open-letter-to-kenneth-t-cuccinelli-ii-attorney-general-of-virginia/
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