Birthers pursue eligibility issue
Orly Taitz appeals Ballot Law Commission decision to New Hampshire Supreme Court
WASHINGTON – The Birther Summit has initiated a constitutional petition drive for citizens to demand an investigation to determine the true identity of Barack Hussein Obama and establish whether or not he is constitutionally qualified to serve as president of the United States, as per Article 2, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution.

Haskins said because Obama has failed to prove that he was born in Hawaii or anywhere else in the United States and no one has seen definitive proof of his claimed parentage, two elements essential to establish one’s eligibility to be president of the United States, a thorough and independent investigation is warranted.
He said, “Every American has a right to know who his man is! The truth must be revealed.
“To further exacerbate this gravest of constitutional crises, is the overwhelming evidence that ‘Obama’ has perpetrated the greatest fraud, if not the most sinister crime in American history. In his efforts to both usurp the presidency and maintain power, ‘Obama’ has adopted a false identity, brazenly foisting a forged birth certificate on national TV before the American people. Prior to running for the presidency, ‘Obama’ and his cohorts forged and backdated his selective service registration, a requirement for holding federal office and finally there is indisputable proof that ‘Obama’ is utilizing a fraudulent Connecticut Social Security number – Three felonies to be sure. Every American deserves justice!”
Haskins said the “Citizen Demand” petition provides citizens with a means of expressing their desire for Congress to call for an independent investigation into the eligibility issue, establish the true identity of Barrack Hussen Obama, and determine the extent of his fraud on the American people.
The petition will be delivered simultaneously to Congress and the FBI as soon as 50,000 “citizen demands” are collected.
Visit to sign the petition, which states: “As a concerned citizen, I am joining my fellow citizens in calling for a full and independent investigation into Obama’s true identity and his constitutional qualifications to serve as president of the United States.
“Since the Constitution mandates that the president be a "natural born citizen," the identity of Obama and his 2008 election campaign tactics must be fully investigated by the Congress, a Special Prosecutor, the FBI or other independent body.”
The Birther Summit also supports the efforts of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, the only law enforcement agency willing to investigate the allegations of fraud surrounding Obama’s identity and eligibility.
While the posse is made up of volunteers, there are still expenses associated with such an investigation. Those wishing to support the 501(c) 3 organization may send contributions to: MCSO Cold Case Posse, PO Box 74374, Phoenix, AZ 85087.
To help defray costs, non-deductible donations to the Birther Summit may be made online at or by mail to: The Birther Summit, PO Box 2452, Forrest, VA 24551.
Meanwhile, as Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. has been bouncing back and forth across the country from California to Hawaii, New Hampshire and elsewhere on mostly red eye flights using donated airline miles, she has filed a petition for review with the New Hampshire Supreme Court to appeal the New Hampshire Ballot Law Commission’s decision to keep Barack Obama on the ballot for the 2012 Primary Election simply because he properly filled out the application and paid the $1,000 fee.
Taitz’s petition, supported by a number of New Hampshire State Representatives, asserts the actions of the New Hampshire Ballot Law Commission and Secretary of State were an “egregious violation” of the U.S. Constitution, the constitutional rights of the citizens of New Hampshire and the citizens of the United States to have a lawful presidential election, to vote for legitimate, eligible, vetted candidates.
Petitioners claim those rights were “egregiously and maliciously violated under the color of authority by the office of the secretary of state and by members of the commission,” which disregarded an 85-page complaint, all aspects of law and all facts presented.
Taitz said the most egregious violations by a commissioner were made by Attorney Martha Van Oot, who, as a donor to Obama, the subject of the hearing, had an ethical obligation to disclose the conflict of interest and recuse herself from the hearing on the eligibility of the candidate.
In summary, Taitz said the challenge shows evidence that Obama is not a natural born citizen and not eligible to be on the ballot, while he also does not possess valid identification papers as a naturalized citizen and is using a Connecticut Social Security number, which according to E-Verify and the Social Security Number Verification System, that was never assigned to him.
Taitz noted Obama was listed on his mother’s passport documents as Barack Obama Soebarkah and registered in his Indonesian school records as an Indonesian citizen under the last name Soetoro, his stepfather’s name.
There is no evidence Obama has ever legally changed his name or reclaimed his U.S. citizenship, if he ever was a U.S. citizen.
Raising the issue of Obama’s Social Security number, which was verified through Obama’s Selective Service registration, Taitz said it was issued in Connecticut around March 1977 to a resident of Connecticut while Obama was residing in Hawaii and attending Punahoa School in Honolulu.
Aside from the summary of her original complaint, Taitz notes members of the commission are precluded from giving donations to candidates and evidence shows at least two commissioners, Jamison French and Van Oot, had made donations to political candidates.
Meanwhile, French, who claims to be a Republican for purposes of being seated on the commission, historically makes campaign donations to Democratic candidates, which Taitz says has him seated on the commission by fraud.
Taitz asserts the commission was not lawfully assembled, the members and alternates were unlawfully manipulated to benefit the subject of the complaint and, as a result, its decision is unlawful.
While the New Hampshire Secretary of State’s office testified during Taitz’s Nov. 18 hearing all one need do to appear on the ballot is fill out the declaration form and pay the filing fee, it refused to place Sal Mohammed on the ballot for president in 2008, citing he did not meet the Constitution’s natural born citizenship requirement. Mohammed, who was born in Egypt, became a naturalized citizen in 1983.
Visit make a contribution to help offset the cost of Taitz’s travel expenses.
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