Snared in the Soros Web
By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton
As all researchers will tell you, deep research is like putting together a puzzle, one piece at a time. Sometimes those pieces fall into place all at once, showing a picture of what you are dealing with as a whole and you are never the same. That’s what happened to me yesterday and it took my breath away.
It turns out that many of the sources I use for research are connected to George Soros‘ money. Here are a few I dug up and there are many more that are not listed here:
- George Soros —> Open Society Institute —> Wikipedia —> Source: Keywiki
- George Soros —> Open Society Institute —> Wikimedia Foundation —> Source: Keywiki
- George Soros —> Open Society Institute —> The Sunlight Foundation —> Congresspedia —> SourceWatch —> Source: Keywiki
- George Soros —> Open Society Institute —> Open Secrets —> Source: Open Secrets
- George Soros —> Open Society Institute —> The Campaign Legal Center —> Source: Campaign Legal Center
- George Soros —> Open Society Institute —> The Campaign Finance Institute —> Source: The Campaign Finance Institute
- George Soros —> Proteus Fund —> The Joyce Foundation —> Campaign Finance Information Center —> Source: Campaign Finance Information Center
- George Soros —> University of California —> The Law Blog —> Source: Election Law Blog
- George Soros —> Open Society Institute —> Open Secrets —> Follow the Money Database —> Source: Follow the Money Database
- George Soros —> Open Society Institute —> The Sunlight Foundation —> Sunlight Foundation Reporting Group —> Source: The Sunlight Foundation
- George Soros —> Open Society Institute —> The Sunlight Foundation —> —> Source:
- George Soros —> Open Society Institute —> Open Secrets —> Lobbying Database —> Source: Lobbying Database
- George Soros —> Open Society Institute —> The Sunlight Foundation —> Poligraft —> Source: Poligraft
- George Soros —> Open Society Institute —> Open Secrets —> Revolving Door: Search Database —> Source: Revolving Door: Search Database
- George Soros —> Open Society Institute —> Center for Investigative Reporting —> Source: Keywiki
- George Soros —> —> Google —> Source: Keywiki
I have been at this long enough that I can ferret out facts found on these sites and still glean info from them. But sometimes, they fool even me. This is a warning to my fellow researchers out there – Soros basically owns the majority of information sources on the web. Even if the company claims they are neutral, by taking his funds funneled through various layers of foundations, they have opened themselves up to the potential of influence and corruption. They are tainted.
The Soros Files shows this wonderfully, as does Keywiki. I want to lay out the Soros Media Network for you next and this makes my stomach curl in on itself. A special thanks to Trevor Loudon of New Zeal and Cliff Kincaid of America’s Survival, Inc. for their excellent documentation and research on The Soros Files.
The Soros Media Network:
- Proteus
Media Democracy Fund
The Media Consortium: “a network of the country’s leading, progressive, independent media outlets.” Tracy Van Slyke, Director - Center for Investigative Reporting
Media Partners: ABC News, CNN, Frontline, Los Angeles Times,, the Washington Post, American Radio Works - Russia Today (RT) – Thom Harmann
Huffington Post
Mark Keiser / RT / Press TV / Al-Jazeera - Democracy Now! – Amy Goodman – 900 stations
- Free Press / Media Matters
- Link TV – “Television Without Borders” – Danny Glover, Board Member
Channel 9410 DISH
Channel 375 DirecTV
Distributes Al-Jazeera and “Weather Underground” film - Free Speech TV – “Anti-Fox network” – Don Rojas, Director, worked for Maurice Bishop of Grenada
DISH Network (channel 9415)
DirecTV (channel 348) and part-time on 200 cable affiliates in 39 states.
Seeks OSI funding.
Distributes Al-Jazeera - Inter Press Services “is the world’s leading provider of information on global issues, backed by a network of journalists in more than 100 countries…”
- Sundance Institute / PBS
- National Public Radio
$1.8 million from Open Society Foundations in 2010. 10.6% from CPB. 900 stations. - Pacifica Stations
CPB funding: 2009-2010
KPFA, Berkeley $451,000, $299,958
KPFK, LA $382,035, $350,464
WPFW, DC $238,381, $282083
KPFT, Houston $160,529, $156,474
WBAI, NY $359,915, $319,525 - Project Syndicate: distributes commentaries from George Soros and Joseph Stiglitz to 474 leading newspapers in 151 countries.
- Other Worlds news service – IPS
Southern Poverty Law Center
Free Press
People for the American Way
- Bitch Magazine
- ColorLines
- Dollars and Sense
- Hightower Lowdown
- In These Times
- Mother Jones
- Ms.
- Sojourners
- The American Prospect
- The Nation
- The Progressive
- The Public Eye
- The Texas Observer
- The Washington Monthly
- Utne Reader
- AlterNet
- Buzzflash
- COA News
- Cursor
- Grist
- Huffington Post
- Media Channel
- New America Media
- Pop + Politics
- RH Reality Check
- Salon
- The Raw Story
- The Washington Independent
- TruthDig
- Campaign for America’s Future
- Center for American Progress
- Center for Independent Media
- Center for Media Justice
- Color of Change
- Free Press
- Media Matters
- MoveOn
- New Politics Institute
- Progressive Book Club
- Progressive Communicators Network
- The Media Consortium
- Women’s Media Center
- Working Assets/CREDO
- Democracy Now!
- Free Speech Radio News
- National Radio Project
- Pacifica
- Public News Service
- Radio Nation
- Balcony Films
- Brave New Films
- CurrentTV
- Free Speech TV
- Guerrilla News Network
- LinkTV
- Paper Tiger Television
- PoliticsTV
- The Real News
- Third World Majority
- Veracifier
- Berrett-Koehler
- Chelsea Green
- Monthly Review Press
- Seal Press
- Seven Stories
- South End Press
- The New Press
Tread carefully on the web. Vet your information thoroughly, check every detail. It’s like dancing with the devil who is promising you heaven and earth. You can’t believe anything you see or read at first blush. Don’t get snared in the Soros web.
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