For approximately the past six months, a small, dedicated group of patriots (bloggers all), have been working tirelessly to create a vehicle to educate and inform the American electorate, local and national government officials, the Electoral College and the members of the U.S. Congress as to the true meaning of a constitutional presidency.
Today I am pleased to announce that a new website is now available: ARTICLE II SUPER PAC.
The site was inspired by the fraudulent election of a constitutionally ineligible candidate to the presidency in 2008. The result is that we are in the midst of the greatest constitutional crisis in the history of the young republic. Given the fact that the media and our own government were and continue to be complicit, we believe that our political action committee will serve as an effective tool in turning back this unprecedented assault on our Constitution.
The new site is a great compliment to all of our ongoing efforts to educate the American people about the present usurpation of the presidency and about what it means to be a constitutional president.
We sincerely believe that the ART2PAC site will soon become a valuable tool for all Americans and a continuing source of information and resource materials re: the presidential eligibility clause, Article II.
ART2PAC will soon feature dramatic video, articles, and informational updates on the context, activities, and significance of the eligibility clause and the definition of Natural Born Citizen. The website, in turn, will direct visitors who want more general information to the public information site, both from the home page and other locations. Over the next few months, we will introduce new features and improved navigation and there will be many important activities that we will be involved in. One of the most obvious is to assist with various ballot challenges currently spreading throughout the country.
With your help and the help of like-minded citizens across the land, Art2SuperPAC’s success will help ensure that a majority of voters clearly understands Article II's definitive meaning of “NATURAL BORN CITIZEN,” as intended by the Founding Fathers, and that all future presidential and vice presidential candidates are constitutionally eligible.
Your comments and suggestions for strengthening our efforts are encouraged and welcome! We need your support. We need your involvement!
Please take the time to read our initial PRESS RELEASE:
Press Release: http://www.art2superpac.com/pressreleases.html
...and of course please visit our website at:
For approximately the past six months, a small, dedicated group of patriots (bloggers all), have been working tirelessly to create a vehicle to educate and inform the American electorate, local and national government officials, the Electoral College and the members of the U.S. Congress as to the true meaning of a constitutional presidency.
Today I am pleased to announce that a new website is now available: ARTICLE II SUPER PAC.
The site was inspired by the fraudulent election of a constitutionally ineligible candidate to the presidency in 2008. The result is that we are in the midst of the greatest constitutional crisis in the history of the young republic. Given the fact that the media and our own government were and continue to be complicit, we believe that our political action committee will serve as an effective tool in turning back this unprecedented assault on our Constitution.
The new site is a great compliment to all of our ongoing efforts to educate the American people about the present usurpation of the presidency and about what it means to be a constitutional president.
We sincerely believe that the ART2PAC site will soon become a valuable tool for all Americans and a continuing source of information and resource materials re: the presidential eligibility clause, Article II.
ART2PAC will soon feature dramatic video, articles, and informational updates on the context, activities, and significance of the eligibility clause and the definition of Natural Born Citizen. The website, in turn, will direct visitors who want more general information to the public information site, both from the home page and other locations. Over the next few months, we will introduce new features and improved navigation and there will be many important activities that we will be involved in. One of the most obvious is to assist with various ballot challenges currently spreading throughout the country.
With your help and the help of like-minded citizens across the land, Art2SuperPAC’s success will help ensure that a majority of voters clearly understands Article II's definitive meaning of “NATURAL BORN CITIZEN,” as intended by the Founding Fathers, and that all future presidential and vice presidential candidates are constitutionally eligible.
Your comments and suggestions for strengthening our efforts are encouraged and welcome! We need your support. We need your involvement!
Please take the time to read our initial PRESS RELEASE:
Press Release: http://www.art2superpac.com/pressreleases.html
...and of course please visit our website at:
Home: http://www.art2superpac.com/
I hope that you will tell your family, friends, neighbors, fellow bloggers, Facebook friends and colleagues about our website. Help spread the word and stand up for our Constitution.
Finally bloggers, I hope that you will consider promoting Article II Super PAC's mission by placing a web ad banner on your blog or website. [You can find these ads under the 'GET INVOLVED' Tab on the home page]I hope that you will tell your family, friends, neighbors, fellow bloggers, Facebook friends and colleagues about our website. Help spread the word and stand up for our Constitution.

On behalf of the team...thanks for all you do!
Gary M. Wilmott
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