Immense thanks. I have sent this letter to both Lou Dobbs and Jon Klein
Hello Mr. Dobbs,
Please do not relent on BC/COLB, school records, medical records, false SSNs, false name Soetero, etc. issues.
America needs a voice in this fascist wilderness. Proving his ineligibilty to hold the office of the POTUS resets all the malfeasance done in Washington back to 1-20-09. Biden becomes interim Prez only until new US elections can be mounted and executed.
Read below, as this issue is not going away.
CNN Boss Leans On Lou Dobbs
CNN/U.S. president Jon Klein sent an email to a handful of "Lou Dobbs Tonight" staffers last night regarding the coverage of the so-called Birthers and the validity of Obama's eligibility.
In part, Klein writes, "It seems this story is dead -- because anyone who still is not convinced doesn't really have a legitimate beef." Klein asked CNN researchers to dig into the question of why Obama couldn't produce the original birth certificate. The researchers contacted the Hawaii Health Dept. and confirmed that paper documents were discarded in 2001 when the department went paperless. That reportedly includes Obama's original birth certificate.
If Klein's statement is true, then this official statement, dated October 31, 2008, from state health director Dr. Chiyome Fukino is false:
"Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawai‘i, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawai‘i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures."
If what Klein says is true, Fukino is lying. If what Fukino says is true, Klein is lying. It's one or the other, isn't it?
Klein may be the king of the dung heap at CNN, but this story is far from dead.
The simple fact, that Klein, Chris Matthews, Brian Williams, John Stewart and even The New York Times, are addressing the eligibility issue on a daily basis now is clear evidence that the eligibility question is never, ever, going to go away. It will dog Obama until he goes back to Chicago -- or releases his bona fides.
The Times writes, "Advocates of the issue, who are sometimes called Birthers, have succeeded in calling attention to themselves through frequent calls to talk radio shows, e-mail messages to news organizations and a videotaped question at a Congressional town hall. The Associated Press said that Obama’s citizenship status had been one of the most popular topics for the wire service’s 'Ask AP' column."
A few months ago, Birthers numbered in the hundreds. Now, they number in the millions. Millions of Americans are demanding -- "Obama, show us the birth certificate"
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." Mahatma Gandhi
We are currently at Ghandi's stage three. Birth
7/25/09 A Coordinated Attack
FReeper "Hillary'sMoralVoid" says it is nearly impossible not to notice the widespread media attack on the birther movement. Nearly every major media network took part and even my local newspaper had a particularly hateful attack editorial on those questioning Obama's citizenship.
This could not happen by accident. Someone is getting too close to the truth, and the Obamamessiah must be feeling uncomfortable.
Here is a letter I sent to my local newspaper:
To the Editor,
The President has done everything in his power to keep his actual birth record a secret and has clearly been hiding something. A great controversy has arisen because of it, threatening his presidency.
No, it is not Barack Obama, it is Chester Arthur. We know today that he went to the extraordinary effort of burning some of his personal records to avoid controversy and possible removal from office.
There have been seven Presidents whose parents were born in foreign lands, and that is to be expected as we are a nation of immigrants. What distinguishes Obama and Arthur from the other five presidents is that one of their parents was not a citizen of the United States when they were born. In Chester Arthur's case, the father was a Canadian citizen. Of course, Barack Obama's father was a citizen of Kenya.
The founding fathers, beginning with a letter from John Jay to George Washington, expressed concerns about foreign influences on our elected president. From this beginning, the constitution established a "natural born citizen" as a person born of two citizens of the United States. Constitutional experts may debate this interpretation, but Chester Arthur's actions in covering up his birth records certainly indicate that he agreed with that definition. Location of birth may not matter as much as the citizen status of the parents, as John McCain's situation attests.
There are four indisputable facts that neither "birthers" nor "birther bashers" cannot deny:
• First, there has never been a constitutional interpretation and validation of Barack Obama's constitutional status as a "natural born citizen". This can only be done by the Supreme Court, but a responsible approach would have included an examination and reading of this BEFORE, not after his nomination and election.
• Second, the right of citizens to question their leaders, their political parties, their courts and their media is among the most sacred rights that we have -- it is that same right that brought down Richard Nixon. Describing efforts to raise legitimate questions as being a "silly canard," an "absurd controversy," a "pointless distraction," and "a lie" (as expressed in your editorial) are clearly counterproductive and un-American.
• Third, recent "converts" to the "birther" side of the argument, such as Lou Dobbs of CNN, have not been converted by the arguments of the birthers, but rather by the intransigence of the Obama administration to reveal any records that might help us undedrstand who Barack Obama is. This includes medical records, college transcripts, and his record is a Illinois legislator, to name a few and all of which are sealed. If the "birther movement" is growing, as it seems to be, Barack Obama is the one fueling the fire.
• Fourth, there are many irregularities that add fuel to the fire. For example, Obama personally claims, at different times, to be born at two different hospitals in Hawaii. The birth announcement, referred to in the first paragraph of the editorial, appeared in two different Hawaiian newspapers and contains a home address where the Obama family never lived, according long-term neighbors. These are just a couple of things that might be cleared up by the release of the actual birth certificate.
If an internet site,, is sacred enough to view the alleged birth certificate, why should the American electorate be treated any less respectfully?
Although I have a couple of issues with HMV's interpretation of "natural born" citizen requirements -- they're small -- I thought his/her letter to the editor was well reasoned and deserved to be seen beyond Eligibility
Best Regards,
Netty Wisbaum, CCIM
6 hours ago
1 comment:
Your 4 points are well taken. Factcheck is full of bull, owned by the Annenberg Foundation which Obama and Ayers once sat on the Board. No bias there?
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