Saturday, July 18, 2009

Personal History of a Birther

How about a little personal history for what is behind me being a “birther”

I read the “Warren Report” and I believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was a lone gunman.

I have never seen a flying saucer, even though I have been a pilot and a FAA certified air traffic controlman.

I don’t believe that “Big Foot” exists.

I think Islamic terrorists took down the World Trade Center.

I don’t believe FEMA is planning to round up citizens and put them in concentration camps, and I don’t think swine flu is an international conspiracy.

The Lock Ness Monster is a fantasy.

I am certain that the Apollo mission actually went to the moon.

There are no more missing aircraft and ships in the so called “Bermuda Triangle” than in any other part of the earth with equivalent traffic.

After having reviewed the REAL science, I am convinced that Global Warming is a huge scam.

I have a PhD, and am in private practice as a psychotherapist, so more than likely I am not crazy.

Psychology today verification here:

I am a life time member of Mensa, so I am not stupid. Membership # 1061487

The guiding principles for my professional research for articles and books I write are the usual protocols of epistemology, scientific methodology, and rules of logic and the rules of evidence.

However, I am firmly convinced that AKA Obama is not eligible to be POTUS, and here is why:

If you read the articles at the link, and review the citations at the embedded links, you will be “literate” about the facts of the “eligibility” story and will be able to inform the public objectively.

AKA Obama Fans: All together now – say OMG!!

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