Makes Me Want to Stand Up and Cheer!
1 day ago
Carefully vetted news, articles and essays! Media won't report the facts - We must! - Please share! NOT WHITE HOUSE APPROVED!
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Losing inches and gaining health - naturally
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Where can we see a transcript of what this 'ballsy' woman says and asks, and the 'castrated' politico's response?
RUSH: This is a town meeting in Delaware. An unidentified woman and Representative Mike Castle have the following exchange. It's about Obama's birth certificate.
WOMAN: I want to go back to January 20th, and I want to know, why are you people ignoring his birth certificate? (cheers and applause) He is not an American citizen. He is a citizen of Kenya. I am American. My father worked -- fought in World War II with the Greatest Generation in the Pacific theater for this country, and I don't want this flag to change. I want my country back! (cheers and applause)
CASTLE: If you're referring to the president there, he is a citizen of the United States. (crowd shouting)
WOMAN: All the men and women who died for this country in 1776 'til the present time. I think we should all stand up and give Pledge of Allegiance to that wonderful flag (cheers and applause) people that sacrificed their lives for our freedom. Everybody stand up.
RUSH: State of Delaware, Mike Castle, town meeting, woman wants to know why nobody's interested in the fact that he hasn't shown anybody his birth certificate. If you couldn't understand her, she was saying he's a citizen of Kenya. I'm American. My father worked, fought in World War II, the greatest generation, Pacific theater for this country, and I don't want this flag to change. The crowd went nuts. There's all kinds of stuff bubbling up out there.
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