by Neil B. Turner, Juror, American Grand Jury - 11 July, 2009

Introduction: was launched in April 2009 as means for all patriotic Americans, anxious to maintain and save our Constitution, to make sure that all persons sworn-to-uphold-the-Constitution are held to that oath, and that our Constitution remains the Supreme Law of the Land.
American Grand Jury’s initial deliberations (over 10 ‘Grand Juries’ to date since April 2009) have concentrated on hearing evidence that Mr. Barry Soetoro (aka Barack Hussein Obama) is not Constitutionally qualified to be President of the United States, and that he has therefore committed FRAUD and TREASON by taking control of our White House, the office of President, and its ensuing title of Commander in Chief of our Armed Forces/Military.
As a juror on several Constitutionally authorized Citizen’s Grand Juries, duly formed, organized, and deliberated under the Foreman-ship of Mr. Bob Campbell of AZ – see, I have ‘served’ the ‘Presentments/Indictments’, with charges of Fraud and Treason against the Presumed President of the U.S., Barry Soetoro (aka Barack Obama) on several occasions (over 300 ‘serves’ have been made so far – a small part of over 3,191 jurisdictions where presentments can be served). My latest was served today via Priority Mail to her PO Box in Juneau, AK, and my OPEN LETTER TO GOVERNOR SARAH PALIN can be read below.
Should you, or any of your other patriotic friends, wish to participate in this historic and Constitutionally authorized process to save our Constitutional Republic from usurpation and overthrow, please go to this website (, _… follow the instructions, and begin serving your country by serving these charges to any one of these offices or Officers:
Constable or Sheriff; Law enforcement center; Municipal Court; City court building; County Court house; State or Federal Attorney; Judge; District Attorney or Assistant DA; Grand Jury empanelled by the Court (if in session); State or National Legislator, Governor or other Official.
Every Congress-member is by now aware that there are serious questions (plus unanswered criminal charges of TREASON) concerning Obama’s eligibility to serve as Commander in Chief. Yet they still let this usurping fraud continue ordering our military men and women into harm’s way. Please note the comment just received from a retired U.S. Marine who has just informed his local Congressmen of their liabilities and responsibilities in this matter. No one can plead innocent! They will all be guilty of MURDER, unless they act NOW!
“If just one of my fellow Marines in Afghanistan or Iraq dies because of this distracting, major NATIONAL SECURITY issue, I will personally hold the entire Congress responsible!”
“This dereliction of duty by every member of Congress must end now!"
Jeff Schwilk, MSGT USMC (Ret)___
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Letter:
Neil B. Turner
Carlsbad, CA 92008
July 7, 2009
Governor Sarah Palin
Alaska State Capitol Building
P.O. Box 110001
Juneau, AK 99811-0001
Phone (907) 465-3500
Fax (907) 465-3532
Dear Governor Palin;
Kudos, Governor. Kudos!
Your decision to ‘pass the reigns’ of Governorship of the great State of Alaska to your Lt. Governor, at a time when your skills, knowledge, dedication, abilities and insight are more urgently needed elsewhere, may well prove to be the most brilliant and propitious political move ever in our nation’s history; an act that may well lead to the saving of our Constitutional Republic.
As a former member of the U.S. Military (Capt., U.S. Army-Aviation, 1957-1964), I can not only hear the dedication you have for our Military when you speak, I can feel it as well. It helps me, as well as millions of other Americans, to renew my pride in being an American citizen of these Sovereign United States.
Governor Palin, I have also noticed the rapid erosion of our Constitutional rights, the passing (at a staccato pace) of innumerable unconstitutional laws, and the blatant attacks on our God-given inalienable rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, - not as a Democracy, but as a Constitutional Republic. As a result of this awareness (motivated by your VP candidacy last year), I became a juror on a 21st Century Citizen’s Grand Jury, one of which has recently issued a ‘True Bill’ Presentment/Indictment against Barack Hussein Obama, aka: Barry Soetoro, presumed President of the United States – Defendant. A copy of that Presentment/Indictment has been enclosed herewith.
This Citizen’s Grand Jury action has been endorsed, corroborated, and legitimized by SCOTUS Justice Antonin Scalia in a 1992 ruling when he said:
"Rooted in long centuries of Anglo-American history, … the grand jury is mentioned in the Bill of Rights, but not in the body of the Constitution. It has not been textually assigned, therefore, to any of the branches described in the first three Articles. It is a constitutional fixture in its own right.."
"In fact, the whole theory of its function is that it belongs to no branch of the institutional Government, serving as a kind of buffer or referee between the Government and the people."
I have enclosed a copy of this ‘Presentment’ in the hopes that you, as a sworn elected official - soon to be a ‘sworn-to-uphold-our-Constitution’ civilian - will get this indictment into the hands of a patriotic, honest, and duty-bound member of the judiciary or law enforcement – anywhere in these 50 United States of America – so as to order ‘Discovery’. I would be honored to provide you with any assistance you may need in the ‘serving’ of these indictments. (I personally served a set of Presentments from the May 9, 2009 American Grand Jury at the Williamson County District Court in Georgetown, TX on June 15, 2009 – copy of Cover page enclosed).
In August, as a sworn and patriotic civilian once again, you might just want to consider forming a Citizen’s Grand Jury in Alaska – to attack corruption on a local, regional, state-wide, or national level.
Finally, should you choose to pursue the Vice Presidency (or Presidency) as a strict Constitutionalist – in the new elections we will be demanding within 3 months of the imminent removal of the alleged Imposter (and the vacating of all his illegitimate appointments, signings, and Military and Executive Orders) – I will do everything in my power, along with tens of millions of oath-keeping and patriotic Americans, to see that you are elected to help lead a government that will once again represent We The People!
God Bless and Godspeed;
Neil B. Turner
Carlsbad, CA
Encl. (1 set) Presentments: American Grand Jury, June 24, 2009 (13 pages).
(1) Cover letter: State of Texas, Williamson County, FILED June 15, 2009
(Presentments: American Grand Jury, May 9, 2009).
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Governor Sarah Palin
Alaska State Capitol Building
P.O. Box 110001
Juneau, AK 99811-0001
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