Example of opinion rather than news or research:
Note - no citations - Rule, no citations? It's opinion!
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This is an example of how a science article should be written:
Death of Arctic Sea Ice Greatly Exaggerated - GoreGate has a ring to it. More literary value than WaterGate
Obama is a crook and a con-man. I have the choice and the right to hound him until he is driven out of office, this is if he is inaugurated. Electing Obama is the biggest mistake in the history of this country and millions of people see it as a crisis, not just another election.
I did not vote for "W" because I support him. I voted because Kerry was a danger to our country. I would vote for Hillary if I thought she was sincere about killing every terrorist we can find. I am not political, I am anti- terror and I will vote according to that priority.
I have been an Independent for years. My life time voting record: Johnson - Humphrey - McGovern - Carter - Anderson - Mondale - write in Sam Sewell (yep. I was so disgusted I voted for myself in '88 - Perot -Perot - Nader in 2000 - and finally Bush in 2004. I have lots of experience at backing losing candidates. Carter and Bush are the only Presidents I have voted for who won. So my voting record is Democratic, Independent and mostly loser. Bush is the first Republican I have ever voted for and that was because I couldn’t trust Kerry to defend the country.
Elections come and go. I am old enough to have weathered several shifts of power. This one if different. Obama was elected by the same people who would buy the Brooklyn bridge and send money to Nigeria to ransom millions of dollars for themselves.
"What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know. It's what we know for sure that just ain't so." - (Yogi Berra)
If possible, Obama needs to be stopped before taking office. If he is inaugurated he needs to be resisted, investigated, sued, undermined and harrased in ways that will make what the left did to Bush seem like a pep rally.
21 hours ago
1 comment:
I agree 100%. My husband and I got into a vry bad argument. He turned up the volumn so he dould not hear me. I want to send to the SC the Edwin Vieira Obama muststand p now or step down. It is a 10 page article and he tells the SC that Berg case was good and if they do not stop Obama then there is going to be massive blood shed in the streets. People will not take this man destryoying out Constituion. Dr. Vieira has 4 Harvard degrees and he is a Constitional Attorney and he know what he is talkinga about his website is www.newswithviews.com/Vieira/edwin84.htm
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