UPDATE: Rep. Linder's site is now back on line.
I was trying to track down solid information on John Linder (R-GA) and his reported decision to block the Obama vote in Congress.
Isn't this odd:
Both still down!
Current Elected Office Contact Information
Contact Rep. John Linder via Web Form.
Website: linder.house.gov
Washington, D.C. Office:1026 Longworth House Office Building,District of Columbia 20515-1007Phone: (202) 225-4272Fax: (202) 225-4696
Lawrenceville Office: (more district offices)
75 Langley DriveLawrenceville, Georgia 30045Phone: (770) 232-3005Fax: (770) 232-2909
14 hours ago
I have a screen capture of a story I read. Click on the "screen cap' text Check it out, I hope it is what you want.
Thanks 51773.
I already had your kindly provided link. The problem is that later J.D. Hayworth reported that Linder will not stand and object. So we are left with two conflicting stories.
If you see something that resolves this conflict please advise.
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