Has our mightiest governing document been rendered worthless?
By Jerry McConnell Sunday, December 28, 2008
It looks like the mighty and powerful United States of America is going to be stymied by a slick-talking smoothie again. No, it’s not Jimmy Carter or Bubba Clinton but it is another one who can rattle off a cunning phrase about as well as anyone I’ve ever heard. And if Clinton was known as “Slick Willie” this new fellow will have to be known as “Brazen Barry”. The rest of his name is Hussein Obama.
How else can you describe someone who can stand up to the entire citizenry of this great country of three hundred million residents and when asked to do something, simply say that he won’t do it? And even more brazenly, go completely against a U.S. Constitutional directive while even our omnipotent Supreme Court hasn’t got the power or directives to order compliance. The only man in the history of our country that is mightier than the highest court in our land; simply by refusing to comply.
Our Constitution has been weakened probably for the first time ever in its glorious 221 years of existence. I say weakened because when one person can just refuse to provide proof that he or she is qualified to meet a requirement of that august document and flat out get away with it, not only the moral fibers but the heart and soul of its contents are damaged and weakened. How now can anyone ever be sure that any other part of our lifeblood of administrative embodiment can not be also so denigrated and ignored?
Court challenges to Mr. Obama’s decision not to provide his original birth certificate as proof the Constitutional requirement for a candidate for the Office of the Presidency of the United States to be a natural born citizen have failed, with no further explanation or any recommended course of action. In other words, there is no way to enforce the requirements of the Constitution. God help this country when its strongest governing document is rendered helpless. What other mischief might another clever legal deviant thrust on our people now that the precedent for refusal to divulge has been established and accepted by our highest court?
This is a very secretive person that a majority of our country’s citizens have elected to the highest office in the land. We know very little about the man and, it would seem, only what he wants us to know. There is no question that he is of Islamic heritage and training, as both his father and step-father were Muslims, his mother was an atheist. During the presidential primary in 2008 Obama claimed to have been converted to Christianity “20 years ago.” He has never stated what faith he “converted” from, but it is known that he did attend an Islamic school for at least two years while living in Indonesia.
Little is known about how he obtained the necessary finances to attend two of the most expensive and prestigious universities in America, Columbia and Harvard. He has consistently refused to make any of his collegiate documents a matter of public record as he has similarly done concerning his official birth record.
What is this man afraid of by having his records sealed off to the public? Is there incriminating information in these records? Is there verifying information that he is not a natural born citizen of the United States? Is there verifying information that he is a full-fledged Islamic Muslim and his “conversion” to Christianity was a possible cover for other devious ventures such as winning our presidency?
What other documents will he forbid being seen once he becomes President? Will he negotiate secret plans with our enemies that will harm the sovereignty of our nation? Will he secretly dismantle our strong defenses against attack that have protected us since the infamous “9/11” incident?
Isn’t there anyone with the strength, intelligence, and ability to get the information we should have about this man who will sit in our highest office?
Is there another Ronald Reagan or Teddy Roosevelt out there? If so, please step forward and soon.
Jerry McConnell is a longtime resident of planet earth with one half century on the seacoast of NH. He is a community activist but promises not to run for President and he feeds ACORN’s to the squirrels. He can be emailed at lethrneck@comcast.net with complaints or the editor at letters@canadafreepress.com with favorables.
5 hours ago
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