Obama's Hawaiian Vacation: Bodysurfing, Boogie-boarding, and Birth Certificate?
By Rick Saunders, America's Right
Berg v. Obama, perhaps the last case still standing--no pun intended ... okay, maybe a little--before the U.S. Supreme Court and drawing into question whether Barack Obama is eligible to serve as president goes before the Justices in conference on January 9, 2009.
At that conference, detailed earlier by America’s Right, the Justices will take up the question of whether Philip Berg’s petition for certiorari (the normal vehicle to compel the Court to review an asserted erroneous decision of a lower court) should be granted. The core issue, however, will not be whether Obama is a "natural born Citizen," a requirement of the U.S. Constitution for any person to be eligible to take office and serve as president. Rather, the threshold question will be whether Berg possesses the requisite "standing" or "stake in the outcome" of the substantive legal citizenship issue to warrant allowing him entry into the Court in the first place to even make the argument.
Thus far, several others have tried to get the issue before the Court, but none have yet succeeded. Meanwhile, the mainstream media--always attentive to the crying needs of the U.S. Supreme Court for those objective, unbiased facts necessary to make "correct" decisions on matters of importance--continues to either (a) ignore the substantive citizenship issue; (b) denigrate and trivialize the "tinfoil hat" nature of those who would have the temerity to even question Obama’s citizenship; or (c) do some not-so-stealth amicus curiae ("friend of the court") briefing, camouflaged as "reporting," assuring everyone that Obama is, in fact, a natural born citizen.
One great example of that unfolding masquerade is now seen in the stories covering Obama’s family vacation to Hawaii. The only thing missing is the Family Truckster. Arriving there instead in a chartered United Airlines 767, the reporters dutifully relate that Obama is vacationing back "in his home state" and has returned to "his native Hawaii" for the holidays.
Home state? Native Hawaii? What, pray tell, happened to Illinois?
And, Virginia, lest you have any confusion over the objectives of the "amicus journalism" going on, the Associated Press and MSNBC go for the whole enchilada, assuring everyone--including, perhaps, those nine kind folks getting set to conference next January 9--that "[t]he president-elect was born in Hawaii." Here's more of that wonderful, hard-hitting journalism:
On their last family vacation to the islands in August, Obama went bodysurfing and took his daughters, Malia, 10, and Sasha, 7, snorkeling at Hanauma Bay, a nature reserve that is one of Hawaii's most popular tourist destinations.
The family also visited the USS Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor, walked along the beach and ate shave ice.
In fairness, snorkeling and shave ice aside, it may very well be that Obama was, in fact, born in Hawaii. On the other hand, however, legitimate and substantive “non-tinfoil hat” questions remain which cast substantial, reasonable doubt on that claim. And, given the ease with which these questions could be answered by Obama through merely authorizing the full and complete disclosure of his "vault" birth certificate and related documents by Hawaiian authorities, including the Governor of Hawaii (who had ordered his birth records sealed), the burning and ever-pertinent question remains -- why does he continue to stonewall disclosure? If, as he inferentially claims, he is eligible to serve as president, the documents now sealed from public view should be unveiled.
If he is a natural born citizen and thus, presumably, has nothing to hide on the matter--and since the issue would be buried once and for all through disclosure, thereby promoting the "change" and governmental "transparency" he has promised--why won’t he just do it? Hey, he’s already there in Hawaii, fer cryin’ out loud, and the governor as well as the hospital's records vault custodian are but two phone calls and a short SUV convoy jaunt away.
They could even stop for more shave ice on the way back. Make it a family affair.
Regardless, Obama should heed Spike Lee’s advice and "do the right thing." We are not, after all, talking about a person’s eligibility to serve as PR spin-meister to Illinois Gov. Rod "Hot Rod" Blagojevich -- we’re talking about eligibility to serve as the president of the United States of America.
But don’t hold your breath. Don't bet the ranch, or the farm or the pineapple plantation that President-Elect Barack Obama will do anything of the sort. Messiahs, after all, don’t stoop to things like that.
Rick Saunders is a freelance writer who splits his time between endeavors in southern California and the American southwest. He began writing for America's Right in December 2008.
5 hours ago
Each and every member of Congress should be notified that he or she is personally liable (can be sued) for his or her own failure, or the same in conspiracy with other members, to perform what is a ministerial and constitutional duty, that is, to require and/or insist that Presidential electoral votes only be counted for candidates who are “natural born citizens” under Article II of the United States Constitution, the failure of which creates a cause of action for deprivation of claimants’ constitutional rights (as allowed under the Bivens case) against employees of the Federal Government, in this case, to a lawful President and Commander in Chief, and therefore, for deprivation of adequate continuation of the United States as a Constitutional Republic. The constitutionally tortious conduct is not subject to congressional immunity and would be the jettison of Article II of the Constitution by failure to stop and/or object to the counting of electoral votes for Barack H. Obama who has admitted that at the time of his birth his father was a Kenyan/British citizen and not a citizen of the United States of America.
A 767?! Is that really necessary? Where are the environmentalists?
And "home state" --- when I visit my home state, I don't stay on posh estates and behave like a tourist. I stay with family and we simply hang out together.
The Obamas are settling into the lap of luxury so fast, it makes my head spin.
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