A poll published in America Online suggests enduring interest in the question of whether Barack Hussein Obama is in fact eligible to be President according to the Constitution.
In the unscientific straw poll, of the more than 83,000 people responding, more than 50% believe that the issue has "merit" as opposed to 44% who do not. Even "blue states" show a majority who consider the issue a legitimate one worthy of continued investigation.
The controversy of whether Obama is a "natural born citizen" as required by Article Two of the Constitution revolves around two issues: whether he was in fact born in Hawaii as he claims or in Kenya as his living grandmother and others claim, and whether his dual citizenship at birth or subsequently affects his eligibility to be President.
Obama and his campaign have yet to produce original paper certificates of birth, only a computer-generated certification that does not conclusively address the location of his birth.
Obama is believed to have spent close to a million dollars in legal fees rather than producing the paper birth certificate.
The Supreme Court in recent weeks has declined to take on further discussion of cases that challenge Obama's eligibility, but that has not sated the curiosity and concern that many Americans evidently feel about the issue. There remain several cases and campaigns that challenge Obama on the citizenship issue, including one by Alan Keyes.
A Nation Truly Divided
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This is part of an ongoing poll and as you can see we are really divided. Does anyone care? I doubt it. We the people have no say in our government anymore. The government doesn’t work for the people. They run over us like we don’t even exist.
Do any of you who voted for Barack H Obama really know who he is or even care. Did we witness the death of the constitution in the United States in 2008? Aside from seeing a fake Certificate that was on what else do you know about Barack H Obama. He was the president of the Harvard Law Review. Have you ever seen anythign he wrote? There are alot of entries in the net as to Barack Obama’s history but they are all recent entries no doubt put online by the Obama Camp.
This year Barack Obama was elected president but the mood in the nation is all but relaxed. There is an uneasy feeling. Half the nation doesn’t trust Mr Obama. Half will not accept his Presidency. How can a man govern a nation where half the people don’t want him. Just the fact that he is paying many lawyers to keep his information from being seen by the public is one of the reasons people don’t trust him. He ran on a platform of transparency in government yet he isn’t transparant at all. What are you hiding Mr Obama?
Today the Supreme Court denied to stay the electoral vote. A sad day in history when the people who are supposed to uphold the constitution fail to do their duty. We weren’t asking for Mr Obama’s blood just a simple thing, to prove without a doubt he is a “natural born citizen”. I can imagine this morning Barack Obama was dancing thinking to himself “YES” no law in this country can touch me. Think again Mr Obama the lawsuits will never stop. We will keep fighting you until we get proof of who you are and where you came from.
As for the Senators, Congressmen and other elected officials on both sides your days are numbered we will continue to fight and 2010 elections are right around the corner. Some of you may be on the unemployment lines. There is no more Republican or Democratic party is was all a farce. A new party is on the horizon and we will have our day to rid the government we have now of corruption. Enjoy your stay in Washington and your jobs while you still have them.
Tomorrow is a new day and the beginning of the end for politics as you have come to know them.
This 50-50 division in America on the issue of whether the man who may soon be sworn in will actually BE its legal president does not bode well.
Exactly! Obama refuses to disclose his birth certificate, his Occidental records, his Columbia records, his Harvard records, his records from 8 years as a State Senator, his complete medical records, his Selective Service records (if any), and a list of all of his donors who gave less than $200 to his campaign. Yes, the Messiah of "transparency" couldn't get a job as a dog catcher with such a record of concealment, and yet the American people are stupid enough to entrust him with the fate of our country.
AOL online polls are about the least acurate polls there are.
This is going no where but is entertaining to watch you guys grasp for straw untill the very end
Your right about AOL polls.
Your wrong the outcome.
wanna bet?
Sure, here are the terms of my bet.
If I win you will post nothing but facts with substantiation in your comments on this blog.
If you win I will highlight your unsubstatiated opinions on the front page of the blog.
I dont need near that much attention. You can just acknowledge our Commander in Chief as legitimately elected by the people.
Not because they are crazy or uninformed but because it was their choice and they made it.
But yes Ill agree to your side regardless. Ill also keep my original bet and become a card carrying Republican.
Please don't do that! There are way too many fake Republicans now.
Anonymous said...
"I dont need near that much attention. You can just acknowledge our Commander in Chief as legitimately elected by the people.
Not because they are crazy or uninformed but because it was their choice and they made it."
Believing a con-man doesn't make it less of a con.
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