Does America have one honest, courageous senator?
If God gives us one senator to take this to the Supreme Court, representatives will also be found.
This remains a critical time at the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) and courts below. One lower court ruled in September that federal courts do not have jurisdiction to hear challenges to presidential candidates' eligibility until after Congress certifies Monday's Electoral College vote (mandated for January 8). This is now being tested by petitions to the SCOTUS seeking injunctions against that very certification.
Is the SCOTUS holding review of any of its earlier natural born Citizen cases as "pending," though the Donofrio and Wrotnowski petitions for injunction against the popular and Electoral College votes have been denied? Are they keeping them on file as it were, for potential reference or formal review, when further challenges to Obama's candidacy (in addition to the Berg case) occur, immediately after January 8?
On January 8, if at least one U.S. senator and at least one representative object to the certification of the Electoral College vote, they must confer and caucus. Then, if the Congress still certifies the vote for Obama, these objecting congressmen would theoretically have the greatest standing before the Supreme Court. Are there such members of Congress who will take this before the Court?
If not, who will the SCOTUS deem worthy of being granted a writ of certiorari -- to have their case given a formal review and decision? Upon what grounds? Who will come forward and whose case(s) will be allowed into the chamber?
These are questions I.O. is attempting to answer where possible, or at least provide a reasonable "weather report."
Some of these cases are based in large part, upon Barack Obama's foreign citizenship at birth, by inheritance from his father; others, chiefly about his withholding of his actual and original birth certificate.
Since Barack Obama's father (BHO I) was apparently an U.K. citizen when BHO II was born, by the original intent and understanding of the Constitution, he was never a natural born Citizen as that term was meant and therefore unable to serve as United States President. That, by the careful interpretation of the Constitution's framers, based upon authoritative sources, corroborated by pertinent contemporaneous commentary, and unhindered by case law. See I.O's "Daddy Says No! - Articles Assessing the Constitution's "Natural Born Citizen" Clause, Barack Hussien Obama I, and BHO II" among the articles below.
Then, there is the original, authoritative birth certificate. Why has Obama spent nearly $1M to keep it unseen? If it disqualifies him, Obama may be guilty of criminal fraud -- major criminal fraud.
Numerous of the civil cases also point out that due to his apparent Indonesian citizenship as a child, Obama has since become a naturalized citizen, or else he is an illegal alien.
Whatever Obama's particulars are (and America does deserve to see his actual birth certificate) there is no apparent "out" here -- no sound explanation but that Barack Obama is constitutionally disqualified from being sworn in, on January 20. His candidacy has been legally fictitious from the Iowa Caucuses, onward. Each ballot was an injury and insult to the Sovereign American Voter.
I.O. will also continue to refer to top links covering the Fitzgerald investigations, branching out from the prosecution of Obama's financier middle-man and slumlord, the Arab oil-moneyed Tony Rezko (his sentencing delayed again as he sings) and now extending to the charges against Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, and beyond.
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20 hours ago
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