Ask yourself the question “who is behind the President?” Ask a second question: If the Saudis could place a Manchurian Candidate in the office of the Presidency – one who is not an American citizen, but who could cover it by means of intimidation and a willing conspiratorial press, what would the Saudis have him do as soon as he arrived in office?
Now compare your answer to the second question with the steps Barack Hussein Obama has actually taken:
· His first phone call was to Abbas, the leader of the Palestinian Authority and al Fatah;
· His first interview was on al-Arabiya News Channel, where he apologized for the United States;
· His first appointment of an envoy to Syria was the appointment of George Soros;
· He bankrolled Hamas out of Whitehouse funds to the tune of $23 million, following Israel’s invasion of Gaza to stop the missile strikes;
· He immediately adopted the Saudi Plan as policy for Israel, which favors a contiguous Palestinian state (that is, a geographic area that connects Gaza with the West Bank and includes Jerusalem – necessarily dividing Israel);
· He dismissed charges against the perpetrators of the bombing of the USS Cole;
· He announced the shut-down of Gitmo, and apologized to the Islamic world for its existence;
· He announced that his first summit would be an Islamic summit to be held in Indonesia (where he plans to speak in Indonesian);
· He turned a blind eye to Iran’s launch of a satellite capable of triangulating coordinates for ICBMs that Iran is furiously trying to develop for the delivery of nuclear weapons;
· He turned a blind eye to the release of Khan, Pakistan’s top nuclear scientist who is believed to be the very person to have delivered nuclear bomb technology to North Korea;
· He intends to eliminate our anti-ballistic missile defense program;
· He intends to reduce our nuclear weapons arsenal by 75%;
· He intends to reduce our military budget by 25%;
· He has reneged on developing nuclear power;
· He continues to block off-shore or expanded drilling;
· He continues to try and block the production of coal (45% of our electric generating capability);
Is it really that shocking that he would show homage, loyalty, fealty and submission to the Saudi king?
Attorney at Law, P.S.
Now compare your answer to the second question with the steps Barack Hussein Obama has actually taken:
· His first phone call was to Abbas, the leader of the Palestinian Authority and al Fatah;
· His first interview was on al-Arabiya News Channel, where he apologized for the United States;
· His first appointment of an envoy to Syria was the appointment of George Soros;
· He bankrolled Hamas out of Whitehouse funds to the tune of $23 million, following Israel’s invasion of Gaza to stop the missile strikes;
· He immediately adopted the Saudi Plan as policy for Israel, which favors a contiguous Palestinian state (that is, a geographic area that connects Gaza with the West Bank and includes Jerusalem – necessarily dividing Israel);
· He dismissed charges against the perpetrators of the bombing of the USS Cole;
· He announced the shut-down of Gitmo, and apologized to the Islamic world for its existence;
· He announced that his first summit would be an Islamic summit to be held in Indonesia (where he plans to speak in Indonesian);
· He turned a blind eye to Iran’s launch of a satellite capable of triangulating coordinates for ICBMs that Iran is furiously trying to develop for the delivery of nuclear weapons;
· He turned a blind eye to the release of Khan, Pakistan’s top nuclear scientist who is believed to be the very person to have delivered nuclear bomb technology to North Korea;
· He intends to eliminate our anti-ballistic missile defense program;
· He intends to reduce our nuclear weapons arsenal by 75%;
· He intends to reduce our military budget by 25%;
· He has reneged on developing nuclear power;
· He continues to block off-shore or expanded drilling;
· He continues to try and block the production of coal (45% of our electric generating capability);
Is it really that shocking that he would show homage, loyalty, fealty and submission to the Saudi king?
Attorney at Law, P.S.
There is a Perfect STorm brewing with all this inforamtion that we are taking to the FBI and Supreme Court and all justices. We are in for a brutal storm that we have never seen. Obama is speaking in Europe like he is campainging for "KING OF THE WORLD". He is facing a big storm by taking over the internet and stopping us from drilling for oil in Amrica
I think he is in for trouble if the FBI askes for his documentation of his eligibilily for President. I just sent my Representitave an email asking him to ask Obama for his bc and copy of his passports and school records. I dared him to ask for these things. I told if he asked he would not be a representataive for long as Obama will get rid of him
Our son was off camping at Gettysburg with his BSA troop and when he arrived home today I asked if he had heard about the President.
Scout: No
Mom: He bowed the king of Saudi Arabia
Scout: (stared straight at me) Americans bow to no one except God.
The kid gets it. Wish everyone else did.
(Glad to see you liked the debt star poster)
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