7 hours ago
Carefully vetted news, articles and essays! Media won't report the facts - We must! - Please share! NOT WHITE HOUSE APPROVED!
Naturally Feel Younger and Live Longer - Why We Age! Jamie McManus, MD -
Losing inches and gaining health - naturally
Do you really want that government flu shot?
Natural Solutions to Male Health Risk from Toxins
Looks like the Steady Drip is working on AKA Obama.
Having studied Economics in Biz School, I am learned in reading graphs.
These graphs are AMAZING folks!
I won't bore you like an Economist and detail each and every bend in these curves, but let it suffice to say Milton Friedman and Art Laffer were right on!
Bring back the Laffer Curve!
Bring back Fiscal Responsibility!
Bring back Balanced Budgets!
We the People want Our Country back!
Rassmussen's polls have beenout of step with all the rest
Youll notice that the RCP average is pretty stable and would have been a wet dream for bush at anytime in the last 4 years
RCP Average 03/31 - 04/14 --
Approve 61.0 Disaprove 30.4 Difference +30.6
Rassmussen is Hannitys BFF and has lost all credibility.
Rasmussen has consistently been more accurate than RCP. But that wouldn't take much. If RCP would eliminate the highest and lowest results and then average their remaining results they would be more accurate. As it is their method is structured in such a way that they are almost never right.
From Pew Research Center
"This "approval gap" is 10 points bigger (less approval) than George W. Bush's at this point in his presidency, despite Mr. Bush winning a bitterly contested election."
Ok lets do what you just said here they are
Poll Date Sample Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Average 03/31 - 04/14 -- 61.0 30.4 +30.6
Gallup 04/11 - 04/14 1547 A 63 28 +35
Rasmussen Reports 04/12 - 04/14 1500 LV 55 44 +11
Ipsos/McClatchy 04/02 - 04/06 1138 A 63 33 +30
Pew Research 03/31 - 04/06 1506 A 61 26 +35
CNN 04/03 - 04/05 1023 A 66 30 +36
CBS News/NY Times 04/01 - 04/05 998 A 66 24 +42
Marist 04/01 - 04/03 928 RV 56 30 +26
Newsweek 04/01 - 04/02 1003 A 61 27 +34
FOX News 03/31 - 04/01 900 RV 58 32 +26
Well Rassmusen is the lowes tso lets throw it out CBS is the highest lets throw that out too.
Fox tied for second lowest CNN 2nd highest.
that leaves 5 which avg to +32 which actually gives him a better spread.
Ok, but the article is based on a whole different premise.
The premise offered is "subtract the number of strong detractors from the number of strong approvers to arrive at the approval index" That is not what RCP does.
So the "apples and oranges" logical fallacy applies.
Yeah but your only highlighting it because that particular question in that particular poll is the only one you can find that has that sort of spread.
The middle of the roaders are the heart and soul of polls and getting a feel on the pulse of the country. They arent the ones strongly feeling either way. Infact before you started posting polls of that question Ive never seen it even mentioned ever really.
I think its a cherry pick dont you?
No, it is honestly and accurately measuring things in a way that you would not like to see the measured.
Here is an authentic example of dishonest polling: http://thesteadydrip.blogspot.com/2009/04/cbs-obama-poll-misleads.html
I posted it just for you.
But by your own statement:
If RCP would eliminate the highest and lowest results and then average their remaining results they would be more accurate.
It would be thrown out, you continue to highlight this poll because its the only one that you think gives credence to your theory that Obamas #s are in a tailspin when the clearly arent by all other polling.
As a Psychologist I know you understand statistics you cant honestly look at that list of polling #s and then trumpet this one poll that shows what you want as being the most accurate when by any objective standard it would be considered an outlier.
I looked at your article about the CBS Poll sure we can throw that one out as well.
You clever fellow. You have uncovered the carefully hidden anti-Obama agenda of this blog!
Its not that I've uncovered it I just am challenging the logic behind it.
Check out the logic here: http://thesteadydrip.blogspot.com/2009/04/my-conclusion-obama-will-be-indicted.html
Please read the links included as well. This lays out my basic case against Obama. Since you come from a totally different pardign I would sincerely like your objective, not rehtorical, response to the case I am making.
One of my legal advisers said this:"Your conclusion is the only logical conclusion.
Remember President Nixon?
His alleged "crimes" were minor in comparison to BO's high crimes."
Ok I read it but Id like to know what high crimes you think he will be indicted on and what court you think is going to issue them before I give you my response.
B.S. Even Evelyn Wood couldn't have read all that in such a short time. Besides, you question is answered in the documents I linked.
Please, I really want your "considered" opionion not a point counter point debate.
Well I had read the post you linked too but not all the others at the bottom. I just scanned the others and heres my opinion.
Your dreaming. Heres why I say that look Im no constitutional scholar and certainly not a lawyer but I employ logic and human nature in order to understand these issues.
As Ive told you before if this had had any legs to it Obamas enemies and competition would have buried him for it long ago.
Seriously put yourself in the shoes of the DNC higher ups, they would have examined this and told him dude u dont qualify because we could have run Al Franken last year and still won. 2nd Ok lets say that they didnt know or didnt care. Why isnt Hannity, Rush, Savage Levin and Fox news on this 24/7? They live for this crap its a ratings bananza!!!!
Your answer before is that they are in on the conspiracy. Ok what would you tell your client if they came in telling you about a big government conspiracy like this that they were going to put right?
It just doesnt add up, I cant see any scenario where the "American grad jury" posses the tinniest threat to Obama. You guys would be better severed to organize your arguments against the policies you disagree with and fight that fight because theres no way your are going to have him removed on legal grounds. Just look at the responses you guys have gotten from the repub politicians youve contacted on this issue and you have your answer.
I think it is inevitable and you think it is impossible.
The big question for me is; What do we want to do with soon to be ex-President Obama?
Do we prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law?
Do we give him a break for revealing his co-conspirators and testifying against them?
Do we pardon him?
Do we lobby for court ordered psychotherapy?
Remove him and get him into therapy is my preferable answer.
After all, he is the way he is because he was abused an neglected as a child. Besides you can not punish the offender without punishing his wife and children. So be firm and forgiving.
Repentance and redemption rather than prison for the rest of his life is my wish for AKA.
and you call us crazy
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