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I can only say "Thank You" for everyone's support and encourage them to pass along my articles and any others that expose Obama and the Major Media.
Write and call the media people and write to their advertisers. Don't remain silent any longer. We have taken all we are going to take and we need to let them know that. Because, "The Cockroaches scatter when you turn on the lights."
And please support Sam for being in this fight. Nothing in life is free. Please contribute to his efforts to keep us free.
Thank you
Mark S.
CNN and MSNBC: Sexual Degenerates and Liars
Mark S. McGrew
In all 50 States of the United States of America, Tea Parties were held to protest massive government waste and oppression. The counts of how many people attended these peaceful rallies are still coming in. Early estimates are over 1 million people and may go as high as 3 million or more. The day of objecting to government bailouts for corporate crooks and a government who refuses to respect its citizens took place on a weekday, when most people go to their jobs or have classes.
The protests against a government out of control took place in over 2,000 locations, the largest protest in American history.
It is possible that more would have shown up if they were not required to be elsewhere.
The major news networks, except FOX News, spent the day ridiculing, harassing and insulting honest Americans who have a Constitutional Right to protest their government. They continuously lied to their viewers as to the reason for this enormous protest.
They said it was to protest taxes or any number of ridiculous claims. Other than FOX, Major Media steadfastly refused to report any truth about Who, What, Where, When, and Why.
All stories are composed of those 5 Ws. Each W was used as a test to see just how much lying and ridicule the viewers would accept.
The hideous demon witch from another dimension, CNN reporter Susan Roesgen's insidious verbal aggression against Illinois demonstrators infuriated the crowd. When they returned her insults she crept away, behind her barricade with security guards and turned to the camera and told the viewers that the protesters were "anti-CNN". No, Susan, they are anti-loudmouth, lying, hysterical, insulting lunatics, like you. For whatever reason, CNN shut down her email at 8:32pm the day after the protests.
This video of her is before and after the CNN camera operators got smart and pulled her plug. You can see for yourself what American viewers have to put up with to try to get some truthful news of our own Country.
But the most despicable actions of the spit polished, shiny faced, smiling Jack newscasters was their steady bombardment of their viewers with sexually depraved insults against the protesters.
America’s Major Media, with no moral boundaries, brought their filthy, trashy mouths into the homes of decent, honest, churchgoing people with children present.
The term “Teabagging” will not be explained here. Adults will figure it out and children don’t need to know. Most of us had no idea what it was, until having the term constantly shouted at us by Major News degenerates.
It’s amazing how these people come up with the same insults, the same lies, the same arrogant attitudes and the same sexual deviate analogies at the same time on the same day.
CNN anchor Anderson Cooper made "teabagging" references while the CNN analyst, David Gergen, made snide comments about Republicans "searching for their voice." And "It's hard to talk when you're teabagging,"
MSNBC's David Shuster, "Teabagging day for the right wing and they are going nuts for it." The rallies were "full-throated" and "toothless," and "They want to give President Obama a strong tongue-lashing and lick government spending." And he just couldn’t keep from mentioning how the protesters "whipped out" the demonstrations this past week.
Questioning whether these are sexually explicit jokes or not, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow and her disgusting guest, Air America's Ana Marie Cox, were happy to explain. By one count, the two of them used the word "teabag" more than 50 times on one show. Ana Marie Cox informed an unknowing audience, with no room for doubt that she is one sick cookie, when she told us to see for the term "teabagging."
"Well, there is a lot of love in teabagging," Cox said. This is one seriously disgusting, sick, psychopathic animal to be bringing this kind of filth into people’s homes.
What this all means to me is that the major news networks are scared of losing their rankings and their jobs. They see newspapers going bankrupt and closing and they know they are next if they don’t get more viewers. Some idiot from Harvard Law School must have told them to “Get in you viewer’s faces and show them how disgusting you are.”
And as in all things in this brave new World of Obama, they had to bring up the cowardly racist American male.
Janeane Garofalo, who plays a small role in Keifer Sutherland’s show “24” was on MSNBC's "The Countdown" with Keith Olbermann Thursday evening. This dysfunctional creature from Hell said, “It's about hating a black man in the White House. This is racism straight up and is nothing but a bunch of teabagging rednecks. There is no way around that.
The Republican party has crystallized into the white power movement".
As for the only Major news reporting the truth, FOX Broadcasting, Garofalo, with bizzarre hatred, could only relate FOX to the Ku Klux Klan, "Who else is Fox talking to? Urban older white guys and their girlfriends who suffer from Stockholm Syndrome.”
These people brought lies, rascism and sexual acts into your living room, shouting out a sexual term that few of us knew, until we and our children were shown where to find the defintion of “Teabagging”. What else, besides lies and pornography will they expose our children to? Anything they want and you won’t know it until it is too late.
Words can not describe how Major Media has violated our trust and will do so again. Is it any wonder major Newspapers have been going out of business?
To object to the behavior of CNN and MSNBC, you may file a complaint at the Federal Communications Commission, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau, Consumer Complaints at 445 12th Street, SW, Washington, D.C. 20554. Or call 1-888-CALL-FCC (1-888-225-5322), or Email to: . Include this article to explain the nature of your complaint. You may also go to their web site at
Don’t let these people get away with bringing their filthy behavior into your home.
Mark S. McGrew may be reached at
Aristotle the Hun notes:
I am far from prudish and I didn't knwo what the meening was. If you must know what these people are talking about on prime time news that comes into you home:
Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither the immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor sexual perverts, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God.
11 hours ago
Hi Hun. I saw your blog link from the Patriotic Resistance. I like what I see. I signed up as a follower for your blog. I have been doing a lot of political blogging lately, too.
Legally Remove Garofolo from "24."
24, dare I say it, SUX! now that the CommunNitWits took over.
Mark, I think you gave Susan whats her name far too much credit but other than that this was a well written article.
The Hun runs Steady Drip the right way. He actually edits on the front end.
What a novel concept!
They should hire the Hun as President of MSM Editing and maybe those guys could stay in business.
I had no idea what Tea Baggin meant until it came out of Cooper's mouth. When does Cooper's vacation start?
Let me know and I will turn CNN again.
why is it the MSM does not cover such rallies as the TEA BAG day on March 15. I was to be there but it was raining and being in a wheelchair you cannot get your controler wet and I had noting to cover my legs. I feel like the print media is going away very fast and the the MSM will not cover anything unles it bows down to Obama and what a great man. WEll he is not. He cannot lead and he cannot build confidence in our USA. He is uselss as is the reporter for CNN and Rachel Matthews I sent CNN Cooper a email telling him how I will not view his 360 show any longer for his comments about teabagging. I told him he should appoligize to every reporter and to every citizen in America. His comments were uncalled for and should not of been spoken
Thank you Mark McGrew for such a good article. I read everyone one of them that is on this site.
I too had no idea what "teabagging" meant so I looked it up and was truly shocked. But I was not shocked that the left would redefine another perfectly good word to mean something filthy, e.g., gay, queer, etc. The dumb clucks probably believe that's what the original Boston Tea Party was about. Sadly, there are 67 million of them. Tom2
It is clear the real threat to US citizens is the US government Homeland Security Department! Radical Left Wing Extremists have Infiltrated "homeland Security" and US citizens are now considered "right wing Extremists" if they only question Obama's policies! America has been subverted by Obama who is a Radical Left Wing Extremist that has place other radical left wing extremists in "homeland security" and through out the government. The biggest threat to Americans security is the Obama administration and his fellow comrades who are subverting our freedoms everyday!
This report: Rightwing Extremism:
Current Economic and Political
Climate Fueling Resurgence in
Radicalization and Recruitment
It is a declaration of war against the American people and our constitution. It is a prelude to extreme gun control legislation and hate speech laws targeting Christian churches and others who oppose abortion and same sex marriage
[I agree it is a declaration of war against the American People and our constitution. So I suggest Americans who love freedom and are willing to fight and die for it get ready for the comming revolution.]
Someone please give the exact dates and times of these objectionable programs so that we can file a complaint with the FCC. They require specific details. Thank you.
Web Site Files DMCA Counter-Notice Against CNN; FCC to Review “Gutter Talk” Complaints
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